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Offline savethekids

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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2010, 01:33:11 AM »
The householders are able to pull the wool over everyones eyes as, they always say that they "know" what kinda girls we deal with. I BIGGEST mistake ever sent my daughter there she was there for 3 months, I just wanted to help her as she had gotten involved with the wrong crowd and started drinking nad falling behind in school. While she was there she didn't even do school. I called and complained to DHS for educational neglect nothing was done ! Sounds like, the girl that just ran away also was educational neglected as well. You are right Mr. Householder "brags" that he is friends with the police and they do not do anything! they chalk it up to disgruntaled parents/kids. I also put in a report to attorney generals office ,NOTHING! they told me they havent' replied yet! Well, how can they get away with fraud and deciet, we are talking thousands of dollars not just pocket change! Also over price the charge of EVERYTHING! they charge $300 uniform fee which are clothes that even goodwill wouldn't sell. They also have the girls claim to get saved in front of the people at the church that supports them as have the sponsors believing that they are really changing and transforming the girls lifves. It's all a SCAM we are paying them to abuse our children, not knowingly as they claim to be a loving, caring Christ centered place. Which is far from the truth! My daughter had to do push-ups in horse poop,and was tormented daily! I really wish I hadn't taken the 3rd part recommendation and had done more research on my own!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2010, 02:15:24 AM »
When I worked the research on this facility I found:

1) It is correct that one of the staffmembers work with the police. It is not seldom sight, because the police has not a lot of money and they welcome the equipment private people will give them and sometime it is a payment to turn their eyes away.
2) Any school in Missouri can be run without supervision if they state that it is a religious school. It would take a murder to close it down. It did happen at another boarding school called "Mountain Park Academy".

What can be done if you are a parent considering residential treatment? I guess the only option is to scan the net for students who have been there and interview them. Educational consultants are paid referral fees, so they will not interfere. No officials will interfere, because the schools will locate themselves in a community with no oversight.

And it is not done with interviewing one student. Some of the families have been left in debt and the students know that the college fund is empty. While they might have hated it there, they know that a lot of the school will reward a private referral with a refund of one months payment. Who would not be tempted to go for the money in that situation?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline savethekids

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Girls that have been to CIRCLE OF HOPE!!!
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2010, 10:06:40 AM »
Please measge me or post reply with your contact info. I am trying to avocate for you and stop the householders from the education, emotional and physical abuse that had imposed on you and the girls that are currently in his care! Please contact me I sent my daughter there (regretfully) and I have been in contact with news report, to help advocate for you and put them out of business but I need you to talk to him so he has FACTS from you all that have been there my daughter and me as well. If you know any other girls that have been there also have them contact me the more armed we are the better ! Thanks and blessings to you !
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2010, 03:50:45 PM »
First step is to create support / social groups for former residents and relatives opposing the methods they use there.

When we have found about the methods, the so-called education etc. is not rare for this type of "boarding school" in this particular state. We have not found out whether the manager has past history at another "boarding school" or he just was inspired by others.

There are no oversight of "boarding schools" in Missouri if they state that they use the ACE-curriculum and operate on religious basis.

You sent your daughter. If it had gone their way she would have returned home scared to open up about her experiences and without knowledge of the adresses of the other girls so they cannot find anyone confirming their stories. Who will believe that something like this could happen now where we write year 2010?

Here is a newflash for owners of facilities like Circle of Hope Ranch. We are living in the age of distribution of information. Our organization cannot shut a place down, but we can collect information and concentrate it so all the loose ends are joined together to the whole picture can be seen.

Their webpage has been taken down. Maybe they are about to rellocate and rename their "boarding school" which also is quite common. Maybe being metioned in the media thanks to the runaway case has let them to hide for some time. Maybe they have run out of referrals and money. We don't know but continued pressure can make it difficult for them to start up again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2011, 02:59:22 PM »
There are some reflextions shared on a blog from Denmark we have no shares in: Got this comment. It seems that the ranch is still in operation but they are lying low, while some are trying to the get the state involved.

Quote from: "lynn - 27 September 2010"
I have sent proof of the educational neglect,the fraud and deception to the attorney general and NO one will do ANYTHING! The own of the “Boarding school” AKA Tourture RANCH, is in with several local law enforcment groups so they dismiss all claims! What is it gonna take a child to die cause he takes it to far before they will do something about it??? This totally Enrages me that they can get away with that we need a way to find to STOP him and his wife!!!

Quote from: "lynn - 27 September 2010"
I just read more info that you posted ,no it was my mistake I meet them in a public place with a pastor present and was assured that I was making the best choice for my daughter, I also got a 3rd party recommendation, (looking back after the fact I am sure it was some one circle of Hope Was paying off to get more students there) While there my daughter didn’t even have a BED! I took photo evidence of that as well and sent that in. The clothes that they have them wear around the ranch are so nasty and stained even goodwill would not sell them . They only get dressed up to go to church, where they are forced to go in front of the church to confess that they are getting saved so the school can get more $ from the church as they think they are helping these girls,if they don’t they are subjected to more abuse and torture. I will try to post photos!

Quote from: "lynn - 27 September 2010" ... ledge/list They are trying to GET EVEN MORE MONEY PLEASE DONT HELP THEM ABUSE THE KIDS!!!!

Quote from: "lynn -28 September 2010"
OUTRAGED!!!! Missouri,so much for them protecting the people! I let them know about circle of hope and they will not do anything! They have to wait and see the pattern,since they dont’ have many complaints againest them. The reason being if you withdrawl your child early they state that they will go after you for the FULL tuition, people would rather just cut there losses and move on, I however know that they can’t leagally do that since they are in BREACH of contract! The part that outrages me is they have evidence in BLACK and WHITE and they are gonan let them get away with the crimes! I am sorry folks but if I am driving and swirving all over the place and a officer pulls me over and he has Evidence of DWI , is he gonna just let me go and watch my patterns??? HECK no, I’d be on my way to the four walled cell!

Quote from: "lynne - 4 November 2010"
I posted a comment before but it was never posted. I guess the only way to post is to be negative. How sad! People want to believe the worst about people and yet want others to believe the best about them.

Quote from: "rotsne - 4 November 2010"
Positive answers and comments are welcome. I am adult enough to receive criticism, as you properly can read in the previous comments. It is only comments, which contain spam-links when are deleted.

Quote from: "lynn - 3 December 2010"
Rotsne, I didn’t mean about you ! You have been wonderful in helping get the truth out about these place and I commend you for what your doing I just wish that people would listen that WE are telling the truth about these places! And those of us that have fallen for there deciteful ways find out the hard way!!!!!

Quote from: "lynne - 6 December 2010"
I think it is sad that people do not investigate things before they believe people. I have very intimate dealings with this organization and have spoken with parents and former students that are very happy with them. I have spoken with students that are not, but do not say they are abusive. It is sad that parents need places like this and are so desperate they will do anything to get that help. Then when things don’t go the way they want they get upset and apread things on the internet.

Quote from: "theymeantitforevil - 24 December 2010"
I personally know the Director of the Home from another home he worked in Hope Children’s Home in Tampa Florida. This man is a divorced hypocrite, and he was abusive at the other home to the children and the staff. I worked with him and have no respect for this man at all. We could not get along because he wanted to stick his nose where it did not belong. He is a dishonest, arrogant know it all control FREAK! I would not trust my dog with this man or his wife. Beware of this man and anything he has to do with your girls. He was known at the home I worked at as the man who surrounded himself with only the big breasted girls he would not let the other girls he did not like to “help“ him.

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 15 January 2011"
i did not leave home becuz i hate my mom and dad i love them to death i left becuz i was stubborn and hard headed wanted to make it on my own and if it wernt for them i would not be where i am at now My father is the sweetest people alive they are willing to take care of your child when it is your resposibility nottheres

Quote from: "God Meant It For Good - 17 January 2011"
Has anyone thought that maybe they haven’t done anything wrong? Maybe the few people making allegations are trying to prove something to be wrong when it isn’t. Maybe they are “kicking against the pricks”? What about the character references if those making the allegations? Are they REALLY telling the truth? Did they portray these behaviors? When someone is willing to publicly post anonymously post such inflammatory statements usually mean they are cowards and deceiving.

Quote from: "lynn - 21 January 2011"
theymeantitforevil , I would like to get more infomation from you I know you are being honest my daughter and many others have been abused at the hands of this man and everyone is praising him! SICK! I mean it is just insane that he is getting away with it! Thing that makes me most mad is that his is doing this in JESUS name! Do you have a contact email for me,If so maybe rotsne can give it to me . Thanks for helping expose the TRUTH! It shall be known soon to all ! The light will shine on the darkness!

Quote from: "stevie - 21 January 2011"
I do not see too many people praising the man. In fact everything I have read is about how wicked he is and most of it seems to be from 2 people. I have talked to many people about these homes because I am curious about what kind of parents would even consider sending their child to one of these if they are such bad places. The conclusions that I have been given is that the child has a behavioral problem, stemming from early childhood. Usually they are from broken families or are adopted. In most cases the parents are the main cause of the problem. I have even contacted the 2 places Mr. Householder worked at and they had no abuse complaints against him. It is sad to see a witch hunt in this day and age.

Quote from: "lynn - 21 January 2011"
Stevie, I Placed my daughter there and there was abuse going on! There are other websites with MANY people stating the things that we are about the abuse and not educating them and I HAVE PROOF ! They lied on there website that is why it had to come down . Call and ask the Attorney Generals office there are a FEW complaints againest them……

Quote from: "lynn - 21 January 2011"
Heym TheyMeanItFor Evil Can you please state the names of those people that we can get info to PROVE to people like Stevie that this is REAL NOT made UP?? Thanks!

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 21 January 2011"
Hahahaha you Guy’s need a life or real jobs this is insane my dad never touched me in a wrong way never laid a hand on me in the way u Guy’s are saying lmao amd your adults? !? Dosnt sound like it get a life if u only new what the shit your kids told us about u lmao

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 21 January 2011"
O and if u Guy’s were doing ur job as a parent you wouldn’t need a place to send ur child but u Guy’s arnt you should have never had sex to get pregnant becuz in all reality if u need to place YOUR child ur not a parent

Quote from: "ME - 21 January 2011"
I know that stuff on here is true! I don’t think that there is anything wrong with reaching out for help from other people! I know that MANY kids were NOT educated there! As they were too busy cleaning up around the house and ranch! He used the girls as slaves.

Quote from: "ME - 21 January 2011"
Amanda, I bet that if you had to get on a stand and testify with all the evidence that is being gathered that you couldn’t honestly say without purging your self that some of the stuff that is being said here is true! There is no education going on there! And they do dress the girls in old nasty clothes. We never would see you dressed like that! Why when we spend a lot of $ to help our kids should or kids get treated that way???

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 21 January 2011"
ME UMM if most of u parents paid like they were supossed to maybe they would have had nicer uniforms and I wore the same stuff ur children did but I wasn’t sent there for ky bad behavior was i

Quote from: "ME - 21 January 2011"
So what about the education, many of the girls of the girls even express that they were NOT educated and there spelling shows it! That is the MAIN purpose of a Boarding SCHOOL!

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 22 January 2011"
Lmao that means they didn’t know how to spell in the 1st place they had school every day mist were even in pace status meaming had sxhool all day

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 22 January 2011"
If I had to testify I would not throw up or purdjer myself

Quote from: "stevie - 22 January 2011"
I am very interested in this as my son was in a boarding school for troubled teens. I know that he was out of control and needed help desperately. THe place he went has been declared abusive, too, but he never saw abuse. He has shared that he never liked it there, but it was a part of his life and it kept him from getting into worse trouble. He shared that he would try to think of ways to get out of there. He even tried, but we were in it for the long haul, we wanted him to change. He did and is doing very well. He keeps up with most of his buddies from the school and they all feel the same. The made good friends, wouldn’t go back if they had too, but feel that it made a change in their lives.
3 months is not enough time for a place like that to “hurt” a child academically. In fact, if the student wants to learn they can get a whole lot of school done, but if they don’t want to they won’t. Poor spelling is not a good indication of a poor education. I am a school teacher myself and can find many spelling and grammatical errors. Does that mean the people posting are uneducated? My son was academically ahead of his pears, and in fact got further ahead of where he belonged. I feel sorry for the kids who do not care enough to make a change in their lives.
I would love to hear from this place and see what they have to say. I wonder if they would face their accusers. I know that some of the parents at the place my son was at were less than supportive, both financially and emotionally. This caused trouble for the staff.
I am not saying that anyone has the right to abuse a child. There is too much of that.
I am surprised that Amanda is so supportive of her father, if he is so terrible. I had read that she had moved far away, as did the rest of her siblings, because they hated him. I would love to hear what she has to say regarding this. And her education does not seem to be of the highest degree.

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 22 January 2011"
Lol my spelling is my phone sry :/ but no m not the smartest person but I work in real estate and I have m family. To thank for that @ most all I thought id be able to work was at the mall but I’m not

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
I agree,I know that some very people can’t spell well and that there are typos.I however know that they didn’t do school there! There were many other things that also they lied about! I had other people that looked into the situation and confirmed those things.

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
Stevie, IF they are able to do school work that would be true! But if they are not allowed to do school work cause they have too much to do around the ranch then if they are already behind a few months can really set one back a lot!

Quote from: "stevie - 22 January 2011"
ME You stated “So what about the education, many of the girls of the girls even express that they were NOT educated and there spelling shows it! That is the MAIN purpose of a Boarding SCHOOL!” This is not true. If you sent your daughter there, it was because of her behavior, not because she was behind in school. The main purpose of these kinds of school is to get the students’ behavior under control. I know the place my son was at, worked the boys, especially the first 1-2 months, depending on their behavior. They explained that it was useless to start them in school because they tested very low. The didn’t want to be there and were determined to “show” everyone that they wouldn’t do anything. Amanda says that the girls went to school. I wonder if they have ever graduated any students. I would think so because it stated somewhere that the gril who ran away was just weeks away from graduating. I know that the European schools do not match up with ours, and I know that there are strict requirements to get a diploma in the state of Missouri. THey are not accredited as far as I can tell, but they cannot give a diploma out if the students do not have the credits. The curriculum which they use have field representatives that check on the schools.
Amanda I would love to get some information on any other students that went there and finished school.

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
THEY ARE NOT accredited! And the Girl that ran away said she was not educated! There is another site that she herself says her education got messed because she had to do lots around the ranch! I know that as far as we have looked into it and there are no graduates from there, not saying that there can’t be .

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
OK, so you guys want some fact about “circle of hope”?? I went there… for 62 days…. managed to get a code out to my mom in one of my letters about what was really going on behind closed doors. (you cant talk to your parents for 30 days, then when you finally can it is a few letters a week that are ripped up if Boyd or Steph don’t like them and a 15 minute phone call on Sundays that was on speaker phone once again if they didn’t like it it was ended. It seemed that every girl messed up before her visit or time to go home… so then they weren’t allowed to go… what does that tell you? Oh all of their children moved as far away as possible… Amanda, Nate, colleen, and the oldest boy I don’t know. They didn’t even want to be there..) I know Chanel I talk to her everyday, I was at the so called “boarding school” with her and even slept in the same room as her. Ya her parents were divorced and ya we had behavioral problems, but that doesn’t mean they had the right do to what they did to us. we all tried to run away; not because we’re bad but because we were scared. My mom thinks we should sue, but once again we are scared. Only a few of us have made it out. DO NOT SEND ANY OF YOUR DAUGHTERS, NIECES, GRANDDAUGHTERS OR EVEN YOUR NEIGHBORS KID THERE! I’m not saying any of this out of despite of being a “rebellious teen”, I am 19 now i have a job, I go to a University with honors and have never been in trouble with the law. I was sent there because I fought with my mom like a normal teen, when she sought out help for our relationship she was told to ship me there. Please whatever you do just don’t allow anymore girls to go there. They don’t need to go through that. I am very glad for the Mares/rest of the family that she was found, she was one of the few I could ever trust. So please if you want to talk bad about them just do something about it, complaining on a forum does nothing for those poor girls that I can’t help…


Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
ok i understand where you are coming from… no i cant live back in england i will just go down hill from theree i woz totally messed up there…. that boarding school didnt help me at all with my studies cuz i neva did school cuz i woz in charge of alllot of stuff so my education is messed up. the only reason my dad wrote gd stuff about tht place cuz if i sed i didnt like tht i would b a black shirt and a black shirt gets treated like crap a piece of shit…. girls like to get other girls into trouble so theytwist a story…. i got restrained cuz i refused to do pushups and lost feeling in my fingers for 3 weeks i got to tell u that place has left scars in my life and i jst wanted to leave tht place… they expected too much for me and i told them i wasnt ready but they still did it and if i had a problem and wanted to talk to them to grow up they told me to grow up…. i felt like i couldnt say anything tht woz in my heart <3 i no i have an addiction to drugs and i do them so i can forget about my past…. i think at nite how did i get here i used to have a good life… now i dont have a relationship wiv my mum and my brother (15) hates my guts i have ruined everything i just want to feel safe and atm the moment i have a boyfriend and yeh i feel safe round him he loks out for me and he aint like any of the other boys i have dated cuz i woz a drug dealer one time a go and they just dated me for the drugs but this guy aint like tht he makes sure i am safe….. i like tht i have never felt so safe… have you ever lived on the streets … it is a scarey place for a girl…. i run from my problems and i hate it but i always have done it….. i remember i had a fight wiv my mum one day and she left to go to the pub and i ran and i woz gone for a week i am soz i am telling u this but i had o get it off my chest…. i woz a bad person b4 cuz of drugs and i hated the stuff i used to do but now i am not getting into the hardcore drugs i dont want to…. thank u so much for emailing me bk i apprieciate it i am glad i can tlk to some one i hope to tlk to you soon

Another cut and paste from girl that ran away from there!

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
ok i understand where you are coming from… no i cant live back in england i will just go down hill from theree i woz totally messed up there…. that boarding school didnt help me at all with my studies cuz i neva did school cuz i woz in charge of alllot of stuff so my education is messed up. the only reason my dad wrote gd stuff about tht place cuz if i sed i didnt like tht i would b a black shirt and a black shirt gets treated like crap a piece of shit…. girls like to get other girls into trouble so theytwist a story…. i got restrained cuz i refused to do pushups and lost feeling in my fingers for 3 weeks i got to tell u that place has left scars in my life and i jst wanted to leave tht place… they expected too much for me and i told them i wasnt ready but they still did it and if i had a problem and wanted to talk to them to grow up they told me to grow up…. i felt like i couldnt say anything tht woz in my heart <3 i no i have an addiction to drugs and i do them so i can forget about my past…. i think at nite how did i get here i used to have a good life… now i dont have a relationship wiv my mum and my brother (15) hates my guts i have ruined everything i just want to feel safe and atm the moment i have a boyfriend and yeh i feel safe round him he loks out for me and he aint like any of the other boys i have dated cuz i woz a drug dealer one time a go and they just dated me for the drugs but this guy aint like tht he makes sure i am safe….. i like tht i have never felt so safe… have you ever lived on the streets … it is a scarey place for a girl…. i run from my problems and i hate it but i always have done it….. i remember i had a fight wiv my mum one day and she left to go to the pub and i ran and i woz gone for a week i am soz i am telling u this but i had o get it off my chest…. i woz a bad person b4 cuz of drugs and i hated the stuff i used to do but now i am not getting into the hardcore drugs i dont want to…. thank u so much for emailing me bk i apprieciate it i am glad i can tlk to some one i hope to tlk to you soon

from girl that ran away from there!

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
This is nothing but completly true!i was there for 11 months and my dad finally got tired of me bitching about it.these “christian” psychos pinned a girl to the floor in front of me and her little sister because she wouldn’t admit that she looked at her sister.i also watched them force a gils to drink a pitcher of water and wouldn’t let her uae the restroom until about 10 other girls went before her and she peed herself.they also put you through enduring and painful exersises.i watche the girl that peed herself exercise for about 3 hours one scared me.


Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
i went to this boarding school for 15 months, i finally convinced my parents i needed out of this place. Boyd would minipulate the girls not to tell the social workers what was really going on and if we did and we didnt win the case the girls that TOLD THE TRUTH would get punished! or put a black shirt which means you get treated lower and fed less, girls got there faces shoved in puke. GRANTID they puked cuase they were being restained for over 3 hours. Boyd SPIT in the girls faces while he was an inch away screaming at them. (considered murder cuase you can get AIDS through saliva) a married staff member had sex with one of the girls there and Boyd and Steph told the girls not to say a word about it and that they took care of it and all parents were notified NO PARENTS WERE NOTIFIED. a 9 year old was forced to eat HUGE amounts of food just becuase she was still hungry. WE DID NOT GET FED ENOUGH, i was on the wall for God knows what and i was given a plate of bones with barely any chicken meet on them and STEPH was serving the food. i remember. and i barely got fed. if you asked for more food you got push ups and got made fun of. girls got scared to ask. IF girls that are in there now say anything Boyd and Steph will make things harder on you. and shove all of the things you tell your rents or S.S in your face and make your life there hell. We wore dirty underwear and clothes we looked dirty and gross, i had self asteem issues but that was the “purpose” i guess to not feel like a women and feel like the worst thing ever. we worked ALOT i lost so much weight being there, hardly sleeping, hardly eating, and working way too much, then there was the excersizes you had to do for behavior, you had to keep working till you passed out and we got put in push up position till our fingers were numb and out back was aching, and if we didnt keep our back straight the WHOLE time we were put there longer. 5 minute showers, 1 minute to undress, 3 minutes to clean yourself, 1 minute to dress. bad hegeine. were teens not in the fucking military. we didnt ask for this. we got like 2 minutes to take a flippin shit. WE HARDLY ATE. how in the hell are we gonna take a huge enough shit for these ppl? and if it was big enough we had to take medomulso or whatever <<<(i loled.) i was depressed the whole time and if you showed any sign of depression you got push ups for now being "happy" and docked down shirts cuase you werent "right with God" well boyd and Steph YOUR NOT RIGHT WITH GOD. who treats teenagers like this? not even your own kids wanna follow your footsteps. jesus. i attempted suicide IN CHURCH i tryd suffercating myself i COULD NOT handle it. im 18 now i got there when i was 14 and out when i was 16, im still phycologically damaged from it. girls got brainwashed. look MEDIA if you want a good story. talk to the girls who know whats really going on. girls went hungry and that place just disgusts me. i feel really bad for the girls that are there now. noone should have to go through that. and also there education system was a jjokee i was in the 9th grade and they put me in like 5th grade, i had no high school credits when i got out. they also try to brainwash the girls into stayin there forever and thats the "best thing". this is not the next best option for your children, disipline your own kids, understand your teens and be a flippin parent.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$And from another…..

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 22 January 2011"
Me what u don’t see is the girl chanel from England tried getting so many girls in trouble including myself she also wanted her job she did do school but her schooling b4 she came was horrible all u yave are immature girls who need a life

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 22 January 2011"
With this being said I talk to all this girls still actually pretty close with them all if my parents are so horrible why do they stay in contact with me?

Quote from: "Stevie - 22 January 2011"
Amanda, maybe they do not consider your friendship is contigent upon your parents. Have any of these girls expressed these feelings to you about your parents? Did any of these girls treat you like trash when they were there? If so, why do you keep them as friends? It is sad that this is going on. I do not believe the Lord is happy. He hates strife and discontent. So many people are talking about money, maybe all of this is for money.

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 22 January 2011"
No when they talk to me about my parents they say they love and miss them amd thank them for everything.. ha money u try running a boarding school with parents like these that are accussing mine of doimg it for momey my parents paid for a lot from pocket u have no idea how many times my brother and I went without becuz my parrnts paid from there pocket thes parents don’t pay like thwy say

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
Stevie, they are only doing it for money! I know that the church supports them so what do they do with the money that they get from parents that do give money????

Quote from: "Amanda Householder - 22 January 2011"
Me how much money do u spend to feed ur family to cpoth them keep hem warm nd drive them?

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
I know it cost $ to feed a family, drive them around and keep them warm . But I know that certain things that are being claimed are TRUE! Think about how much your parents are bring in a month times how many kids and the church pays for most of the stuff. So what does happend with the $$$ ? The fact that the girls want to be friends with you have nothing to do with your parents!

Quote from: "ME - 22 January 2011"
Amanda, of course you are gonna protect your parents! That is human to want to do that! But you know just as well as I do that MANY of the things that are stated on here are true! I know that they had dirty clothes and only wore nice ones to church to fool the church that supports them, also know that what the other girl said about not doing school work is true! There are many things that were claimed which in fact are not TRUE. I have caught your parents in many lies. I am just trying to help others not make the mistake trying to help there child and have them get worse cause of the stuff that is drilled into there heads while they are there!

Quote from: "Caring Parent - 23 January 2011 "
First of all I am happy to say that my daughter is currently at Circle of Hope Ranch. I have read all of the above posts and quite frankly take offense to those implying that I have chosen to send my daughter to a school that is inhumane. Before enrolling my daughter I met with Boyd and Stephanie. My daughter is an extremely difficult child – even with the highly structured and loving environment she has been raised in (she is one of 5 children – we have no problems with the others and they are all at home with us). My husband and I are both well educated and I actually work for a human services organization. We live out of state (not in Missouri) and I, of course, miss my daughter and love her very much. My daughter was getting into trouble and has been in various state operated programs – to no avail – then we were referred to Circle of Hope. I have been inside and outside of this facility – rest assured, they are not in this for the “money.” Not whatsoever. I have seen where the Householders live and the way they live – they are in this to help the girls and they are serving the Lord. My daughter is living proof that this program works. Yes, they may be strict – it is necessary. One girl states above “she didn’t sign up for the military” – these girls are not at Circle of Hope because they respond to reason. They are at Circle of Hope because their families cannot handle their behaviors. As for education, my daughter was extremely behind in her education when she got to Circle of Hope because the state programs (instead of focusing on working on her behavior) kept pushing her forward, even though she did not have a clue, nor did she care, about her school work. The philosophy at Circle of Hope is to get the girls in a place where they will behave well enough to actually focus on their schoolwork – then they structure the chore schedule around the education. And, what is wrong with the girls doing the chores? It is good for them and instills values and a sense of accomplishment. I just spoke with my daughter and she was extremely pleased that she had just made some mashed potatoes! She explained to me about how they make their butter from scratch, etc – she was really pleased and sounded great. And, speaking of mashed potatoes, the girls DO eat – they actually eat healthier there because of the lack of processed foods. I believe (from many hours of research and from observing my daughter) that one of the reasons my daughter’s behavior has changed so dramatically is because of her new diet – and by diet I mean change in lifestyle/eating – decrease in simple carbohydrates and processed foods and increase of natural foods. They get great exercise working with the animals, too. My daughter has introduced me to all of the animals – again, with pride and excitement. With respect to the girls “being told to lie” – I do not believe this for one minute. I have had visits and plenty of “alone” time with my daughter and we discuss (in depth) details of what goes on at Circle of Hope and there are no sinister activities taking place. So, Stevie – I know you are objectively writing in this blog – this is an observation from a parent with a definite vested interest in Circle of Hope – my precious daughter is there. I am reading the posts from Lynn – and it really appears as though she has a vendetta against the program and it’s sad because they (Boyd and Stephanie) do not deserve this treatment. Lynn, why don’t you try living with 30 girls with behavioral problems – feed them, keep them structured, take them to church, do devotionals with them, eat breakfast – lunch – dinner with them, discipline them when they disobey – if you couldn’t handle your one daughter, I highly doubt you would be able to take on the challenge that the Householder’s have so graciously, and lovingly, embraced. It is no picnic – and they must be firm at times I am sure, and they are human – but I can speak from my own experience and say – they are making a positive difference in my daughter’s life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2011, 04:17:39 PM »
Somebody (not you oscar) is feeding somebody a line of shit here. The first child mentioned in this thread and her family need to be back together. The more recent posters child is a coolaid drinker who probably is either scared shitless or really buys into it,then sells the bullshit to a parent, just as the program desires.
 Some body like say the 1st parent needs to seriously cowboy the fuck up and go get that child. I hope they read this

Im gonna say this, the less than perfect life that you and your child had ,before this ,was less long term damaging than the shit your child is going thru NOW. Go get YOUR CHILD. Stop bein manby pamby about the whole goddamn thing. TODAY. Take either a lawyer or a gun. This is your own flesh and blood. Man the fuck up. please.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2011, 01:53:06 PM »
Does anyone know of how or where we can get a name of the gentleman who says he knows Mr. Householder from a previous program ? That says he is aware of the abuse? I know that I have been continuely contacting different agencies and also have a media contact with ABC that is looking at exposing these places and hopefully doing enough damage to close them down!!!! Please help me spread the word to help continue to save the kids! Thanks again for all your doing!  Oh BTW~ the only reason the website came down was due to the fraud and decitful comments that they had posted on there, even though it is againest the law and they violatated those laws they have not had anything happen other than being told to remove those statements... VERY SAD!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wendy123

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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2011, 10:45:48 PM »
Parents should be reliable on their child's action.  Does anybody have an idea why more than a million of these children runaway from home?  Obviously because they do not like home.  Government should conduct house to house survey and interviews to avoid these kind of problems.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Missing teen
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2011, 10:57:49 AM »
Quote from: "Wendy123"
Parents should be reliable on their child's action.  Does anybody have an idea why more than a million of these children runaway from home?  Obviously because they do not like home.  Government should conduct house to house survey and interviews to avoid these kind of problems.

What a good idea. And to make sure you are properly attired for living in this brave new world, I know where you can get a great deal on a red or green bandannas & arm-bands and glossy black jack-boots: http://www.cheapfacistgear.nut
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Update on Circle of Hope Ranch
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2018, 02:46:21 AM »
Found this article:

Quote from: ABC News
Biblical Reform School Discipline: Tough Love or Abuse?
By SUSAN DONALDSON JAMES, April 12, 2011/i]

Anne's rebellion against her large Christian family -- she was one of 10 children -- began after she was gang-raped last year while jogging in her Maryland neighborhood.

"Because of that the trauma, she started spiraling in every way possible," said her mother, Jeannie Marie, who did not want their last name made public.

Anne, now 18, said she numbed the pain with drinking and rebellion, which terrified her mother.

Desperate, Jeannie Marie turned to her church for help, learning about a Christian reform school that she says promised to "get right" her wayward daughter.

But neither was prepared for the ordeal they say Anne experienced from November to January of this year at New Beginnings Girls Academy, an Independent Fundamental Baptist boarding school in La Russell, Mo.

The school, according to its website, serves troubled teens so "through Jesus Christ, they can overcome their addictions, mend their broken relationships and get their lives on the right path."

Instead, Anne said she was told the rape was her fault and was subjected to harsh discipline -- ridiculed, restrained and deprived of proper nutrition and adequate clothing.

As punishment for misbehaving she says she was forced to wear a red shirt and stand facing a wall, sometimes for 8 to 10 hours a day with only 15-minute breaks for food. "I was so achy it hurt," said Anne.

She said toilet paper and sanitary pads were rationed, despite Anne's urinary problems after the rape. She also said no one offered to get her medical care.

"We thought maybe Anne would go there and hide out and pull herself together," said Jeannie Marie. "We thought it was a safe place to go and we wouldn't have to worry...We trusted our church."

Anne left the school in January, but said the punitive approach left her with no self-worth and anxiety attacks so bad she cannot breathe.

New Beginnings charges $10,300 a year, according to its admission application. On a signed form, parents agree to "corporal discipline," which is spelled out in their mission statement as up to 15 "swats" with a wooden paddle in each 24-hour period for misbehavior.

The school's mission also prohibits, "bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or the church to resolve personal disputes."

Submission and obedience -- children to parents, wives to husbands and parishioners to "God's people," pastors and deacons -- are the tenets of Christian fundamentalism, according to Kathryn Joyce, author of Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement."

"These groups know what the outside world thinks of them and that some of it is considered abuse, but they consider it Biblical," said Joyce.

Missouri does not require its faith-based facilities to get a license and the state attorney general, "does not have any authority over them," according to AG spokeswoman Nanci Gonder. If there are allegations of physical abuse, parents are told to contact law enforcement.

Similarly, neither the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education nor the state board of education regulates or monitors faith-based schools under the home schooling law.

The Department of Social Services said the schools were not within their purview and only allegations of abuse and neglect that "meet statutory definition," are investigated.

The federal government, however, has shown concern about teen residential programs -- not all of them faith based -- and has pushed for more regulation.

In 2008, an investigation by the federal Government Accountability Office revealed thousands of cases and allegations of child abuse and neglect since the early 1990s at teen residential programs throughout the country. The report also found major gaps in licensing and oversight.

The report found untrained staff, ineffective management and operating practices in these facilities.

"In the most egregious cases of death and abuse, the cases exposed problems with the entire operation of the program," according to the report.

Congressman George Miller, D-California, introduced the Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2009 to establish minimum health and safety standards, but although the bill twice passed the House, both times it failed in the Senate.

"You can't deprive kids of food and water," one Democratic aide to Miller told "You have to treat them humanely."

Just last year in Hiland Park, Fla., police removed 17 children from Heritage Boys Academy, a military school that taught fundamental Christian doctrine, arresting three, including the pastor, and shut down the facility.

Child welfare authorities said the children were often hit with sticks that were "nine fists long," and were sometimes choked or held down and beaten with fists.

The school officials plead not guilty to one charge of aggravated assault and five charges of child abuse, but the case has not yet gone to trial. A motion by the defense to dismiss is being heard on Friday, according to the clerk for the Bay County Courts..

Well-Dressed Girls Testified They Were 'Saved'

Anne's mother said she first heard a New Beginnings presentation at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Churchville, Md. There, according to Jeannie Marie, neatly dressed girls confessed to bad behaviors and cried that they had been "saved."

"They told us it was a place that helps girls grow in their Christianity in a new life with Christ," she said.

She handed Anne over to school authorities while New Beginnings was on a fundraising tour in Virginia. "It really took me by surprise," said Anne, who thought she was going on vacation. "I freaked out and balled my eyes out."

The first night Anne said she slept on a church pew and was punished for cussing when she fell off and hit her head on a hymnal.

But when the group returned to their Missouri campus, Anne said the house was frigidly cold and girls were given only skirts and light sweatshirts.

The food -- often bologna on white bread, watered-down milk and canned eggs -- was either rationed or loaded on the plate, depending on the whim of the staff, she said.

Girls were told to keep monotone voices and never to talk to each other. Phone calls and letters were monitored, she said.

"They said I am bad and God doesn't love me," said Anne. "I was taught the exact opposite of that in the home. It was hard to believe that these people actually cared about me. You had to fend for yourself."

Two months later, after a dispute with school officials about the costs, Jeannie Marie said she withdrew Anne. When she arrived at New Beginnings, she said she was horrified by what she saw.

"She looked like the most pitiful thing standing in the little snow boots I bought her -- mud-covered with a thin skirt covering her knees with dirt on it...Her face was ghostly white, her eyes bugged out and hair was pulled back. My tiny girl had a horrible look on her face...the most awful expression I have ever seen on the face of my children. I gasped and held my breath."

Jeannie Marie said that when she held her daughter, "she was so weak and faint...and her body went limp. There was nothing left to her."

She said her former pastor at Tabernacle Baptist, Don Martin, had recommended the school as successful, but it was not as advertised.

Martin said that a previous pastor had financially supported the school in the past, but he never made such claims to Anne's mother.

"If someone in our congregation did, that's another thing," he said.

"As far as I know, they come highly recommended," Martin said of the school. "I know they have to be strict -- or it doesn't do much good to send wayward ladies to a school. But I don't know how strict or what they do."

He said allegations of physical punishment in these IFB reform schools were "pretty much nonsense" and the family's claims were "fabrications."

"My sense is people send children there and they want them to come back as model citizens, and if something goes wrong, they want to blame the school. I think they tried to help, but that doesn't mean a thing if there is not good support."

William McNamara, New Beginnings' director, refused to answer questions about the program and allegations that it was abusive.

"We love them," he said of the students. "I cannot speak to any of those things -- the truth will be known."

He referred to his lawyer, Wes Barnum, who did not respond to written questions sent by email or a follow-up telephone call.

New Beginnings began as the Rebekah Home for Girls in Corpus Christie, Texas, in 1968, but was shut down by the state in 1985 after numerous investigations of abuse and its refusal to submit to state licensing.

Under changing names, the school moved temporarily to Devil's Elbow, Mo., before relocating in Pace, Fla., and eventually to its present home in La Russell, Mo.

The school was run by Lester Roloff, an independent fundamental Baptist preacher who broke from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1954 and founded a series of reform facilities, known as Roloff Homes, for what he called, "parent-hating, Satan-worshiping, dope-taking immoral boys and girls," according to a 2000 investigative report in Texas Monthly.

His antidote to these rebellious teens was anchored in scripture and included kneeling on hard floors, physical punishment with paddles or leather straps or the "dreaded 'look-up,' an isolation room where Roloff's sermons were played for days on end," said the magazine.

Roloff died in a plane crash in 1982, but his ministry still exists in adult programs as part of the People's Baptist Church in Texas and other adult facilities around the country.

"We do not tolerate child abuse of any form," said August Rosado, a spokesman for Roloff Homes.

He said the Texas church was no longer affiliated with New Beginnings and now serves only adults who are struggling with addiction.

Some Former Students Report Post-Traumatic Stress
Brittany Campbell, now 25, says she was at Rebekah through its transition to New Beginnings from 2001 to 2005. The school moved to Missouri in 2007.

She showed photos of the name changes from Rebekah Home for Girls to New Beginnings Rebekah Academy to New Beginnings Girls Academy.

Campbell said McNamara was in charge during that period. When called him to ask about charges of abuse at the school, he would only say, "I cannot speak to any of those things -- the truth will be known."

Campbell had grown up in foster care, but went to live with her sister, who was a recent IFB convert.

At 15, after rebelling against the Christian household -- listening to secular music and wearing black -- she said she was sent to reform school.

"It was brutally psychologically and physically abusive," she said of both the Missouri and Florida programs.

"The worst part personally was during the first year through the process of breaking you down and getting you to submit to their way of life," she said.

Campbell said the staff pitted girls against girls, often having them pinned down by their peers for discipline -- "a tool to discourage camaraderie."

Cut off from family and friends for so long, Campbell said she had a hard transition back to the real world.

Today, Campbell lives in Massachusetts and is administrator of a Facebook group, NBGA: Proactive Survivors of New Beginnings Girls Academy, which has 65 members and writes a blog.

She is also the administrator of SIA-NOW, an organization that is planning a convention of participants of these boarding schools next year. Campbell said many of them reported post-traumatic stress disorder after their school experiences.

It was websites like those that Donna Maddox said caught her attention three months after she sent her 15-year-old daughter Kelsey to Circle of Hope Ranch in Humansville, Mo., in 2007, then returned to "rescue" her.

Maddox, 42, said she was hesitant to believe Kelsey's claims of abuse at the school, but saw testimonies from former students that scared her.

"We were told everything we wanted to hear, but nothing was as it was portrayed."

She provided with photos of dirty facilities, beds made only of plywood with a thin foam cover and bruises on her daughter's feet from working the ranch in shoes so old the soles were tearing away.

She said the school charged $300 in uniform fees.

Desperate Parents Look to Church For Help

Previously, Kelsey had been a good student, but was sent away because she began "getting involved in the wrong crowd," according to Maddox.

"I was really scared because my family has a history of abusing drugs and alcohol," she said. "I had seen so many horrendous things and how it tears up a family and I didn't want it to happen to one of my children."

Maddox found the school on the Internet and said a referral agency backed up their claims.

But Kelsey, now 18, said that from day one, she "felt like a slave."

"Every day I would wake up at 4 or 5 and start working the farm feeding animals, picking up the hay in barbed wire and walking five miles so you can make more money. I never did any school work."

Once, she said she was forced to do hundreds of push-ups and failed. As punishment, she said eight girls were told to jump on her and restrain her, smashing her face into the carpet.

After she returned home with her school books, Maddox said only 18 pages had been completed in three months.

"It is unimaginable in America," she said.

The director, Boyd C. Householder, said his lawyer advised him not to talk to reporters by telephone.

"We've been allegated on like most faith-based places and investigations have had no findings to the allegations," he said. "We have nothing to hide. We are up front and open and you are welcome to come to the property."

His lawyer Jay M. Kirksey later responded by email, saying the Maddox family were "bias[ed] and lacking credibility."

"There are unfortunately, disgruntled parents who address the school, instead of their children, in the private sector just as exists in the public school system," Kirksey wrote.

Shortly after Kelsey returned home, she moved away, but her mother said she calls and emails daily.

"This has been a living nightmare," Maddox, who subsequently called the attorney general with her consumer complaints about deceptive marketing.

"We have been trying to mediate (her) complaints," said Gonder, from the Missouri Attorney General Office. "The school has been cooperating in providing information, but their information is different from hers. Our efforts are ongoing."

Troubled teens often don't speak up for themselves, said another activist, Michele Ulriksen Tresler, who wrote a book, Reform at Victory Christian Academy," chronicling her own experience at the IFB school.

"They are called liars because they are labeled rebellious teenagers," said Tresler. "We had drug addicts, prostitutes and alcoholics among regular girls who didn't belong there, dabbling in regular teen rebellion. There were girls with some major issues who should have been in a place that helped them and giving them tools to have social skills. But when they go to the cops, no one believes them."

Tresler died of a drug overdose on March 17, just weeks after this interview. According to her ex- husband, Robert Ulricksen, "VCA was a demon that haunted her for many years."

Victory, run by Roloff disciple Mike Palmer, was shut down by California authorities after a student death in 1991. Palmer went on to run schools in Mexico and Florida that were also shut down.

As for Anne, she said she is now seeing a counselor and said she, too, has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress.

"She is doing terrible," said her mother. "She has no self-worth. They had her say a hundred times that she was the daughter of the devil with the tongue of the devil -- crazy destructive talk at New Beginnings. Now, I think she actually believes it."

Jeannie Marie has stopped going to the church she said "deceived" her.

"I did not lose my faith," she said. "But I know that many of these little girls will be terribly challenged to remember who God is, after this experience."

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Various testimonies about Circle of Hope Boarding School
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2018, 02:51:46 AM »
Found those testimonies below on this page from Complaintboards:

Quote from: lisharayanne
I went to this boarding school for 15 months, I finally convinced my parents I needed out of this place. Boyd would minipulate the girls not to tell the social workers what was really going on and if we did and we didnt win the case the girls that told the truth would get punished! Or put a black shirt which means you get treated lower and fed less, girls got there faces shoved in puke. Grantid they puked cuase they were being restained for over 3 hours. Boyd spit in the girls faces while he was an inch away screaming at them. (considered murder cuase you can get aids through saliva) a married staff member had sex with one of the girls there and boyd and steph told the girls not to say a word about it and that they took care of it and all parents were notified no parents were notified. A 9 year old was forced to eat huge amounts of food just becuase she was still hungry. We did not get fed enough, I was on the wall for god knows what and I was given a plate of bones with barely any chicken meet on them and steph was serving the food. I remember. And I barely got fed. If you asked for more food you got push ups and got made fun of. Girls got scared to ask. If girls that are in there now say anything boyd and steph will make things harder on you. And shove all of the things you tell your rents or s. S in your face and make your life there hell. We wore dirty underwear and clothes we looked dirty and gross, I had self asteem issues but that was the "purpose" I guess to not feel like a women and feel like the worst thing ever. We worked alot I lost so much weight being there, hardly sleeping, hardly eating, and working way too much, then there was the excersizes you had to do for behavior, you had to keep working till you passed out and we got put in push up position till our fingers were numb and out back was aching, and if we didnt keep our back straight the whole time we were put there longer. 5 minute showers, 1 minute to undress, 3 minutes to clean yourself, 1 minute to dress. Bad hegeine. Were teens not in the #ing military. We didnt ask for this. We got like 2 minutes to take a flippin #. We hardly ate. How in the hell are we gonna take a huge enough # for these ppl? And if it was big enough we had to take medomulso or whatever < (I loled.) I was depressed the whole time and if you showed any sign of depression you got push ups for now being "happy" and docked down shirts cuase you werent "right with god" well boyd and steph your not right with god. Who treats teenagers like this? Not even your own kids wanna follow your footsteps. Jesus. I attempted suicide in church I tryd suffercating myself I could not handle it. Im 18 now I got there when I was 14 and out when I was 16, im still phycologically damaged from it. Girls got brainwashed. Look media if you want a good story. Talk to the girls who know whats really going on. Girls went hungry and that place just disgusts me. I feel really bad for the girls that are there now. Noone should have to go through that. And also there education system was a jjokee I was in the 9th grade and they put me in like 5th grade, I had no high school credits when I got out. They also try to brainwash the girls into stayin there forever and thats the "best thing". This is not the next best option for your children, disipline your own kids, understand your teens and be a flippin parent.

Quote from: Autumn Ice
I can personally say from experience that this boarding school is as horrible as she explains it! I remember when I first got there, they treated me like I was one of their own, and then I started making the tiniest of mistakes and they started treating me like [censored]. I was sent there in july of 2017 as a 13 year old girl, and got out december of 2017 as a 14 year old girl. I have always had a difficult time remembering things, especially long paragraphs, even chapters in any kind of book of any sort, and they forced the girls to memorize colossians chapter 3, ephesians chapter 6, philippians chapter 4, and all 176 verses of psalms 119, and if we didn't have them memorized within three months of being there, we were forced to stand on the wall and read them over and over again until we memorized them. my name is autumn ice and unlike whoever this mallory girl is, i'm sorry, you need to learn the difference between good people and abusive people who even their own kids are disgusted by them!! boyd and stephanie householder, i'm calling you out!!! I lost so much weight during my 5 month stay at this wretched ranch you guys call a "place of god"!! I have seen the light now, and am now living the life of an lds (the church of jesus christ of the latter day saints) girl!!! I have never met such horrid people! boyd once had me convinced he was actually trying to help, but as I drove home, my step-mother was explaining how he was claiming they hadn't payed anything for the 5 months I was there!!! all I could think was, "that little liar!!! trying to scam my parents out of money that they needed to keep my older sister able to do the things she wanted to do!" I was livid!! and may I add, since I left, i've been doing some research on this place, and if I may recall seeing, boyd and stephanie householder are not licensed to teach or counsel students!!! as stated by the state of missouri, they have no record of a circle of hope girls ranch and boarding school in their files!!! that got me even more interested, so I dove deeper into my research, and lo behold, in about 2010 I believe it said, a girl went missing from circle of hope and hasn't been seen since. how about you explain that one to me, mallory, huh? I boldly remember being forced to work outside as a black shirt while the other girls got nice warm showers, and then after everyone else was done taking showers, was then allowed to go inside, change out of my smelly, dirty, sweaty work clothes, and given a barely luke warm five minute shower, then expected to work while the other girls enjoyed reading along with their bibles while listening to fun and inspiring devotionals, and when we were done eating that stuff they claimed to our parents was "healthy" food, we were forced as black shirts to place our hands flat on the table because we "couldn't be trusted". I have never seen so many girls act so fake to get out of a place that was supposed to help them. and oh dear god, if we spoke the truth about what was really going on in a letter, or a phone call, the letter was ripped up, or thrown away or the phone was hung up by whatever supervisor was listening to our conversation with our family, which in all honesty should be private in my opinion. within my first week, we were weed eating on the side of the road, and the girls who weren't doing the weed eating, were expected to rake up whatever was tossed about and chopped up by the weed eater, and guess what? no water break for two hours straight!!! and if we asked for one, we were given push-ups or up downs, even if we knew it was past the hour limit for a water break. the policy is supposed to be, a water break every hour on the hour, and a bathroom break every two hours on the hour. when I mentioned to my parents that I was afraid I would be judged based on my scars, which were from self-mutilation, boyd mocked me in front of all the girls, pointing out that there were other girls there with worse scars. it's not like I didn't realize that already, because thank you boyd, but I do have two eyes, that can see perfectly fine on their own, they don't need your guidance to see things, because I had taken notice to things like that. more than once I wanted to attempt to get a message across to my parents that I was going to attempt suicide, at this point I didn't really know how I was going to [censored], but I was gonna go through any measure possible to free myself from that hellhole! even if that meant going to literal hell, I was willing enough!! more than once I was convinced that I wasn't ever going to amount to anything in life, and from then on, i've actually believed that statement. now I always wonder why i'm such a [censored] up, and how I ended up in that place! I was restrained for about an hour based on my lack of being able to handle a workout in my first month, boyd pressed his fingers into the back of my jaw, right around my ear area and left a bruise. I fell asleep crying that night due to the pain, I curled up in a little ball and cried until there were no more tears left to cry in my eyes. I highly suggest finding a way to shut this place down before it has a chance to hurt more girls!! why am I not doing it myself you may ask, because therefore I am a minor and cannot legally file a lawsuit against them in any means, but plan on it when I become an adult. the school they claim they provide should belong in a barrel and burned to the ground, because it's complete [censored]!!! if there really was a schooling to place in that barrel, because if there was a chance of being able to do that, the chances are slim to none, because the schooling part of the "boarding school" barely exists!!! I don't know how these girls are handling it now, but I hope that one day, boyd and stephanie see the real consequences behind not the girl's actions, but their own actions. no, i'm not saying the girls there were perfect little angels that didn't deserve to be there, not by a long shot, because even I will admit, I deserved to be there, but whether or not I deserved to be there isn't the issue at hand at this current moment, now is it? no, it isn't. my point is, the girls there now, and myself don't and never will deserve to be treated the way boyd and stephanie householder treat them, and myself when I attended the place. i'm sick of people defending the place, even when they went there themselves and have witnessed the way they treat those girls!!! after this, i'm gonna go find some more things to research them on! in a place like this, you never know how many secrets it may hold, i'm out for now, if you have any questions regarding my experience with coh, please contact me at westcoastbae2003@gmail, com

Quote from: karli.chambers
First let me start by saying this. if you weren’t there, or in the persons shoes that comments, then get off their case. there’s nothing like the feeling of being acused of being a liar. I was at that place for 2 years, 6 months of the 24 I was taken advantage of by boyd. he used me for sexual pleasure, and didn’t care that each step he took he was proving himself to be a the beginning I stood up for him, thinking that he wasn’t that kind of man. but time revealed his true colors. he told me in the beginning that if I ever told anyone he would call me a liar. he did, and he turned white as a sheet and refused to look me in the eyes because he knew he was wrong. the first things out of his mouth were, “she can’t stay here, ” which obviously something that a guilty person would say. stephanie got in my face telling me that it wasn’t possible, but like I said you can’t throw that at someone especially when she wasn’t even there to witness it. I was so close to punching her square between the eyes if she would have laid a finger on me. but she was smart enough that if she did it would have been used against her when I talked to investigators. sorry [censored], you can’t make up a 6 page statement of everything that went on in 1 night. they said that the only reason why I said anything was because I “got into trouble, ” okay, but you aren’t even looking at my perspective. the reason why I couldn’t keep it quiet anymore was because I was tired of him treating me one way during the meetings and embarrassing me in front of the girls and a completely different way when I was alone with him down the hall. I was his secretary. they’ll use the excuse, its policy you cant be anywhere with a male staff without 3 other girls with you, or at least a third. well you all are full of [censored] because I was allowed down the hall by myself with him because I worked in his office. and you can’t say that brandy isn’t ever alone down the hall with him either ;) so all you girls saying that the householders are good people and that they would never do anything to hurt the girls, you are going only off of what you went through while you were there, so grow up and have some empathy. all of this will catch up to the householders, even if it’s when they die.

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New state investigation into Circle of hope Ranch
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2020, 12:30:21 AM »
The girls have been removed pending ongoing investigation.

Quote from: © Copyright 2020 Cedar County Republican - Stockton, Missouri - by Miles Brite - August 17-2020
Local girls home hit with state investigation

In a follow-up to a previous Cedar County Republican exclusive, additional information became available to CCR staff in regard to the ongoing investigation of Circle of Hope Girls Ranch in Humansville.

On Friday and Saturday, Aug. 14-15, sources said state entities removed as many as 32 juvenile females from the religious-based reformatory school.

According to several sources, check well being calls were performed on site at Circle of Hope, prompting child protective service personnel to remove all juvenile female attendants of the facility labeled as a religious reformatory school.

Previously, both Cedar County sheriff James McCrary and Cedar County prosecuting attorney Ty Gaither have told CCR staff their respective offices have continued to monitor reports regarding Circle of Hope and take any potential crimes against children seriously; however, given the sensitive nature of the current investigation and in honoring victim/witness confidentiality protocol, neither official divulged further information when asked about the recent state-level intervention over the past weekend.

Furthermore, Cedar County juvenile officer Jeremy Ruddick would neither confirm nor deny the reported intervention when directly asked about the matter.

Despite several attempts, neither Circle of Hope nor its legal counsel, Kirksey Law Firm, Bolivar, responded to requests for comment on the ongoing matter.

Additional details and a full reporting on the developing situation will be brought to our readers as more information becomes publicly available.