Author Topic: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?  (Read 10611 times)

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Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2010, 09:11:22 PM »
Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 08:30:08 AM by Joel »

Offline Troll Control

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #76 on: March 24, 2010, 11:02:15 AM »
Yeah, Whooter's leaving out a few details about his "story."  He did previously admit here that his (alleged) daughter stopped talking to him after her two programs and that she cut him out of her life.

He also keeps stating she "graduated" ASR, but since ASR was/is unaccredited, they cannot issue valid high school diplomas.  Whooter told us that not only did she not graduate high school at ASR, but that she also dropped out of high school entirely when she got home and went right back to excessive drinking and drug use.  His story about her graduating college seems a bit dubious in light of his earlier comments.

And, if you look at it from the perspective above, as described by Whooter himself, he spent over $100k for no reason.  He's the parent he says doesn't exist.

Kid drinking and drugging and not going to school BEFORE the programs and kid drinking and drugging and dropping out of school AFTER the programs.  All that money and pain for no results at all.  Now that his kid is grown up he goes back and credits the programs from five years ago (programs can get retroactive credit, but not blame - the program parent's obvious logical fallacy) that had demonstrably no positive effect, when all that happened in reality is his kid grew up which she would have done all by herself without being subjected to abusive scumbags like Rudy Bentz screaming at her that she's a no-good whore during "therapy" sessions.

Whooter's fictitious "story" doesn't even pass the most cursory examination.  Don't let him hoodwink you.  He's FOS.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

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Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #77 on: March 24, 2010, 11:30:23 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
an industry that has saved thousands of lives,

Citation please.

A big part of getting better or turning the corner is to take accountability for ones own actions.  As adults we all know this, but as children it is hard to comprehend this sometimes.  I noticed a similarity in the stories and those who didn’t do well in programs were also those who didn’t take accountability for what they did and blamed others for being in the program.  They blamed their parents, family members, Educational Consultants or staff members.  The kids who did well in programs moved on with their lives, went to college and continued down a healthy path, but they were perceived as brain washed by those who didn’t do well.  Maybe this is because it threatened their belief that “all” people are hurt by programs.  If you read the stories here on fornits the one piece that is missing is the individuals' involvement or contribution to their predicament.  What events lead up to them being placed?  This is always left out in the story and back filled with ....... " My family sent me away for no reason".  What family is going to spend $100,000 for no reason? or for a kid smoking pot?  Which leads us back to the accountability question.

Bullshit.  There are plenty of us that "did well" in our respective programs.  I "did well" while in there, even graduated.  We blame our parents for not doing their jobs.  We blame them for sending us to shitpits to "get well" when there was nothing really wrong with us to begin with, other than normal teenage screwing around or other than having parents that didn't like the fact that their kids were growing up and gaining minds and thoughts of their own.  So many parents fall prey to the fearmongering that the industry uses to scare the shit out of them.  Just look at any of the online questionnaires or "tests" that they use.  They're ridiculous!!  They "symptoms" that they use could describe pretty much any teenager.  Defiant behavior seems to really hook 'em.  You don't like that your kid's mouthy to you?  We'll fix that!  Don't like that they disrespect you?  We'll fix that!  Defiance is a natural part of growing up and breaking away from parents.  It's a natural part of teens figuring out who they are, testing their own limits and boundaries.  They need to be guided through that process and it's a goddamned difficult thing to do, I know from personal experience raising two grown girls, but it's OUR responsibility as parents.  

So do you see my dilemma?

Yes.  You can't accept that what you did was wrong so you twist yourself into knots attempting to justify it.

I eventually started speaking out and was tagged as an industry person and eventually even fornits admins  got frustrated with me and tagged my avatar as being a nazi in an attempt to discredit my point of view.  

I dont' remember you being tagged as a nazi but in any case, there wasn't an attempt to "discredit" was a warning that most believed that your interest here was much more than simply a program parent.

This raised the curious question of why would someone do this?  Why would a group of posters care so much about an opposing point of view that they had to try to bury it?  Were they that threatened by me?  And if so why?  

No, we're not threatened by your point of view.  We hate the fact that you twist others words, talk in complete circles, that you try to derail, deflect and distract readers when things start to hit a nerve with you.  When the truth is being told, you don't like it so you come up with your ridiculous analogies to the auto industry or some such bullshit.

If we substituted the word “program” for “sports team” we would still get kids dyeing from heat exhaustion, being abused, screamed at, forced to carry heavy objects, clean up after themselves.  There are 1,500 or more successful suicides of teenagers every year who attend our public school system.  But if even one (1) of these deaths occurs (Just 1....even once a year) 5 years after a person leaves a program it is considered a program death and people here are up in arms blaming the program they attended and wanting the industry or specific program shut down.  Doesn’t that seem odd to you?  

There again.....different situations that you're trying to equate with the TTI.   And most of the deaths that we're speaking about here occurred while the kids were there! Restraint deaths seem to be particularly common. But yes, I've known people who were so traumatized by what happened to them in their program that even years after they were still suffering.  That's what happens in cult-like atmospheres.  It's called PTSD and sometimes it does take years before the full effects are felt.

You defend EVERYTHING they do.  Even some of the most reprehensible things and programs that most everyone agrees were abusive, you're right there to defend them and tell us all why it was still the kids fault, not the program's.  

And....citation please for the stats you quoted.

So I stick around to try and help families to not get so frustrated and give up on their child.

And we believe, with the amount of time and energy you spend here, that it's much more than simply a program parent trying to help out.

Children need to be listened to and engaged and to just allow them to head down a dangerous path in the hope that everything will turn out okay is just not doing your job as a parent.  Good parents need to know their child is safe at all times.

Good parents don't give up on their kids.  They take the time to find out what's wrong (if anything) and deal with it.  They take the time to see if anything that they themselves are doing that needs to be examined.  They don't simply put the blame on the kid and then ship them off to be "fixed" by unqualified strangers with quack, unproven "therapies" that have been shown to be ineffective at best and dangerous at worst.  The outsourcing of parenting has become acceptable and it's absolutely abhorrent. IMO and experience, the vast majority of kids who actually do need help don't need inpatient treatment and those that do need to receive it from qualified persons and facilities.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #78 on: March 24, 2010, 02:14:15 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "maruska"
So you are really just a program parent?
May I ask what did your wife think about all this? (Sending your daughter away I mean).

And...if you are just a program parent...why do you spend years on this forum?
Your first question......There were differences in opinions but we both knew what was best for her.

Maruska,  I stumbled upon fornits and found people talking about an industry that has saved thousands of lives, like it was evil, and I was struck by their stories.    How could and industry which dedicates itself to turning around "at risk" youths get such a bad rap.  So I stuck around and read the stories here on fornits.

Lets say you sent your Child to join a soccer team and you saw him grow and do well, make friends  and then later met a group of kids who said that soccer was abusive and a cult because they forced you to follow rituals and rules, wear specific clothing  and telling everyone that everyone is hurt by soccer and if  anyone says they were helped then that means they must be brainwashed and part of the cult or subculture.  Wouldn’t you be totally intrigued by that and interested and want to understand what drives these people to think this way?  I know I would.

This is how it was with me.  I was blown away by the stories here and the peoples persistence.

A big part of getting better or turning the corner is to take accountability for ones own actions.  As adults we all know this, but as children it is hard to comprehend this sometimes.  I noticed a similarity in the stories and those who didn’t do well in programs were also those who didn’t take accountability for what they did and blamed others for being in the program.  They blamed their parents, family members, Educational Consultants or staff members.  The kids who did well in programs moved on with their lives, went to college and continued down a healthy path, but they were perceived as brain washed by those who didn’t do well.  Maybe this is because it threatened their belief that “all” people are hurt by programs.  If you read the stories here on fornits the one piece that is missing is the individuals' involvement or contribution to their predicament.  What events lead up to them being placed?  This is always left out in the story and back filled with ....... " My family sent me away for no reason".  What family is going to spend $100,000 for no reason? or for a kid smoking pot?  Which leads us back to the accountability question.

So do you see my dilemma?

I eventually started speaking out and was tagged as an industry person and eventually even fornits admins  got frustrated with me and tagged my avatar as being a nazi in an attempt to discredit my point of view.  This raised the curious question of why would someone do this?  Why would a group of posters care so much about an opposing point of view that they had to try to bury it?  Were they that threatened by me?  And if so why?  

If we substituted the word “program” for “sports team” we would still get kids dyeing from heat exhaustion, being abused, screamed at, forced to carry heavy objects, clean up after themselves.  There are 1,500 or more successful suicides of teenagers every year who attend our public school system.  But if even one (1) of these deaths occurs (Just 1....even once a year) 5 years after a person leaves a program it is considered a program death and people here are up in arms blaming the program they attended and wanting the industry or specific program shut down.  Doesn’t that seem odd to you?  

So I stick around to try and help families to not get so frustrated and give up on their child.  Children need to be listened to and engaged and to just allow them to head down a dangerous path in the hope that everything will turn out okay is just not doing your job as a parent.  Good parents need to know their child is safe at all times.
Seriously, Whooter, to refer to yourself as "merely a program parent" is disingenuous at best. No mere program parent continues to post thousands upon thousands of posts ... eight friggin' years after your "daughter" ostensibly completed her program ... just to keep kids' stories "honest." Gimme a break! Moreover, were that actually indeed true, it begs the question: Why even start posting on fornits ... three years after she completed program? You didn't start posting here 'till 2005.

Coincidentally, that was right around the time that John Reuben started testing the waters for his philanthro-capitalist project — Saving Teens In Crisis Collaborative (STICC) — begun in the aftermath of having put his older son through the very same two programs your "daughter" ostensibly went to... Hmmm.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Troll Control

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #79 on: March 24, 2010, 02:51:05 PM »
More on Ursus' point here.

Here Whooter admits being part of a TTI working group in Chicago to "assess Wilderness safety" but Whooter brags about telling his colleagues "where the real money is, the TBS industry."

What "regular parent" travels 1200 miles from home for TTI meetings to determine wilderness safety and TBS revenue streams?  He is a huge liar and it is proven in his own words.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #80 on: March 24, 2010, 04:35:40 PM »
Whooter: JUMP!
Fornits losers: HOW HIGH?!

You people are pathetic.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
one day at a time

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #81 on: March 24, 2010, 04:40:20 PM »
The above posts just go to show (and further support my belief) that it is valid to question other peoples motives for posting.  Many feel I have not been truthful and that my own postings tell a different story than what I am saying.  It is up to the individual reader to determine if a person’s story is valid or not.  I can only say what I have experienced, the rest is up to the readers.

I run into the same problem that Ursus, DJ and Anne have.  I have read posts of people saying they were abused during their time in the program yet the specifics of their post just don’t add up.  I feel if I were abused I would notify the police after I left the program and name the abuser here on fornits.  But most of the time this is not done.  People would rather let the abuser run free (to abuse others) and just talk about it here on fornits.  Why?  How do they sleep at night? To many readers this would mean they are not being truthful and cant name the person because it didn’t happen.  Maybe some people make up stories just to fit in better or be part of the group, who knows.

So I think it is left up to the individual readers (each and every time) to determine if a poster is being honest or not.  Sometimes there just isn’t any way to fact check or validate each person and their story.  So we need to go with our gut like Ursus etal. mentioned above.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline maruska

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #82 on: March 25, 2010, 05:53:53 AM »
Whooter, you said: Good parents need to know their child is safe at all times.

Well...I see a contradiction here...does that mean  good parents would not send their child away to be in the mercy of complete strangers, without the possibility to speak to the child (sometimes for several days, or even weeks?) Because in sending them away you do NOT know they are safe. You just have to trust ...and believe complete strangers.

And please do not come up with the cancer treatment analogy again:) We have been there already:)

You know, the reality is you cannot keep your teenager  safe  at all times, that is not possible! Teenage years are dangerous, we all know that. I think  I can understand this great marketing idea: send your child to us , she or he  will be safe. All the program  parents say this: oh, it was hardest  desicion of my life to send Janie to Utah , but at least I can sleep well now because I know she is safe....

One more question if you do not mind: what if one parent does not agree in sending  Janie away? Do the programs require the consent  of both parents?

And also one very personal question: do you work? I mean, you seem to spend so much time here daily.....I wonder how you do it:)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #83 on: March 25, 2010, 01:50:01 PM »
Quote from: "maruska"
Whooter, you said: Good parents need to know their child is safe at all times.

Well...I see a contradiction here...does that mean  good parents would not send their child away to be in the mercy of complete strangers, without the possibility to speak to the child (sometimes for several days, or even weeks?) Because in sending them away you do NOT know they are safe. You just have to trust ...and believe complete strangers.

And please do not come up with the cancer treatment analogy again:) We have been there already:)

You know, the reality is you cannot keep your teenager  safe  at all times, that is not possible! Teenage years are dangerous, we all know that. I think  I can understand this great marketing idea: send your child to us , she or he  will be safe. All the program  parents say this: oh, it was hardest  desicion of my life to send Janie to Utah , but at least I can sleep well now because I know she is safe....

One more question if you do not mind: what if one parent does not agree in sending  Janie away? Do the programs require the consent  of both parents?

And also one very personal question: do you work? I mean, you seem to spend so much time here daily.....I wonder how you do it:)

Yes, there is a great deal of trust involved. But this applies to all the complete strangers that a child is exposed to…ie, daycare provider, school bus driver, preschool teacher, gym teacher, pediatrician, therapist etc.  None of these people are members of the family typically.

So what can a parent do if a younger 3 year old sibling is seen walking around the house with a used needle, the oldest has dropped out of school, disregards all the rules and disrespects all the people around him/her…. Local services have failed?  I guess just sit back and do nothing?

A local therapist may suggest a Therapeutic Boarding school so you speak to other parents, other kids who have gone through the program and review the studies.  Besides the beliefs of a handful of people here on fornits the studies are valid, conducted independently and overseen by a third party independent agency to insure there is no conflict of interest.

With the exception of not being able to come up with the funds I cant see any reason why a parent would not consider this help for their child.

As far as what I do.......Some people prefer 8-5 jobs with 4 weeks vacation a year.  As far as myself,  I work intensely for very short periods of time and then have months at a time in-between with loads of free time.  I enjoy working hard and then taking time off for myself.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #84 on: March 25, 2010, 02:03:10 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
...the studies are valid, conducted independently and overseen by a third party independent agency to insure there is no conflict of interest.

Links?  Sources??  Who has assessed the validity of these "studies"?  Were they published for peer-review?  Is there a single longitudinal clinical study?  Which "third-party independent agency" is overseeing these "studies"?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #85 on: March 25, 2010, 02:52:25 PM »
Oh..Ok..taking time for yourself means sit here and post on Fornits:))

You know , I try to understand you...I mean, you really are a very interesting person from a psychological point of view...I cannot imagine anobody who would spend years posting on a forum where people basicaly hate you or make fun of you...seems kind of weird, you  know...

I know, I know you told me your reasons....but I do not think you are very  succesfull here...the other posters here come  over far more  educated on this subject...they have something you will never have, a personal experience. You on the other hand have a very predictable way of posting...I almost could tell what your answer would be to any question LOL

Comes to  mind...does your family know about your hobby? Did your wife or daughter ever post here?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #86 on: March 25, 2010, 06:43:00 PM »
Quote from: "maruska"
Oh..Ok..taking time for yourself means sit here and post on Fornits:))

You know , I try to understand you...I mean, you really are a very interesting person from a psychological point of view...I cannot imagine anobody who would spend years posting on a forum where people basicaly hate you or make fun of you...seems kind of weird, you  know...

I know, I know you told me your reasons....but I do not think you are very  succesfull here...the other posters here come  over far more  educated on this subject...they have something you will never have, a personal experience. You on the other hand have a very predictable way of posting...I almost could tell what your answer would be to any question LOL

Comes to  mind...does your family know about your hobby? Did your wife or daughter ever post here?

Maruska,  Consider for a moment that we were speaking to people who were in massive car accidents (damaged by the industry).  Some of the accidents were due to mechanical defects, some unknown and many others were self induced.  All in all they may not be too happy with auto industry (in general) and some may even form a group to try to have it shut down.  Even though they may have caused the accidents themselves or were DUI they still deny that they had anything to do with it and told everyone it was mechanical failure or their parents fault for not being better parents and anyone who says they enjoy driving must be brainwashed.

People like myself, who were never in a massive car accident but knew people who were, would be in a better position to see both side of the picture and therefore have a more flexible and better educated point of view and ultimately add more value to the conversation.  The people damaged by the industry would only be able to see the negative aspects of the industry and therefore have a limited view of the overall discussion.

So I understand that people see me as the odd one and uneducated because I don't support their point of view and that is fine.  I pretty much received that feedback my first week posting here.  If you doubt what I say......ask a few people here at random what they feel the positive aspects of the industry are.  Ask them to name 5.  After a several second pause you will understand what I mean.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #87 on: March 25, 2010, 06:56:40 PM »
Quote from: "maruska"
Oh..Ok..taking time for yourself means sit here and post on Fornits:))

You know , I try to understand you...I mean, you really are a very interesting person from a psychological point of view...I cannot imagine anobody who would spend years posting on a forum where people basicaly hate you or make fun of you...seems kind of weird, you  know...

 :shamrock:  :shamrock:
Maybe he doesn't pay much to the attention as much as the message he is supporting. Very shallow comment to say the least.
Many did not like Abraham Lincoln for his views, many did not like O'Bama's Health Care Reform....ummmmm....  
 :shamrock:  :shamrock:

I know, I know you told me your reasons....but I do not think you are very  succesfull here...the other posters here come  over far more  educated on this subject...they have something you will never have, a personal experience. You on the other hand have a very predictable way of posting...I almost could tell what your answer would be to any question LOL

 :shamrock:  :shamrock:
Very predictable ways of posting and these supposed far more educated have a less predictable way of posting...????? Personal Experiences and I have plenty can sometimes keep you blinded for years.
 :shamrock:  :shamrock:

Comes to  mind...does your family know about your hobby? Did your wife or daughter ever post here?

 :shamrock:  :shamrock:
Does your family, know about yours and so on. Personal questions thrown about so cavalierly.  
 :shamrock:  :shamrock:

« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 06:59:52 PM by DannyB II »
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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #88 on: March 25, 2010, 06:59:10 PM »
Danny does your lady friend know about your fornit addiction? :cheers:  :cheers:  :rasta:  :peace:  :jamin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline maruska

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Re: Can Wilderness Camps Kill Your Kid?
« Reply #89 on: March 25, 2010, 07:39:10 PM »
Danny, so you see Whooter as Abraham Lincoln ? :rofl:

Let me explain what I meant with predictable posting: I can learn a lot about this industry from most people here . Their personal experience is valuable. They know what  they are talking about, because they lived it.

What can I learn from Whooter? Well....I know his opininon, I accept that he is entitled to such an opinion...but...why post it over and over again? He never contributes anything new, he spends years on this forum and uses the same program talk over and over ad nauseum...does he have a life outside this forum at all?
Actually, I feel a little sorry for him, that is all....I once had a student who reminds me of him..poor soul...oh well
But I will end this, I know this discussion is useless,  I should have not started it at all...
I apologize.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »