I can't for the life of me forgive elan and its henchmen for the stuff that went down. I can forgive the folks that had to do the bidding of elan and its henchmen. They were just following orders, and if the didn't they would be on the recieving end.
Felice is right if you love elan go to zaretski site , it aint no love connection thing here.
Granted I have connected with former residents. Some don't want to talk about elan , and I respect that , most however feel like myself , that the hell hole should be shutdown and those henchmen be put in prison for the rest of their natural lives.
I consider myself a success, not because of elan. If I had believed the crap elan put in my head ,I would have been dead a long time ago.I knew the stuff that went on in elan by me and to me was not because I was sick or a bad person. It was because elan was sick and a bad place.
Thank God for cannabis, it helped me deal with the brainwashing nonsense that elan (it gave me space no pun between elan and myself)tried to put in my head. It helped me heal from elan. No phama drug would have helped like cannabis believe me.
Yeah I hate elan and its henchmen. It was/is a sick ,twisted place.
I consider myself a success because I survived the certian pains of hell that was elan, which was criminal with out a doubt, and I am alive to talk about the truth that was/is elan. Yes I am a success.
Ursus thank you for reposting this thread. Puts things in a different light. The more things change the more it seems they stay the same. Different thread ,different idea, same thing .
Nobody wants to have program fodder crammed down their throats. Granted ricci hated AA alot of other programs incorporated the 12 along with their particular brand of brainwashing. If I was in one of those programs and someone started proselytizing AA I would be getting a little peeved.
Its kinda how I feel when people say oh elan was good and I should "just "get over it. I get actually more than a little peeved , I get angry.
Thank you again Ursus.