And the fine ladies of the FREEPORT MOOSE all believe this CON MAN, his heroism my ass. Elan closed due to financial burdens. Marky saved the day going to elan taking pictures, he did what no man would be able to do. Go fuck yourself MArk with your delusions. You are fully busted Mark. I will do everything in my power to enlighten all you pushed around as a puppet like you did me MARK. HELL YES MARK I AM FUCKING deal with me bitch are disgusting. Leave Danny, Art, Felice, Anne, and Matt alone. We are done with you , we got lives and unlike you we smile daily. When was your last stay in Kenosha Mental Ward?

?? I am no longer married jackass, learn more tricks. I do not even live in Illinois dipshit, you can stop sending vile lies to Freeport. get a clue. And ART was right, I owe everyone on here a apology. I do apologize for being sucked in by Mark and his slimey tatics. Mark manipulated me and screwed with my head. I am sorry I was weak, please understand my emotions were so out of control. I now fully see. Art only attacked mebecause he was trying to wake me up. Well its good morning time MARK or shall we refer to you as your favorite troll name..NAZI, and your Jewish, shame on you.