Amazing isn't it DJ? You just know that you've struck a nerve with a programmie when they pull out the, "OMFG he's an abusive staffer" line. I expected anger from the kids who were in programs when I first started posting on fornits, and I saw some of it. But for the most part survivors have been very welcome to former staff who were willing to be open and candid about their experiences. Reasonable enough I guess, can't and won't ever blame them for being angry. But these attacks aren't about angry survivors, they are about asshurt programmies trying to troll an ex-staffer who is vocal about abusive programs trying to be trolled off a forum. I've seen this enough to know that in a week or so Mr. Tuck It will find something else to do.
Che you are mistaken, this was not your experience when you first got here and wasn't for some time. You were harassed horribly you were called incessantly, had letters sent to your home, folks rode by your home ect...wow where did I get all that info, from a very reliable source.
So lets just back that pony up and start your story again. Che you were not well liked and from your attitude and actions here, it pretty much makes sense.
Che your past is very checkered and littered with refugees, so please save your, "OH I WAS SO ACCEPTED, THEY EVEN HAD A TICKER TAPE PARADE DOWN BROADWAY FOR ME", speech.
I believe everyone deserves a second chance but ya still have to honest about your past.
When I first came to fornits I was well accepted. I've never once had letters sent to my house and neither have I had anyone roll by my house. Stop making up stupid shit to look clever. The only source you have is that little drunken figment of your imagination.
Nope, your not being absolutely honest here and you know it. I got this information from someone you know very well. I could not make up all of that, Che. About the time of your apology letter.
We both know what dark rancid fetid secret you are hiding. The person who told me used to live right in your own home. Yep, that's right folks.. Danny has a family member speaking with Fornit's regulars about Danny's deranged internet behavior spilling over into real life. This person is quite the authority on Danny's many past transgressions and brushes with various authorities.
All quite sad.. very sad..
Hopefully you'll make it past an entire sentence before meandering on aimlessly. You now have my permission to reply, I'm going to get back on skype and talk to this family of yours more. Do not expect a reply back from me given the disgusting nature of your heinous deeds.
Che, Antigen told me. Is that fair enough, it is no big secrete here. How you were harassed, why do you have to act like a asshole about it. I was not trying to put you down, I was just making a point that you will lie to serve some stupid egotistical purpose. Now maybe it did not all happen here (fornits) necessarily but the fact remains you were not well received,as you say.
This is the problem here Che, you of all people should know letting your emotions over take your intellect will always backfire.
DJ and yourself are two prime examples, two folks with experience and intellect in the TTI realm and they are considered idiots here on fornits. Now in your minds you may not even contemplate this at all into your overall resume of how the public perceives you because your other friends and associates don't read fornits. Well guys if this is true then I hope your double life is working for you. I on the other hand have everyone who knows me through my associations with Treatment Centers, Homeless Shelters, Jails, Prisons, ect...read my posts here on fornits, as a matter of fact most were already familiar with fornits.
My two ego driven asslicking friends, it is always so much better just to be who you are, so you can tell who are your friends.
Aaron, if I didn't know better I would not doubt this is very much the reason you drink like a fish and remain single. Not that your a loser, you just don't know the difference.
Was this on point enough, Che.