Author Topic: The Fucking Weak.  (Read 21486 times)

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Offline Froderik

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2003, 01:14:00 PM »
"Heil Hitler!" (Madman Mundt played by John Goodman, before he blows off the head of one of the detectives in the Cohen Bros. film "Barton Fink")  :flame:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2003, 01:23:00 PM »
And for you two with the psychiatric disorders:

Are you actually standing in your glass houses and throwing stones at others?  :flame:

It's a rare thing when someone manages to both suck and blow at the same time, but you two have somehow made it possible, haven't you?  :mad:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2003, 02:47:00 PM »
After reading all these replies I was left wondering are we all so worried about sounding correct that it is wrong to point out this guy is unstable?  Or is the correct wording "in need of counseling"  please someone tell me b/c I don't speak PC.  Look I am sorry for the break up of a marriage and home...statiscally speaking the majority of us will experience this same thing in our lifetime.  Would I ever think it was ok to lash out and threaten others?  Doubt it...why b/c I am not currently off my medication.

Oh one more thing of course christians become angry....but can one of you advocates out in cyber space justify the filth he spouted with religion?

I am also sure that post would help a visitation request wouldn't it?  Or will someone let the judge know he really is a christian?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline not a fuckhead

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« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2003, 03:05:00 PM »
On 2003-09-11 16:35:00, not a fuckhead wrote:


On 2003-09-11 13:45:00, Powerful Attitude wrote:

"Thanks to yOu. My wife has decided that I am one of you and is divorcing me because of you pathetic motherfuckers. You tell me I have problems.  You wallow in your own shit making excuses so you don't have to take responsability for YOURSELVES. I CALL THAT BEING A FUCKING PUSY. To my much despise that I have for you already, I get to hear her call me psycho from Straight, Controller, I restrained her, I'm an Addict. You fucking weak bastards need to mind to your own affairs and leave the ones that stand alone, alone. I will hate ya'll forever like I always have. You are no better than the group, you are the fucking group, the cult, the one's that have separated my wife and I. Is that not what the seed and straight did? Fuckers. Keep crying and I will keep bashing your cultic fucking brains in. Ya'll have brain washed my wife, She wants nothing to do with me as she yells straight driving away in another mans car with my children, surely, I pray for you to pay the consequences of your actions, surely you are the weak and for me the despised. Ya'll definitely are the Sick. Cry, Cry, Cry. You fucking make me sick. Talk to some others about being a skitz, surely you must pay. Pay the price pound for pound. Can you assholes bring me back my children and wife? I mean you have done such a great job. The one with 12 years, you?re a goddamn pro. You fucking bitch, and the rest of you may die. Feel Free. ANYTIME, DIE. Bring it on you fucking bastards; I'm ready this time. I hate. Jenn if you reply I will chomp and devour and spit you out like the rest. Bring it on FUCK HEADS. :rofl:



You need professional help, you are mentally unstable. If I was your wife, I'd leave you too. You probablly scare the hell out of her. You seriously scare me and I'm in cyberspace. Get a good psychiatrist!"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2003, 03:16:00 PM »
't is a little thing Dropp'd in the heart's deep well; The good, the joy, that it may bring Eternity shall tell.
-- G. W. Langford: Speak gently.

Folks, let's be real here. We're all a little fucking crazy. Probably no more or less, on average, than anyone else. But that tie that binds us all together tends to bring out the worst in us quite often.

PA, buddy, you're not the first and you won't be the last to suffer fucked up relationships and loss over dancing with draggons. Did you get took? Who took your money and flushed it down the toilet? Who talked shit about you to your wife while you were out busting your hump to bring presents to her feet? Who so abused your trust?

I can't tell you, because I don't know, who fucked up the most or the least or if any of this is worthwhile or not.

All my brothers and sisters say no, it's not. The world is a fucked up place and your best bet is to just insulate yourself and your loved ones from the most immediate reminders and pretend like we're all bit players in some blithely sappy sitcom. I envy them. I honestly do. I tried to pull off that feat of self delusion for years but my mind just doesn't work that way. It's like insomnia; I'm tired, I'm not worried about anything in particular, in fact looking forward to some pleasant task or event the next day. I lie down, close my eyes... but nothing happens.... slower than in the day when the sun is up.

So my fellow McNultys can't abide my company. I invest a lot of time and attention in trying to figure out how to undo the drug war. That makes them very uncomfortable, because it's either an affront to their proud Seedling identity or just opening old wounds, depending on which one of them we're talking about.

So, because I'm the crazy one, I had no say and could not stop them as they litterally burned all of my dads books, magazines, most of his writings and even tore to bits the ugly but sound storage trailer in which all of that was stored and threw IT on the bonfire too. All but the valuable pieces and parts, for which they invited a couple of scrap men to come haul off "for free" (what a deal, eh?)

I had no say in the way the money was divided, either, unless I want to divert whater may be left of Dad's earnings and savings to the cause of helping to put a couple of lawyers' kids through school.

I had no say in my dad's care in his dying days. And I have no brothers or sisters, except the type who will sink the knife and give it a good twist each and every time I let down my guard.

I can't say I know what it's like for you, at this stage in life to be where you are right now. It don't look pretty from where I sit and I'm all bent out of shape and distracted worrying about you. Fucked up, eh? I don't even know your name, never seen your face. But I'm worried for you and utterly helpless to do anything to help.

Am I crazy? Is it a normal human function to be able to pretend everthing's wonderful and just unsee all the clues to the contrary? I don't fuckin' know, so I won't try to tell you.

Are we tilting at windmills here? More like tilting at jet turbines set to takeoff speed with blindfolds on, I think. Is it worth it? I don't know.

I do know this, though. There are things I will do and other things I won't do in the interest of righting these ongoing wrongs and raising a proper "hue and cry". I don't dig martyrdome. That's my mom's gig, not mine.

No one is any better off, and lots of folks are worse off, if any of us throw ourselves under the wheels in a heroic, though futile, act of martyrdome. I don't know exactly what kinds of things you have in mind to do. I just hope, sincerely, earnestly that you don't make any permanent decisions while your at your absolute worst. Whatever it is, it shall soon pass. That's trite, but it's also true.

Did I somehow help cause this crisis in your life? I don't know. I hope not. But if you think I did, please tell me how so I can avoid making the same mistake again.

I don't know what else to say. How `bout we all go out and get Harleys and be rugged, independent outsiders like normal former POWs with permanent psych injuries?

"...In general, it's just an overall sign in America that there doesn't seem to be as much respect for authority figures, and that's a bad trend. It just strikes me that people can say whatever they want to and get away with it, and that's not good."

--But David Murrell, exec. dir. of the Florida Police Benevolent Association

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
American drug war P.O.W.
   10/80 - 10/82
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline LeeBunnys

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2003, 05:42:00 PM »
I think we ALL should read some Bukowski, makes me feel better  :grin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2003, 12:49:00 AM »

On 2003-09-12 10:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

"And for you two with the psychiatric disorders:

Are you actually standing in your glass houses and throwing stones at others?  ::bigsmilebounce::

I cannot speak for Morli, but when the fuck did I become a poster child for the politically correct mentally ill?  I mean if I am the poster child, then you must owe me some royalty payments then right?

Well enough of all that.  Anyone with half a brain can see that I made an offer to take Mr. Powerful Attitude out canoeing, but apparently he is too busy hating the world right about now.  I even went as far as to say I apologize for the way I remembered him, and then WHAMMO!!  Instead of merely being an twisted and tortured soul that was an A hole just in my memory alone, he has to go and give himself CARPUL TUNNEL SYNDROME typing out his venomous manifesto for all to see!!!  So yeah, you're damn right I called him a nut.  I'm just calling a spade a spade here.  As far as me being a nut, I don't recall being placed in a hospital at any time in my life.  I was in a clinic twice, but that hardly counts for anything.
I have driven school buses twice for Pinellas County, and that is not the kind of job that any "Nut" can obtain now is it?  Come to think of it, they will not even consider "Anonymous" applicants for a damn interview!!

Before I leave everyone to go on with their lives and their fat ugly wives, I want to make one thing perfectly clear.......I AM NOT MY DISORDER, I DID NOT ASK FOR IT, OR DESERVE IT, BUT I HAVE IT, AND ACCEPT IT.  I AM NOT "CURED" NOR DOES SCIENCE SAY I EVER WILL BE.  I AM JUST BOB, THE 85 DAY JERK, NO MORE AND NO LESS.  Any one wants to walk a mile in my shoes, I'll leave them out on my doorstep.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline Antigen

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2003, 01:03:00 AM »
In case anyone cares, I just removed the ban on username Wes Faker. I'm pretty well satisfied that there's no real threat.

Doesn't mean I approve or disaprove or deem myself worthy to judge anything the guy thinks or says or his reason for being so damned pissed off to begin with. Just that there's no good reason for me to medal and so I won't.

May your days be joyously challenging and your words artfully true.
--Ginger Warbis

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline ehm

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2003, 02:19:00 AM »
On 2003-09-12 21:49:00, 85 Day Jerk wrote:
"On 2003-09-12 10:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

"And for you two with the psychiatric disorders:

Are you actually standing in your glass houses and throwing stones at others?  ::bigsmilebounce::

I cannot speak for Morli, but when the fuck did I become a poster child for the politically correct mentally ill?  I mean if I am the poster child, then you must owe me some royalty payments then right?

Well enough of all that.  Anyone with half a brain can see that I made an offer to take Mr. Powerful Attitude out canoeing, but apparently he is too busy hating the world right about now.  I even went as far as to say I apologize for the way I remembered him, and then WHAMMO!!  Instead of merely being an twisted and tortured soul that was an A hole just in my memory alone, he has to go and give himself CARPUL TUNNEL SYNDROME typing out his venomous manifesto for all to see!!!  So yeah, you're damn right I called him a nut.  I'm just calling a spade a spade here.  As far as me being a nut, I don't recall being placed in a hospital at any time in my life.  I was in a clinic twice, but that hardly counts for anything.

I have driven school buses twice for Pinellas County, and that is not the kind of job that any "Nut" can obtain now is it?  Come to think of it, they will not even consider "Anonymous" applicants for a damn interview!!

Before I leave everyone to go on with their lives and their fat ugly wives, I want to make one thing perfectly clear.......I AM NOT MY DISORDER, I DID NOT ASK FOR IT, OR DESERVE IT, BUT I HAVE IT, AND ACCEPT IT.  I AM NOT "CURED" NOR DOES SCIENCE SAY I EVER WILL BE.  I AM JUST BOB, THE 85 DAY JERK, NO MORE AND NO LESS.  Any one wants to walk a mile in my shoes, I'll leave them out on my doorstep."

I don't mind mentioning AGAIN that I've been seeing a wonderful psychiatrist for over three years now and I don't need or require medications. That doesn't mean they are not good for some people. Besides Bob, I think he was talking to you and Alex, but then again, I've been wrong before and apologize in advance if this is wrong. Being polite and nice helps us get our messages across to others. :grin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2003, 10:00:00 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2003, 10:18:00 AM »
My point was that instead of being mean you two could be understanding and nice since you both have gone to a psychiatrist and received help for your troubles. It wasn't an indictment on who you are, or your need of help, or what that place did to us. It was a call for you to back the hell off and pretend that PA is you or someone you love, simply because at one point in your life, you needed damn help too. And yes, Bob, you were kind. And when the response was the same that it was from the beginning, you decided to get mean. What good did you do by calling PA a nut? All it did was encouraged Morli to jump in and then others followed like dominoes.

You have a guy on the edge and you're standing there yelling Jump! So I said what I said in hopes that you will pretend that he is your father or your brother or your son or even yourself, and no matter what he says, try extending some empathy, sympathy, and love. This isn't about you and your mental state.

That's all I'm saying. I think we all understand PA needs help, but did you consider that your words could very well make the difference in how he reacts? Sure, he's ultimately responsible for his actions, but we could intercede, we can have an impact one way or another.

But I by no means was trying to judge any of you or trying to be mean in any way. I was simply speaking as the relative of someone with a mental illness who took a few innocent people with him when he went over that edge. I spoke as the co-worker of a woman whose husband orphaned their child in a rage, and I speak as a person who knows what it feels like to be in despair and grief over loss. But mostly, I just want you to think about his children and his wife. Your words could make all the difference in how he reacts.

I'm sorry if I angered you. I only meant to convict you of throwing stones. I never meant to hurt your feelings. My apologies.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ehm

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2003, 10:53:00 AM »
On 2003-09-13 07:18:00, Anonymous wrote:

"My point was that instead of being mean you two could be understanding and nice since you both have gone to a psychiatrist and received help for your troubles. It wasn't an indictment on who you are, or your need of help, or what that place did to us. It was a call for you to back the hell off and pretend that PA is you or someone you love, simply because at one point in your life, you needed damn help too. And yes, Bob, you were kind. And when the response was the same that it was from the beginning, you decided to get mean. What good did you do by calling PA a nut? All it did was encouraged Morli to jump in and then others followed like dominoes.

You have a guy on the edge and you're standing there yelling Jump! So I said what I said in hopes that you will pretend that he is your father or your brother or your son or even yourself, and no matter what he says, try extending some empathy, sympathy, and love. This isn't about you and your mental state.

That's all I'm saying. I think we all understand PA needs help, but did you consider that your words could very well make the difference in how he reacts? Sure, he's ultimately responsible for his actions, but we could intercede, we can have an impact one way or another.

But I by no means was trying to judge any of you or trying to be mean in any way. I was simply speaking as the relative of someone with a mental illness who took a few innocent people with him when he went over that edge. I spoke as the co-worker of a woman whose husband orphaned their child in a rage, and I speak as a person who knows what it feels like to be in despair and grief over loss. But mostly, I just want you to think about his children and his wife. Your words could make all the difference in how he reacts.

I'm sorry if I angered you. I only meant to convict you of throwing stones. I never meant to hurt your feelings. My apologies."

In my lifetime there have been times that nothing anyone could say was going to get me to listen. But, over time hearing the same thing over and over opened my eyes and my mind and helped me stop blaming others and look at myself. Personally, I like that Michael Douglas movie and my quote meant nothing more than that. However, I'm not going to tiptoe around the fact that PA has been angry at this 'board' for as long as I can remember and the amount of blame he lays on others is definately remarkable. Spewing cockamamie dogma is and does sound like the rantings of sheer insanity.

I would like to add that I've had a boyfriend that sounds just like PA. He was schizophrenic. I really do hope the best for PA.

[ This Message was edited by: morli on 2003-09-13 08:03 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2003, 12:35:00 PM »
Look, folks, I don't know that PA is a nut. I don't know who he is. I did think, or at least suspect, that he and WF were the same person. But I was mistaken. For that matter, I don't know that WF is mentally ill, either.

All I know for sure is that both of these guys have recently posted some very angry, a little scary, stuff. For all I know, they're the sane ones, we're all crazy and that's why they're so distressed.

Let me give you a real life example. Say you're walking down the street when you see this burly guy in full battle warp kicking the living shit out of a year old Rottweiler with his bare feet and fists. When the dog finally cows and runs for home, the guy chases her down, kicks her one more time, tries to catch her, calls the owner by name and threatens to pick the bitch up and break her in half right in front of him before moving on to kill the owner.

What a fuckin lunatic, right? Not just mean and dangerous, but seemingly endowed by his obvious insanity with super-human strength, right?

Well, if you'd come on the scene just a few minutes prior, you would have seen this same man taking his little girl and her new puppy out for a walk to the neighborhood dog run and this poor victimized Rottweiler playing the part of the predator. She comes out from behind a bush, snatches the puppy and starts shaking him like a rabbit. Then the man kicks the dog in the head, telling her "Drop it! Drop it!" till she drops the pup. While he's scooping up the puppy, who by then is in full shock and covered in piss and a little blood, the big dog goes after the panicked and hysterical little girl.

Still think he's a lunatic? Miguel (the Rottweiler's owner) does, but I just think he's less than objective about his pets and what they're capable of.

There's probably little or nothing that I can do to help either WF or PA. I don't even know if they want anything from me. Neither has asked me for a damned thing or contacted me at all, except through this public forum. But I damned sure won't be fucking with them, either.

Cops; you wake `em up you gotta dance with `em. They lead.
-- Jack McNulty

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2003, 01:57:00 PM »
I joined this board in July of 2002 and this particular thread is one of the truly genuine examples of what it means to be a survivor.  I think the fire is out finally, but it was damn cool while it lasted.  I learned alot about myself and the way I come across to people and the harmful influence I can have on others, just like the day I got 23 guys to start acting like jerks before Mrs. Pete blew her stack and had me thrown in the "Think Room."

For the past year far too many of us have gotten ourselves involved in completely retarded endeavors to "get back" at the Semblers, board of directors and spin-off programs and the efforts have caused more harm than good.  Out of the 9 or 10 original core group I met in Pinellas County, there are only 3 I can stand to be around and only 1 that I would trust with my house keys.  That is simply the way it is, and I don't like it.

I want to get back to my original idea of having a place for Survivors to go and just simply be.  No protest, no "proving" anything to anyone, just hanging out and having fun.  In the old days these places were called lodges and the people that went to them were called drunks, but I'm sure we can take the basic formula and make it work.  Down here we have someone that can pilot fishing boats, only nobody is going out fishing because they can't stand her.  We got someone else that is really good at marketing things only nothing is being made or sold because he spends too much time getting baked.  Other people want to create music, but live in separate states and can never seem to get together.  I myself was about 3 hours shy of leaving for Orlando when I caught wind that some people I did not want to meet were going to be there, so I went fishing off the seawall instead.  I caught a beautiful Spotted Sea Trout, and while it may have looked damn good in my frying pan, it looked even better swimming away gracefully once I let it go.  As the sun came up and ate up what was left of the stars, I felt the first playful tickling of the Autumn breeze, and I felt like a fool for letting Summer slip away without ever really getting to enjoy it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline Antigen

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The Fucking Weak.
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2003, 04:57:00 PM »
Bob, I'm shocked! Put yourself in that troute's place for just a moment. Right now, he's probably off nibbling the exotic and dangerous variety of algae in the company of sharks and bottom feeders, all because his wife and friends think he's finally gone over the edge with this crazy abduction tale.

Shame on you! He would have been far better off in the fry pan. Especially if it was a nice, stoute iron one and he were basking in the glow of fresh butter, garlic, onion, basil, a little lemon maybe some rosemerry...

In God's wildness lies the hope of the world x the great fresh unblighted, unredeemed wilderness. The galling harness of civilization drops off, and wounds heal ere we are aware.
-- John Muir

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
American drug war P.O.W.
   10/80 - 10/82
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
Anonymity Anonymous
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes