I was at the seed on 84 in 76 -77. A staff member named cliff n. seemed to have been started over just before I graduated. I had looked up to him and seeing him near the front row and having to be walked to the bathroom by oldtimers really freaked me out at the time. Every time I asked anyone about what happened I was given the canned reply 'That's not important.' This phrase was only used when anyone brought up a subject that reflected badly upon the seed, art or staff, etc. Anyone know what terrible 'crime' cliff committed?
Also, I recall that while I was on the program, john u. and a staffer named pam were married.
I had been at the seed for 2 or 3 days and we were outside doing exercises when I held up my hand and indicated in the prescribed fashion that I had to go to the bathroom. Problem was, John U. was the only one near enough to see me. He let me go, but as soon as I returned Ginger lit into me bigtime for daring to ask senior staff for bathroom permission. I still do not recall being told before then that this was against the rules.