I knew Rachel Uchitel at Cedu - and she was quite the bitch back then. Rachel
was an NH student when I arrived at Cedu, and she made life miserable for
people like me. Power tripping older student, look good, total sell out, and
Guy Bonnano's personal pet (they were sickeningly fond of one another), and
was one of the most conceited people I ever met. She was about as Cedufied
as one could get, very arrogent, very snobby, she always "knew best",
and we all were supposed to "listen to her". She sucked up to staff big time,
especially Guy B., and could often be found sitting on his lap. Heaven forbid
you had any sort of disagreement with Rachel, she'd run to staff (usually Guy)
and you'd end up on restrictions, work details,& dishes for the next week -
NO JOKE! I know this because it happened to me at least 1/2 a dozen times!
Seriously, what a bitch!
Despite the "holier than thou" front she put up, I always suspected that Rachel
was really a tramp at heart. The fact that she's made her livelihood from fucking
married celebrities doesn't surprise me one bit. She deserves all the scrutiny
these tabloids are giving her, that and a whole lot more.