Author Topic: the Nightmare of christianity  (Read 2664 times)

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2009, 01:35:59 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
You keep reframing this discussion into a way that makes you a victim. That's intersting. I've never been in a program so it's impossible that I use program related language, but if this makes you feel comfortable to be in the little guy role, I'm all for it. "Typical Jew by birth but really an Atheist", notice how you keep cutting that quote short and making it plural to make it seem like I'm attacking Jews in general, nice little trick there.
The quote means exactly what it says, according to the Jewish religion if you are born to Jewish parents then you are Jewish. It doesn't matter if you choose to be an Atheist, or Christian or Buddhist, according to Jews, you are still a Jew no matter what you do. Since this guy makes a living making a fool out of religious people, it's obvious he is  Jew-Atheist. He is Jewish, technically, but really an Atheist. Jew by birth but really an Atheist. It's really not that complicated.

But hey.

If this makes you feel better, disregard that and eat this one up.

1. I am a evangelical Christian and I support Bush.
2. I am a anti-semite, like all Christian Republicans.

You are quite wrong. Being jewish is an ethnicity and a religion. You can by ethnically jewish, and not religiously jewish, or vice versa. being born jewish only makes you ethnically jewish. SO....calling him a "jew-atheist" is kinda like calling a black guy "nigger-baptist" or a mexican "wetback-santaria witchdoctor". Max's ethnicity, or spiritual perspective, or geographical location has absolutely no bearing on this discussion.

furthermore, you should be proud to learn that the vast majority of new york city jews voted for bush both terms. You will also be surprised to learn that the majority of jews over 40 along with first-generation immigrants are more racist than any KKK member they are just not very open about it, and they hate arabs even more than the most fervent anti-terrorist right-wing michigan militiaman. They have a special yiddish word for nigger - szchwartze - that they use constantly when referring to blacks. But one thing i can say jews love, is the evangelicals. Didnt you know that all the big jewish organizations and synagouges have ties to the evangelical community? dont you remember when jerry fallwell pledged his undying support for the jewish cause? (although i must admit their motivations were very different). very few jews are anything like bill maher or jon stewart.....which is what i'm sure you are picturing. Jewish politics are very complicated.

So i dont think you're just an anti-semite. i think you're an ignorant fool who has never met a jew in their life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2009, 02:04:06 AM »
They have a special yiddish word for nigger - szchwartze - that they use constantly when referring to blacks.

Uhm. No, that's the yiddish word for black, not nigger. There is no yiddish word for nigger. It's from the German word for the same thing. (also, its spelled shvartz, just like the german word, which is its origin.)

It IS indeed a slur to refer to black people, but it cal also be neutral, in the same way that english people say "black" to refer to black people. It is not a specialized word like nigger or spic or kike. Plain and simple, it means black. Its more in the same way that someone will use the term cracker to describe whites. A cracker can be... a cracker.. or it can be a white person.

Look what I found!

This is seriously cool. It's amazing the terms people can come up with. In addition, you can put something like "German" in the search box, and it will pull up german racial slurs.


Also, for those who may have missed it:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2009, 02:36:35 AM »
Blumenthal does not make a living out of making fools out of religious people; he makes a living out of exposing the fools religious people make out of themselves and he has a lot of help in that department; he'l never run out of material!  Religion is and always has been about controlling people by feeding them answers to questions for which there are no answers: why are we here, what is the meaning of it all and what will happen when its all over?  There is not now and never has been and never will be a religious, scientific or philosophical guru who knows shit about any of it: :bs:

THERE IS NO ANSWER!  And that is the answer.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2009, 02:40:14 AM »
actually...when an american jew says szchwartze he means nigger. It does mean black, yes, and that is the origin of the word, but when a jew says szchwartze he means nigger. it's the same way a jew can call a white girl a white girl, but if he calls her a shiksa it's with the intention of prejudice, same thing when calling non-jews goyim. no one uses only yiddish anymore, it's virtually extinct. Only hasids and geriatrics use it, and only on certain occasions (when they dont want anyone else, especially their kids, to know what they are saying). when someone uses a term like shiksa or goy in an everyday conversation, they mean it like they dont like them, like they are trying to put them down and make them lesser people. Not that that's a bad thing, goyim ARE lesser people....but thats besides the point.  

around NYC, blacks know this, and when they hear szchwartze they get pretty mad. When i was in 4th grade, i heard my grandpa point to some black guys and say "look at those szhwartze, they all look and act like a bunch of monkeys" on the way to hebrew school. The class went out to central park to play in the playground, and there were a couple black guys hanging around there too. I decided to come up to my teacher, who was sitting not far from the black guys, and asked her "what's a szchwartze?" pretty loudly. The black guys immediately turned and started, giving me and the teacher a long, hard, evil look. the teacher didnt say anything, got up, got the class together, and left the playground quickly. When we got back to the school, the teacher with the school principal gave me a lecture about the definition of the word, and why i should be careful when using it because "there might be blacks listening and they might not be very happy to hear that word".  

Later in my life...a few years ago...i was walking through queens and there were these two rabbis walking and talking, obviously discussing blacks because they were sprinkling the word throughout every sentence. they brushed up against some gangster-looking black guys and as they pushed passed one of them muttered guess what in yiddish. That rabbi was knocked the fuck out immediately.

Jews in NYC are racist as fuck. maybe you should look into the decades-long tension (sometimes escalating into riots) that has been occuring between the jewish and black community throughout brooklyn and along the fringe between the upper west side of manhattan and harlem. it's gotten pretty fucking ugly before.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2009, 02:44:48 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2009, 02:48:40 AM »
Quote from: "try another castle"
Speaking of bullshit:

I thought you said you were Jewish? Or are you a Jew-Atheist? lol
Seriously though, if you dont believe in the bible. if you dont believe in judaism, how can you be a zionist? at least you did better than liberia, those back to africa blacks sure fucked that place up royally. nothing like the holy land.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2009, 10:40:23 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
I thought you said you were Jewish? Or are you a Jew-Atheist? lol
Seriously though, if you dont believe in the bible. if you dont believe in judaism, how can you be a zionist? at least you did better than liberia, those back to africa blacks sure fucked that place up royally. nothing like the holy land.

are you retarded or something?
were you not paying attention to the post that said "Being jewish is an ethnicity and a religion. You can by ethnically jewish, and not religiously jewish, or vice versa. being born jewish only makes you ethnically jewish?"

When Jews were being exterminated by nazis, they didnt care about religion. Converting from judaism would have not saved you. If you're jewish, you're jewish, period, religious or not. It's an ethnicity or race. assuming all Jews are Jewish  is like assuming all mexicans are catholics, or all white americans are protestants. I repeat, it's an ETHNICITY. If you hadnt noticed yet....and this is a pretty tell-tale sign of ethnical differences; jews have significantly different DNA, facial characteristics, and hereditary diseases than their white counterparts from the same regions of the globe. If you've spend a good amount of time with jews, you could pick out jews from a crowd weather they are religious or not.

The original intention of zionism is to provide Jews all over the world a homeland, a shelter, where they can escape to and be protected by their brethren in case of another holocaust or similar event (hence the logic behind holocaust denial - no holocaust, no need for israel). Very few jews in israel are religious; actually it would be safe to say that a greater portion of the american jewry is religious than the israeli jewry. Zionism is all about unity, self-sufficiency, and protection of the jewish race; and not providing jewish with a "conquest" of the "holy land".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2009, 02:33:15 PM »
Oh Jesus Christ on  broken crutch! If you think that article about the megalomaniac Bill Gothard and his buddies the extra chromosome fundie Dominionists had anything to do with the majority of mainstream x-tians you must either have not read the article or you have serious reading comprehension issues.

And I'm not defending the X-tian faith. I'm with "servant of god" on that one; There is no answer. That is the answer! But I'm not condemning all believers in any one faith or another. There's a difference between someone who has an eccentric (imo) belief in angels or fairies or daemons or demons but who is otherwise sane and someone like Bill Gothard & the Bush people (aka Neocons or the Religious Reich) who pray daily for the onset of the end times and thirst for the blood of holy war.

I actually ran into some Gothardites when I was homeschooling my young children in So. Florida. There had been essentially one serious state organization, which was largely comprised of Christian mothers who's primary reason for homeschooling was to give their kids a religious education, separate from the humanist culture of public schools. They were ok to deal with as far as legal and legislative issues and for organizing large outings and fun field trips on the cheap. Then the Gothards came along at about the same time as a Mormon organization with possible Scientology ties; Home School Legal Defense Association.

What happened next was fugly! At a homeschooling picnic, which doubled as an organizational meeting for the more involved mothers, one of my friends (who was raised Catholic but professed agnosticism) overheard one of these Gothardite mothers explain to her toddler that those fires you see on the edge of the Everglads some nights (bonfires, usually bikers or other revelers throwing a kegger) were pegan rituals where infants were sacrificed and thrown on the fire. At that same and similar events (only contact the Gothardite families had with non-Gothardites) these 'loving' Christian parents regularly referred to said non-Gothardites as "Pegans." The child was HORRIFIED! and, after that, clung to her mother's mid-calf-length skirt (required dress for all women over the age of about 11 by the patriarchal Gothard cult) in stark fear of the "Pegans" around her.

They went on the attack, running non Gothards out of the state organizaion and even attacking their businesses thought slander, picketing and other nasty acts. Another friend of mine lost her educational supply store behind that because she dared to run for office within said state organization. Now, I never attended those state org picnics. I only put together small junkets to state parks, museums, factories and infrastructure facilities and "cruise to nowhere" trips on the cruise ships out of Port Everglades and such like. But I remember a lengthy discussion on Blanket Training that sprung out of one of my friends' having witnessed a Gothard family inflicting this peculiarly cruel treatment on an infant no more than about 8 months old. Just try this Google Search on blanket training gothard paint stick for more info. Note that probably the most comprehensive telling of this story, Gentle Spirit Magazine, is now entirely password protected. That's because HSLDA and the Gothard cult sued the fuck out of Cheryl Lindsey Seelhoff, publisher of Gentle Spirit Magazine

Now then, OR (original respondent to original poster), if you can take some time to read up and educate yourself about WTF we're talking about and STILL wish to identify with and defend these sadistic lunatics as your fellow martyred "Christians" than God bless you for at least being forthright in your words. Now stay the FUCK away from my kids!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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Re: the Nightmare of christianity
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2009, 02:56:53 PM »
There is a town just north of me(Zion,Illinois) that was founded by a fucking lunatic fundie church in the 1890s.These dipshits were called "Dowieites",after the head fucknugget that started the church.Now the dowies believed the earth to be flat( consider the town is on Lake Michigan,and you can see the curvature of the earth).They actually had laws on the local books,that women couldnt wear beige shoes,because they were provacative,and selling shellfish was also against the law,as it had aphrodesiac properties. and (go figure) it was dry until the late 1990s.
  Now the town is full of tiny fundie churches,welfare mamas,crackheads and Bizzaro Bi-Polar street corner preachers,they had a shit-fit at the city council mtg about a month ago over a seasonal haunted house,fundies sayin it promoted satanism and such.......Gary Coleman is from Zion
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad