Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > CAN ~ Collective Action Network
--- Quote from: "psy" ---... And not in ignorance either. Whitmore parents contacted here and told her about the kinds of programs sue referred to but she didn't care. It's not like the information wasn't out there either.
Isac has a piece written up about it (you'll see her on the watchlist):
--- Quote ---The latest trend involves something even more sinister and deceptive.
Since people have gotten wind of the for-profit referral business, referrers are now teaming up with "child advocates."
These "advocates" will gladly tell you how awful a particular facility is, then direct you towards someone who will help you find an alternative.
We don't know what kind of financial arrangement is going on behind the scenes, but we're sure there is one.
Regardless of what they call themselves, these referrers are NOT qualified to diagnose your child over the phone and they aren't qualified to judge a program as being "good."
And don't forget - they are being PAID to tell you the facility is good.
Quite simply, the internet isn't regulated and the referral business isn't regulated.
We recommend that parents NOT use the internet to find a program for their child.
You just have no way of knowing what kind of person you are entrusting your child to.
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So it’s not some dissonance to be perplexed by. It is willful stupidity brought on by her own cupidity.
I feel hate.
At Spft we use Caica's articles.
For those programs the people behind Caica and Pure refer to we use other sources.
We have limited ressources and why not let some others do the job for us?
I'm with ya on that, Oscar. SPFT has always been the dispassionate, "inch-worm, just give me all the data" source for info on the troubled parent industry. I haven't looked recently, but do you provide some sort of disclaimer or notice of controversy about CAICA? Would you consider doing that?
Whenever we quote strugglingteens, which we have to because they also brings press releases when programs shuts down we always put "- an industry marketing firm" in the end of our references.
It is the same with CAICA. They are a "referral agency"
CAICA is in fact doing an exellent job of putting WWASP and public programs in Florida down.
As a Danish woman is political prisoner in Florida, we don't mind whenever bad publicity hit the prison system in Florida.
--- Quote from: "Inculcated" ---
--- Quote ---The CAICA website is dedicated to promoting awareness of injuries and deaths
to children and youth in treatment programs, schools, the juvenile justice system,
and other settings, and to increase our resolve to reform programs and promote
safety for all children and youth. We welcome families, researchers, academics,
media, attorneys, and advocates to use the information on this website.
We hope that the information on this website will provide incentive to parents
nationwide to carefully scrutinize programs offered to their children, to demand
better accountability, and to work for systems reform so that we understand
what is happening, why it is happening, and how we achieve positive change.
The actual number of incidents of injuries and deaths due to restraints, seclusion,
aversives, and coercive interventions to children and youth in treatment programs,
schools, the juvenile justice system, and other settings, remains unknown. It is
suspected that those reported to the media are only the tip of the iceberg and
that the tip of the iceberg itself is not routinely archived.
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Disclaimer: The CAN does not endorse or recognize CAICA as a legitimate resource for education about the troubled teen industry nor does the CAN affiliate with CAICA in any way, shape, or form.
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