Do you remember one day when we were talking in an intake room? I'm not trying to dig on you, im just wondering if you had any idea, what i was talking about. Let me set the scene for you. Mrs. Hitler was getting ready to pull me, but my mother won the fight, and i was telling you how there was something empty inside of me pulling at me, something that was undescribable in group... YOu stood me up and asked me about it, and i could not descirbe it so i probably got sat down and yelled at later for it... Whatever. Do you know what it was now? Maybe its a lazy sunday and you are driving into group and you look at the leaves changing color from western nj. Or maybe you drive past the meadowlands and your heart breaks.... How about a sunday during the fall and you see your team playing or even the giants, and you you feel so bad, that every breath you take you feel it. Thats what i was trying to say, and im sure alot of other people felt that way. But i guess they couldnt express it so they got sat down too. But donty worry i dont blame you or any of the staff I'd think like newton if i was raised by him too.
Let me know if you remember me:)