Author Topic: leaa and yeah, you right.  (Read 3011 times)

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Offline justonemore

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leaa and yeah, you right.
« on: July 31, 2009, 07:02:17 PM »
this is to inculcated and ursus and greg and ginger. I just took a look at the ad for the seed, and it troubled me some. for one thing, by the time that ad had run barker& co., had already run afoul of some heavy players.This too i know. law enforcement assistance administration was more or less a 'slush fund 'on a grand scale to buy allegiances. much of their money went to weird third world 'commmandantes' Remember Nicaragua? I do. Check the international association of chiefs of police. What an assortment of thuggery! each and every one cries out for a bullet . Greg, you say that a lawsuit is pointless ( fruitless?) well, i'm not schooled in law, or much of anything else, but i can tell you it takes a mighty big dog to eat a lard tin full of biscuits. I believe thats what happened here. i know, have worked with task force officers from so. fl who are to this day spooky as hell about that time. the criminality here runs far and wide, and i'd just as soon it stopped. it's a mess, a real mess. it's an idealogical, philosophical, physical, spiritual, legal, moral and historic mess. and we have paid for it. over and over we have paid for it. Ah hell, i know a very fine man, army sniper, 14 confirmed mission. he's a backwoods country boy, gentle in all his ways. he too, has "paid for it" let us seek justice, and put  an end to this, the madness that seeks to control others. ( oh yeah, for the record, i said historic and not historical.. there's a difference.. and i meant what i said)
and to the guest with the birds.. my doves are irrascible and they fuss so that you'd think they was Rabbis!  but i got hawk and osprey and crested, and little owl, and cats and wood rats, and cardinal and house wren, and thrasher, and a finch i can't yet identify,, and i guess you know by now i like critters. and i don't like people who don't.
ginger this is specifically to you. you have said that there is ( i paraphrase) no cackleling fiend, that it's just good intentions gone awry. well hon, i gotta disagree. i don't believe that it goes this far, for this long, hurts so many people so deeply,AND MAKES SO MUCH MONEY, absent fiends. it's a hard thing, but i think it's true. ::unhappy::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2009, 07:50:18 PM »
I love critters. And all do need pay the piper, that is why so many are trying to stop the jones gang. :peace:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Inculcated

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2009, 09:41:23 PM »
Quote from: "justonemore"
this is to inculcated and ursus and greg and ginger. I just took a look at the ad for the seed, and it troubled me some. for one thing, by the time that ad had run barker& co., had already run afoul of some heavy players.
Where was it published and in what publication? Out of curiosity I’d be interested to see just what they tried to pass themselves off as.What year was it?

Is there a timeline in brief of The Seed from its inception through its expansion and closure? I’d be interested in seeing something like that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis

Offline psy

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2009, 11:09:10 PM »
I think those who are only in it for the money are few and far between* and even they rationalize what they do as beneficial or somehow in the greater good.  When they lie, they do it to protect their program from those who would not understand...  ultimately to help the kids.  In their eyes, they know better than the kids, the parents, and even the law.

I'd have to agree with ginger that, except for very few cases, I don't think there's anybody out there going "muahahaha...  let's abuse kids for profit".  No.  They want convincing results and i'm pretty sure they are just as fooled as anybody else when a kid goes "this program saved my life".  In most cases, I think they cut and paste "what works" from other programs and cults without a full realization of how the systems were designed and what they do.  I don't think they realize they are implementing thought reform.  I don't think they realize that the dramatic results they witness are only temporary and will leave permanent scars.  When they do, they rationalize it away by blaming the victim and saying that so and so a person didn't work the program hard enough.

Yes, i'm sure there are some some sociopaths who want to make money at any cost, but it's my personal belief that they are very rare.  I suppose the only ones who know for sure are the program directors themselves.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2009, 11:52:56 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
I think those who are only in it for the money are few and far between* and even they rationalize what they do as beneficial or somehow in the greater good.  When they lie, they do it to protect their program from those who would not understand...  ultimately to help the kids.  In their eyes, they know better than the kids, the parents, and even the law.

I'd have to agree with ginger that, except for very few cases, I don't think there's anybody out there going "muahahaha...  let's abuse kids for profit".  No.  They want convincing results and i'm pretty sure they are just as fooled as anybody else when a kid goes "this program saved my life".  In most cases, I think they cut and paste "what works" from other programs and cults without a full realization of how the systems were designed and what they do.  I don't think they realize they are implementing thought reform.  I don't think they realize that the dramatic results they witness are only temporary and will leave permanent scars.  When they do, they rationalize it away by blaming the victim and saying that so and so a person didn't work the program hard enough.

Yes, i'm sure there are some some sociopaths who want to make money at any cost, but it's my personal belief that they are very rare.  I suppose the only ones who know for sure are the program directors themselves.
                                                 What difference does it make? It is all wrong, and need stop, to me clearly it is for profit. What ever the reason, it is creating very hurtful souls is all. Soooo, how do we stop it??? And good seeing you psy
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2009, 12:29:04 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
What difference does it make?

In all practical terms, it doesn't make any difference.  It helps to understand your enemy, though.  Understanding motivations is one key to predicting behavior.

Even if you can't convince a program director to close up shop, if a program director truly had good motives, by showing him what he was doing was harmful, he might change methods, go voluntary patients only...  who knows.  I doubt that's very likely but at the very least it might make him feel uneasy or even guilty about what he is doing.  Lots of these folk are truly believers in what they do.  Destroy the faith of the leader and the church collapses.  Of course it's more likely they'll choose to disbelieve what they hear and see, but that's only possible up to a certain point.  I'm not saying this is in any way realistic or plausible.  I'm just brainstorming an example of how understanding motivation might affect strategy.

It is all wrong, and need stop, to me clearly it is for profit. What ever the reason, it is creating very hurtful souls is all. Soooo, how do we stop it???

Jeez.  There are lots of theories about that.  Some want the state to intervene, some think it'll do more harm than good by providing legitimacy to the industry and giving parents a false sense of security.  Some think that the press can help and some think that the press has no balls and that the public should become the press and educate the public.  Some think that the solution is to remove motivations for parents to place their kids in the industry by legalizing pot and removing the fear surrounding it.  Some think that there is no point since kids are already sent up for no reason at all.  Some believe there is some combination of the above or something else entirely that is the key to ending it all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2009, 11:53:40 AM »
As long as the USA thinks that the drug war is 'winnable', there will be casualties. As long as the assumption is that a child 'on drugs' is dying or heading for jail or a life of crime (crime that is manufactured by the drug war itself) , then treatment programs that modify children's behavior will be seen as the lessor of two evils.

This is the crux of the problem as I see it.  You can bark and howl all day about 'abuse' in drug treatment plants but the average 40 year old mom that has spent a lifetime swallowing hook line and sinker the drug war rhetoric who thinks her kid is smoking pot and will soon move on to Meth or crack won't hear you.  She will run, not walk to put her kid in one of these programs and will find a convenient support group of likewise concerned parents and Dr. Phil, Oprah, Dr. Drew and the rest on TV telling her what a wonderful job she is doing. You have to convince this woman or man that the program isn't just abusive, but that at its core it is disfunctional and hurtfull.  If you show them someone spits in the kids faces, for example, they will just look for a program that doesn't allow that particular thing to occur.  The reward/punishment synanon group therapy approach is so prevalent that even normal people who haven't "been there' talk the language these days.

The program has progressed into popular culture.  Now you can eat popcorn on your living room couch and watch them line up plastic  chairs, trot out kids for confessionals and then spit in their face and yell and scream at them in a threatening manner while the audience shoots their hands up in the air. They  eventually bringing  the kids to tears and have them testify to their regretfull past mistakes. This never fails  to the delight and wonder the studio audience and brings some of them to compassionate tears.  This occurs with regularity  on Jenny Jones or Dr. Phil or whatever program endorser is on tv at the moment. How do they miss the elephant in the room?  That elephant is of course that these people are being bullied and scared into  into saying what they say?  How could it have gotten this far so fast? What can we do about it?

The only solutions is credible education.  The best education is a lucid person who has taken control of his/her life and can calmy talk about what occured to them as a child in a sane manner and how this type of treatment is detrimental to children's development, not beneficial.  It is an uphill battle that won't be won with bogus lawsuits by bogus do-gooders that are really just looking for their fight-of-the-moment on the internet..  

The Seed is beyond being sued by many many years, and even if you could get a suit heard it would likely be dismissed outright in summary judgement.  I said it before, that type of battleground is for current  and recent programs.  We can help by lending credible support, not ranting like litlte children.

Yes Florida was ape-shit crazy in the early 70s. I had to flee St. Petersburg to find sanity because everyone was involved in the Seed. The judges, the police, the school system, the mental health system. You name it the seed had gotten to them. However Barker lacked staying power and credibility with the power brokers and the St. Pete power brokers thought they could take his model and fix it. So  Yes Florida  and specifically St. Petersburg spawned much of warehouse-em-until-you-cure-em line of treatment facilities.   I knew personally many of the originators of Straight, Inc. and none of them did it to torture children.  All of them thought that 1) Art Barker had it wrong but did get kids straight  2) they could fix it and do it better and treat ethe kids better 3) kids on drugs was a  much worse  thing than kids in treatment facilities 4) they could save the little children.  They ended up creating an even worse monster.   They all bought the dead, insane, or in jail AA rhetoric. Most of the populace still does.  Some really bad people (Miller Newton comes to mind) were attracted by the treatment modality, but the majority of the people thought they were saving kids, not hurting them . This is the difference.  If you could prove they were all just money hungry and hurting kids for fun and profit it would be much easier to fix.  But you can't prove something that isn't true.  There is a big mountain to climb when you are fighting people who the general public are convinced are dedicating their lives to helping people, and that mountain gets higher when people who agree with you are products of the sick system and have obvious problems.

So you want to help this to stop?  Good. Stop posting things like you are mentally ill (if you aren't).  Stop attacking people on either side of the issue.  Engage people in intelligent conversation. Talk to a kid who recently graduated one of these programs, and show him his life isn't over. Talk to a reporter.  Writer a letter to an editor.  Protest a current program. Talk to an ex-staff member rationally and show her/him the error of his ways like an adult.   There is much you can do to help just as there are things you can do to hurt.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2009, 02:03:38 PM »
Good Stack-boy.  I see you are still using that lingo I tought you during our sessions together.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2009, 02:13:44 PM »
So you want to help this to stop? Good. Stop posting things like you are mentally ill (if you aren't). Stop attacking people on either side of the issue. Engage people in intelligent conversation. Talk to a kid who recently graduated one of these programs, and show him his life isn't over. Talk to a reporter. Writer a letter to an editor. Protest a current program. Talk to an ex-staff member rationally and show her/him the error of his ways like an adult. There is much you can do to help just as there are things you can do to hurt.

Susan types back,
                     Greg wish you as well would read your own words and study them yourself,  to me, you are still  attacking, and you have done much attacking in here yourself. I myself call it purging,  You say engage in intelligent conversation, how is it intelligent when you are being a hypocrite. I do have an idea, maybe all can use me as a place to hand out information at. Maybe writing up something to get the public aware of what goes on in those places could help.I could hand them out to every soul I come in contact with. Maybe having a place where all can go to so they can chat about what bothers them. Just having a place to go and  chat about their experiences, could keep someone from hurting self or others.  I really do wish all stop the pain, all this energy should be being used in a positive way, but I for one understand any ones anger, and that is something I would never stop anyone from letting out of them. ( like you I will add my touch) ----------- I did not show all the words you misspelled, so stop posting things like you are mentally ill yourself, ( if you are not yourself mentally ill that is).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Susan thinks child rape is funny
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2009, 02:47:48 PM »
STFU you ugly washed up pedo rape-supporting skank.  BTW, Libby noes where you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2009, 11:35:17 AM »
Greg, thanks for the post, and thanks for the info.
Revenge is not what i'm after. Revenge is, finally, pretty pointless. revenge attempts to address the past, and that's a fruitless exercise. justice is a different matter, however. justice addresses the future. it would seem no justice is possible here, oh, well. it does seem an outrage that these folks, and i count the many and many accessories (ie; doctors, parents, educators, law enforcement, corrections, et al) who either were actively complicit or merely passive conspirators in this enterprise, to have profited from our misery. ( God, spare me from people who say "I meant well!)
as to the 'drug wars'. Well, it is a war, no question. For perspective, look up Anthony Gramsci, italian, published about 1930-something. ( listen up greg.. if you're going to read it in the italian, at least have the decency not to read it aloud,O.K.?) I in general agree with a retired D.E.A. man i know ( we sometimes laugh and tell war stories, but we don't even know each others names) I think that MOSTLY drugs should be legalized. And prepare for a two-year bloodbath.
As to the pervasive 'step-crafter' mentality, well,ah jess doan know! I see it as a very insidious, destructive religion that refuses to identify itself as such.      ( much like communism, actually) I've known several A.A.'s over the years, and to me, they are manipulative and deceitful. i actually only know one person whom i'd consider a 'true' alcoholic.. a decent guy when sober, very self-destructive when not, and no middle ground. ( for perspective on A.A., look up the "Oxford Group") i think outside of individual conscience, individual choice, there's no real social solution to the problem of that mentality. Maybe we ignore it, and it goes away?
Finally, and this last is to all who visit this site. I came here looking for answers to questions, for insight, for history. And i've gained plenty. However, of late I've been DISMAYED ( nod to stripe) by the growth of smut on this site. ( I USE THE WORD SMUT HERE IN THE AGRICULTURAL SENSE, BE CLEAR ON THE MEANING) Communication between interested(and interesting) parties has been shut down, occluded by crud and nonsense. I have no use for stupid, foul creatures who pollute environments for the sake of pollution. ( a lot like certain decay-bacteria, if you think about it) I'll continue to monitor this site, for i have a keen interest in the history of the time, and the seed, there's much more here to learn. However, I have no time for or interest in smut. When smut gets too bad, you just gotta burn the whole field. so long for now. see you in the 'happy place' ::unhappy::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline justonemore

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2009, 05:24:40 PM »
I think I just 'got it'
to wit , it would make sense if stack is gay/ perverted..BECAUSE OF THE SEED. if he was abused ,and found he liked it, if that's possible, ( i think not in a normal paradigm) and here i use 'normal' in an aristotelian sense, not the common mathemetic, bell-curve sense. I think that's so. i think it true.
If he was sexually abused in the seed, then it would explain his raging against the seed, and anyone he perceives as having a normal life. he feels fouled, and dirty. He hates himself for being the way he is, and he hates anyone who's not. If his sisters know that, and women-folk have ways, it would explain their irrational defense of him.It's why he always claims to be more than he is, and wants always to 'best' men, loathes little girls, and never mentions women. he actually sees himself as a hurt  little girl, and the world's gonna pay.
Stack constantly threatens violence, projects violence against helpless others, derides and ridicules those he sees as more powerful, more potent. and seeks to befoul the 'normal'. In text, there are frequent mis-spellings, mis-use of words, all functions of an inadequate and grandiose intellect. I'd just casually, of course, estimate the I.Q. at 90, no better. Low end of normal, compounded by severely impacted rage.He's a mess, a real true facts, garbage heap mess, a poster child for why we need never have places like the seed, and why we will always need prisons. Even the weak can be violent, if only in their dreams . ::unhappy::  ::unhappy::
if a near about fifty year old boy thinks this is a way to express himself, and gain the attention of adults, well, that's a scream for help that i can not answer. it's beyond me. well' I've about called the tune. Not everyone is wired the same way, some animals drool and bite, them're the one's you shoot and walk away from. it's sad, but true. past a  certain point, i have no sympathy at all, as it's incumbent for each of us to recognize our own sins, our own faults, and address them.(BEFORE THEY BECOME PATHOLOGIC, BEFORE THEY HARM OTHERS,BEFORE IT'S FINAL)
 Well, that's the disease process, as i see it. 'CHUSS' better days, aww, here's my buddy ! ::unhappy::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2009, 10:10:24 PM »
Quote from: "justonemore"
I think I just 'got it'
to wit , it would make sense if stack is gay/ perverted..BECAUSE OF THE SEED. if he was abused ,and found he liked it, if that's possible, ( i think not in a normal paradigm) and here i use 'normal' in an aristotelian sense, not the common mathemetic, bell-curve sense. I think that's so. i think it true.
If he was sexually abused in the seed, then it would explain his raging against the seed, and anyone he perceives as having a normal life. he feels fouled, and dirty. He hates himself for being the way he is, and he hates anyone who's not. If his sisters know that, and women-folk have ways, it would explain their irrational defense of him.It's why he always claims to be more than he is, and wants always to 'best' men, loathes little girls, and never mentions women. he actually sees himself as a hurt  little girl, and the world's gonna pay.
Stack constantly threatens violence, projects violence against helpless others, derides and ridicules those he sees as more powerful, more potent. and seeks to befoul the 'normal'. In text, there are frequent mis-spellings, mis-use of words, all functions of an inadequate and grandiose intellect. I'd just casually, of course, estimate the I.Q. at 90, no better. Low end of normal, compounded by severely impacted rage.He's a mess, a real true facts, garbage heap mess, a poster child for why we need never have places like the seed, and why we will always need prisons. Even the weak can be violent, if only in their dreams . ::unhappy::  ::unhappy::
if a near about fifty year old boy thinks this is a way to express himself, and gain the attention of adults, well, that's a scream for help that i can not answer. it's beyond me. well' I've about called the tune. Not everyone is wired the same way, some animals drool and bite, them're the one's you shoot and walk away from. it's sad, but true. past a  certain point, i have no sympathy at all, as it's incumbent for each of us to recognize our own sins, our own faults, and address them.(BEFORE THEY BECOME PATHOLOGIC, BEFORE THEY HARM OTHERS,BEFORE IT'S FINAL)
 Well, that's the disease process, as i see it. 'CHUSS' better days, aww, here's my buddy ! ::unhappy::
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I felt all flushed with fever
Embarassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letters
And read each one out loud
I prayed that he would finish
But he just kept right on

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

He sang as if he knew me
In all my dark despair
And then he looked right through me
As if I wasnt there
But he was there this stranger
Singing clear and strong

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2009, 10:46:38 AM »
Quote from: "justonemore"
I think I just 'got it'
to wit , it would make sense if stack is gay/ perverted..BECAUSE OF THE SEED. if he was abused ,and found he liked it, if that's possible, ( i think not in a normal paradigm) and here i use 'normal' in an aristotelian sense, not the common mathemetic, bell-curve sense. I think that's so. i think it true.
If he was sexually abused in the seed, then it would explain his raging against the seed, and anyone he perceives as having a normal life. he feels fouled, and dirty. He hates himself for being the way he is, and he hates anyone who's not. If his sisters know that, and women-folk have ways, it would explain their irrational defense of him.It's why he always claims to be more than he is, and wants always to 'best' men, loathes little girls, and never mentions women. he actually sees himself as a hurt  little girl, and the world's gonna pay.
Stack constantly threatens violence, projects violence against helpless others, derides and ridicules those he sees as more powerful, more potent. and seeks to befoul the 'normal'. In text, there are frequent mis-spellings, mis-use of words, all functions of an inadequate and grandiose intellect. I'd just casually, of course, estimate the I.Q. at 90, no better. Low end of normal, compounded by severely impacted rage.He's a mess, a real true facts, garbage heap mess, a poster child for why we need never have places like the seed, and why we will always need prisons. Even the weak can be violent, if only in their dreams . ::unhappy::  ::unhappy::
if a near about fifty year old boy thinks this is a way to express himself, and gain the attention of adults, well, that's a scream for help that i can not answer. it's beyond me. well' I've about called the tune. Not everyone is wired the same way, some animals drool and bite, them're the one's you shoot and walk away from. it's sad, but true. past a  certain point, i have no sympathy at all, as it's incumbent for each of us to recognize our own sins, our own faults, and address them.(BEFORE THEY BECOME PATHOLOGIC, BEFORE THEY HARM OTHERS,BEFORE IT'S FINAL)
 Well, that's the disease process, as i see it. 'CHUSS' better days, aww, here's my buddy ! ::unhappy::


 : :seg:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Re: leaa and yeah, you right.
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2009, 12:00:38 PM »
Quote from: "justonemore"
I think I just 'got it'
to wit , it would make sense if stack is gay/ perverted..BECAUSE OF THE SEED. if he was abused ,and found he liked it, if that's possible, ( i think not in a normal paradigm) and here i use 'normal' in an aristotelian sense, not the common mathemetic, bell-curve sense. I think that's so. i think it true.
If he was sexually abused in the seed, then it would explain his raging against the seed, and anyone he perceives as having a normal life. he feels fouled, and dirty. He hates himself for being the way he is, and he hates anyone who's not. If his sisters know that, and women-folk have ways, it would explain their irrational defense of him.It's why he always claims to be more than he is, and wants always to 'best' men, loathes little girls, and never mentions women. he actually sees himself as a hurt  little girl, and the world's gonna pay.
Stack constantly threatens violence, projects violence against helpless others, derides and ridicules those he sees as more powerful, more potent. and seeks to befoul the 'normal'. In text, there are frequent mis-spellings, mis-use of words, all functions of an inadequate and grandiose intellect. I'd just casually, of course, estimate the I.Q. at 90, no better. Low end of normal, compounded by severely impacted rage.He's a mess, a real true facts, garbage heap mess, a poster child for why we need never have places like the seed, and why we will always need prisons. Even the weak can be violent, if only in their dreams . ::unhappy::  ::unhappy::
if a near about fifty year old boy thinks this is a way to express himself, and gain the attention of adults, well, that's a scream for help that i can not answer. it's beyond me. well' I've about called the tune. Not everyone is wired the same way, some animals drool and bite, them're the one's you shoot and walk away from. it's sad, but true. past a  certain point, i have no sympathy at all, as it's incumbent for each of us to recognize our own sins, our own faults, and address them.(BEFORE THEY BECOME PATHOLOGIC, BEFORE THEY HARM OTHERS,BEFORE IT'S FINAL)
 Well, that's the disease process, as i see it. 'CHUSS' better days, aww, here's my buddy ! ::unhappy::

Is there a "Standing Ovation" Smiley?

 I guess not, this will have to do.

 :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :notworthy:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »