Author Topic: Excerpt  (Read 882 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: July 03, 2009, 06:32:20 AM »
I didn't want to mention much about my own personal experiences. Now I am livid. I remember a boy coming over to Tranquility Bay from his program (which has now been shut down). "You're lucky over here," he said, "you don't get duct-taped and beaten".
I am lucky, I thought as I waited in line for food, raising my hand so that I could sit, talk or stand. "I'm lucky," I thought, as I was praised in TASKS seminars for giving "feedback" to my peers such as "you're a user, a manipulator, a drama-queen, you just want men to want you, etc." As I beat a towel against that wall that was supposed to reflect how angry I was at my parents, as I fake-screamed to show my "rage" and what they'd done to me in order to please the large, bespectacled group facilitator.
My first experience of "group" where we girls sat in a circle and "shared" our "experience" was one of complete shock. I was staring at the mountains and the sky, watching a bird fly over head, when the group facilitator, whom I had trusted, launched into me. "So, how are you, Kyrsten?" I explained my thoughts about beauty and change. All at once, hands shot up into the air. "You're not paying attention, you're avoiding, you're a master manipulator, you're a liar." My peers faces were angry with accusation. I knew in my heart I wasn't lying, and they were acting completely irrationally.
Another such experience came when a girl I had gone to the hospital with entered the program. One of my friends, she said, had killed herself. Tears started pouring down my face. I hadn't cried in months. In group the next day, I decided to voluntarily share how upset I was. One by one, the girls launched into me yet again. "You're lying, you're just avoiding how you really feel by focusing on the suicide, you're feelings aren't real." And so it went. My feelings weren't real. People could judge my character just by looking at me, they said. They knew me. Without ever having known me. I was criticized for writing eloquently. "You're avoiding" they would say, demeaning my poetic descriptions of how I felt, required written work for the seminars.
I am so lucky I was resilient, that I could change myself to suit their needs until my parents pulled me out. My journal of the first month in the program reflects what's really going on. My fear. The sense of being trapped. The completely arbitrary rules.
After three months, my journal entries were laced with program jargon. A binary happiness I had to adapt to fit in. To move up in the program.
I am livid. We will tell our stories. You may have managed to use Communist techniques to brainwash us into temporary conformity, but we are not silent anymore.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Excerpt
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2009, 11:41:30 AM »
So sad that all have these feelings yet the one who did a crime against these souls is still living a life without guard nor without their freedom taken from them, this Art Barker, need be taken in front of all those souls that he stood up and ridiculed for years, imagine that justice if only for a moment, I personally find it hard to talk about what happened to me, I was very much abused in ways no human should be abused, mental abuse is one of the worst things a soul can go through, especially when it is  coming from a cult type of a  program, I say that Art Barker need be brought to the courts and take his shot at what is  real and what is not real, justice is not a joke when it comes to playing with thousands and thousands of lives, he may be old but he is still living off of the souls he tormented daily for years, no one could give back what was taken,but I think  to stand this soul up, and make him listen to what he did, would make my day, I pray for all who hurt and are still finding it hard to trust, I sure wish this stackjones was here in Florida would like to shake his hand and thank him for opening me up, the time I was forced to be in there was nothing but a waste of my time, which means  it was a waste of the governments ( which also means a waste of tax payers money) money to feed a pig like Art Barker. I do believe he should have to reimburse the funds used for such a crime, I think any court would agree as well, next time some drunk comedian wants to make money off of innocent souls, hopefully they will read about Art barker and his clan, as a clan is all they were, a very sick clan at that, and everyone one of those souls knew what they were doing, nothing stays open that long unless someone is pulling  strings, and he pulled more then strings. I hope he tosses and turns with fear like all had too before he finally leaves this planet, may his days never be happy, though I feel that one is something I do not have to worry about, as no one  could ever have been nor will ever be happy living that bullshit kind of a life that he so choose to live, like Hitler and Charlie Manson and so on, Art Barker is in that category, he fits right in there among those souls. Just because he is old does not mean he should get away with this CRIME, as that's all it was back then  a Crime, and that is all it is today a Crime, it is a Crime to allow this  Art Barker to walk away with out having to stand up to the souls he tormented, he murdered and he tortured and he is still out there free as a bird, something is really wrong with that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Excerpt
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 01:07:21 AM »
here we go again.

the pendulum in guest is swinging again.

guest loves libby, guest calls barker hitler.

swing on guest.

swing on.

keep proving to us the depth of the sickness that place caused you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »