Author Topic: John Underwood Statement  (Read 1107 times)

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John Underwood Statement
« on: June 06, 2009, 09:03:51 PM »
Can someone email a copy of whatever John Underwood, or any other "Seed" staff member has posted on this site? Any news articles, or any information, such as names, ect. of former staff members. [email protected].

I especially am interested in statements made by Seed staff from the early period. 1970's. From the Blimp Hanger era, the Ft. Lauderdale, and Tropical Park era.

I was 14, when I was forced into that program through lies and deceptions. I was forced to admit I did drugs in front of parent visitors, or I was told I would never go home again. In actuality, I had never done drugs. I'll never forget my words, as I sat in the front row speaking to my mom. During my intro. I said I smoked pot once, smoked hash once, and did THC once. My mother told me I only had to be there one week. I asked her if she was going to take me home that night. She said No! That was the beginning of the nightmare called the Seed. A couple years later when I was only 16, a former witch known as Debbie, would go do the Castaway Docks, of the old Castaways hotel, and was always, more disgusting stoned than any person I had ever seen. She was trying to prostitute herself for drug money. She died of a drug overdose, and I recall reveling in that information. How sad.

My two sister's were forced in the program, and we all had to start over. I started over because one snitch at high school told the Seed staff I was talking to my old "druggy" friends. One, who was her cousin. And he didn't do drugs. What was my conversation with those druggies? It began like this... I hadn't been to school in weeks, and suddenly appeared. Word was out, and I had been a very popular kid. I had a white button down shirt, like a glam rocker would wear. I had on plaid cuffed bell-bottoms, and white clogs. I was "previously" a surfer. I simply was begging my friends to NOT talk to me, they kept asking me why? Why? I was nearly in tears from fear, and was about to run away, when I saw her. Her name was Julie, a fat cow seedling. She was hiding in the corner and watching, me but far enough off that she couldn't hear my words. I started over that night, and that entire evening was devoted in spending the evening in abusive torture. I was started over, and spent more than 30 days away from home the second time around. 17 days the first time.

One year in that mess, my father finally came home from his job in Boston, where he was a boat captain. He came to the Seed evening meeting, where they had started my two sister's over for walking outside at night. They too endured an endless evening of screams, and being called whores, etc. My one sister was a mere 13.

But, my three cousins who had never done drugs were also thrown in the program. Three girls. They were 9, 11, and 14.

I was sent to a psychiatrist while attending the Seed. Ordered by staff, because of my constant non-compliance. I began the meeting by telling the shrink to lay down on his sofa and tell me his problems. He smiled, and asked me what was going on?

I told him I hated the Seed and all I really wanted was to go back to school, and to surf. The shrink literally wrote a letter for me to give to the staff, I believe his name was Dennis. The letter stated that I was a surfer, and came from a boating family. That letter gave me "permanent" permission to go surfing. I put back on my corduroy Levi's, striped surfer shirts, thongs and was allowed to grow my hair back, which the Seed cut.

You know those movies about Priests that commit rape on innocent children who were kidnapped, and tortured to death? I liken the Seed to those priests. I am sure curious, if anybody has ever murdered any of those staff members. I am actually surprised that nobody ever murdered, Art Barker. Torture and murder, of one man, is far less suffering than what the thousands of children had suffered at his hands, for profit, under that diabolical experiment.

That program helped nobody. Indeed!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 09:09:09 PM »
In case anyone wants to suggest I advocate the murder of former staff members of the Seed, or Art Barker, I don't. I simply stated that I am surprised that nobody ever has.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 12:56:21 PM »
I don't know how you can liken the Seed to what you did.  I was at the Seed in 74 and I don't remember people being called the names that you said.  They did nothing but SAVE my life.  It sounds like you were very young and maybe you didn't understand everything that was going on.  I had gone to the Seed the first time when I was very young and there were lots of things I didn't understand.  When I went in later because I had a drug problem everything really came to light and made sense to me.  I'm not saying this to be mean or anything but just to say how when I first went in I didn't really understand things because of my immaturity and because of my life experiences.  I hadn't gone through hell like I had later.

Not everyone is perfect.  I remember one time when in the girl's rap they asked if I was ready to go home and most everyone said "yes" except one girl who seem to give me a hard time.  Well it ended up I went home anyway and who knows what was going on w/ her and why she said what she did.  That just proves the point that not everyone is perfect.  For the most part I believe that everyone had my best interest at heart.  

Getting info. from staff members isn't going to help with the pain you are feeling or make things better for you.  I have found the best way is to just let it go because it just ends up hurting you and not the person you are upset with.

Sending you hugs,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2009, 01:54:21 PM »
Great to hear that the Seed "worked" for you, Guest2, but it sounds like it did a number and a half on Stack Jones. Maybe it may have "saved" you, but maybe it ruined him. And yup, that does count more, cuz remember, "First, DO NO HARM."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2009, 02:25:26 PM »
Here's a somewhat lengthy thread that John Underwood started.

Here's a link to all of his posts:

Here's another staffer, this one a lifer

I know there have been a few others to post here but I don't recall offhand their usernames or real names. GregFL probably would.

From there
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2009, 03:58:47 PM »
Now Antigen could probably help you with some potions or spells, if you need any of those.  Most Witches are good with that kind of crap.   :blabla:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2009, 05:08:40 AM »
guest 2 asks. how can i liken the seed to what i did?

you fucking idiot.

because it took 1 full year out of my life.

a clean kid that never did drugs forced to lie and say he did. kicked, and tortured. sleep depravation.

i was allergic to cigarettes, and had asthma and had to endure those smoke filled rooms filled with chain smokers, and caffeine drinkers who were stoned on nicotine, and caffeine, and claiming to be straight.

i also recall one young man, he was my oldtimers older brother. he "joined" the seed voluntarily, and was an adult. after a couple weeks of that bullshit, he didn't want to stay. he stood up and said, i'm going back to law school. i don't want any part of this. he was physically dragged down, and forced to stay.

uh! that is called kidnapping.

what you folks that don't realize is there is due process, and the seed violated that on a daily basis for those who entered voluntarily.

further, anyone held in that program, under the age of 16, and not being allowed to attend school violated federal laws that mandated school attendance.

i don't have to discuss, the forced beatings, the kidnapping from beds, schools, and places of employment.

i was kicked 3 times by a black guy staff member named don. the last time he kicked me,i told him, no doubt my father would get in touch with him. my father did. don disappeared from the seed.

anyone who says the seed saved their life, is truly a loser.

as for me? i'm 50. an attorney, and i have a recording contract.

never really gave the seed thought, until i stumbled on this post. so it really has been ineffective in my life.

i think its complete lunacy for this stupid chick to say, i don't have memories from those days.

you idiot, guest 2, you are the one stating as fact that you were on drugs. and killing your brain cells.

not me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2009, 09:58:38 AM »
Quote from: "stack jones"

you idiot, guest 2, you are the one stating as fact that you were on drugs. and killing your brain cells.

not me.

Stack, I agree with you 100%, but I do think this point needs to be addressed----it really doesn't matter if a kid is doing drugs or not---the Seed and programs like them do NOT treat addictions.  They merely perpetuate themselves and other programs.  Even if a kid were a 16 year old heroin addict that was selling his ass for drug money, the Seed and places like it are not appropriate places for them.  Or anyone.  It is like amputating an arm because someone has a hangnail.  DEADINSANEINJAIL is a myth, a lie foisted upon the gullible to feed the "treatment" industry machine.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2009, 11:04:44 AM »
i remember barker coming to the blimp hangar with a brand new black cadillac, and coming to speak with us for about -- maybe 2 minutes. he always had on the latest expensive clothing - worn by people 20 years his junior. and always a chick or 2. he was a comedic failure that came up with a fraudulent guise and it caught on. a fad.

even as a teen -- i realized those staff people were losers. each and every one of them.

no different than followers of jim jones. or other cult leaders.

the seed was-is a cult. nothing more. a business venture at the expense of gullible parents that stuck their kids in a secretive facade.

my last day at the seed was my 15th birthday. after they started me over and i spent 30 days away from home, claiming to be a drug addict, i never - ever played their game there way. and they knew it. they didn't break, and couldn't break a little kid.

on my 15th birthday then sang - hit the road jack and don't you come back no more no more.... i didn't, and you know what? they never came calling again. twofold reasons.

1) my mother had no money.
2) they had enough of me.

like i said, i reveled in the death of debbie, that pig bitch. i would have preferred her getting caught, while she was on the run. and starting over. then offing herself.

they scarred my sisters through and through. neither has a relationship of trust with my mother to this day.

fact. drug rehabs today hold kids until the insurance money runs out. its that simple.

its just big corporate business. profit for shareholders and NOTHING more.

the seed indeed is all you need
to stay off the junk and the pills and the weed
you come each day from 10 to 10
and if you screw up then you start again

junkies and thieves throughout the land
join our family hand in hand
working together from morning to night
to help each other see the light.


art barker father of the seed
he's my best friend
whenever we go out
the people always shout
there goes art barker father of the seed
la la la alalalalal

what an iconclastic model of brainwashing garbage.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: John Underwood Statement
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2009, 11:10:36 AM »
{It sounds like you were very young and maybe you didn't understand everything that was going on.}

you were on drugs, and lost your brain cells. not me.

i understood very clearly what was happening.

complete and unadulterated fraud.

a corporate nightmare aimed at filling pockets with cash, at the expense of children.

my memory is pristine and clear on the treachery.

my old time jacking off in his bed, at 5:30 with no sleep due to the intentional practice of sleep depravation. and knowing i'll be up at 6:00, not fed breakfast, and taken to a medal chair to sit in for 10 hours. watching kids freak out, attempt to escape, and get caught. watching people beg to go to the bathroom and told to piss themselves.

fuck off you dumb bitch.

is that what it took to "save your life." you fucking cunt.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »