Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Peninsula Village


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I have heard there is a person standing outside of a CH concern today with a large sign that says SHAME ON COVENANT HEALTH[/size]

I am not sure if this has anything to do with PV, but if it does I will try to post more info.

Even if it doesn't. If they'll get in bed w/ PV then what else are they likely to do? Enquiring minds want to know!

Any news? I am curious as to what the issue is... Covenant Health may well decide that having Peninsula Village in its stable is more trouble than it's worth!


--- Quote from: "Ursus" ---Any news? I am curious as to what the issue is... Covenant Health may well decide that having Peninsula Village in its stable is more trouble than it's worth!
--- End quote ---

Hi Ursus, I will probably find out more tomorrow at work. I will post whatever news I get tomorrow evening. I will be surprised if local media gives it any attention.

Che Gookin:
They honestly remind me of one of those organized crime families.


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