Not to discourage you, but it matters little for you to put Bucci out of business. You think that the staff that interviewed me, made reccommondations, took control of a vunerable teen, took the tuition, asserted undo control over an entire traumatized family and played footsie with the teams of Washington D.C. lawyers, controlled by Judge Dugan, who relied on the word of the GAL, Suzanne Duclos, you think these people, these "staff", went off quietly into the night, to get a "real job"? The organization was made up of predator people. Those "highly trained experts" went somewhere and just becasue they are not with B anymore, does not mean they are not still practising the same raping of families. I say, the starting point is the school system that starts this problem, by inserting their authority, as a higher authority, in the child's life, over the parent's. Then when the child acts up, they turn on that child, start with their "helping experts", to invalidate the parent, who lacks the degrees, etc., in the "helping", healthcare field. I fought all the way up to the Superintendant of the school system that Lacey went to, with a adolescent attorney, in tow. I had fought for two years, 1998-2000, with my personal attorney, through both the school and taking it to District Court, to force the school system to appropriately, treat my daughter's health and well-being over the minority overage predator, who sexually harrassed her and made her school life a living hell. They had the gall to tell me that this predator had a "Civil Right to an Education and they were allowed to keep his criminal status a secret from the other parents, because he was disabled and had a "right to privacy". HLA was years down in the progression of events and by that time, the "decision process" had dozens of school figures, legal staff, therapy(I always loved Lacey's "the rapists) figures, psychiatrists down to social workers, and of course, don't forget, law enforcement, waiting in the wings to lock me or her up, if we crossed the line. At the end, all I could do was to fight to keep her from being legally deemed at 18, to not be held till 19(of course, the GAL warned, threatened, that should she suffer trauma due to my not participating with the process of keeping her a 18-19 year old, I would be held personally, LIABLE). I took my chances and when she graduated and dissapeared for a time, all I could do was pray. Today, those of you who know Lacey, she is an incredible person, wife, mother and professional. I hope to help her sort out the 25 year chain of events that led us all to these events, but I say to you all, the problem is the trillions of dollars involved in the Universities and Healthcare/Judicial professions that will NOT give this income up quietly. Your work belongs, organized to your Local, then State, then to you U.S. Legislators, to force them to listen to you and understand the problem and accpt, whatever solutions are proferred, have to be, WITH YOUR PARTICIPATION. You have to decide, from when the problem starts, what are better solutions, than just sitting her and bashing pathetic bottom feeders. They are only the happy recipients of all the other organizations, who pay very high-priced lawyers, to defer, RISK! I DO NOT PRETEND TO KNOW THE ANSWERS OR I WOULD HAVE DONE IT ALREADY. I DO KNOW THE PROBLEM. WE LIVED IT AS A FAMILY.