Author Topic: THE ORS AND HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY, INC.  (Read 5845 times)

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« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2009, 05:48:02 PM »
Quote from: "what?"
Are there some hard docs available somewhere that I'm missing?

Is it just Dahlonega? Or is it that part of Georgia? I wouldn't know... But it certainly seems as though an awful lot of documentation or investigation simply just doesn't occur the way it's supposed to. Even for relatively benign and inconsequential stuff.

Do also check out the Quick Links thread for some more information, if you haven't already.

Here is another description of the tree limb incident, posted in an HLA MySpace group; emphasis as per the original. Not up to your "standards of evidence," to be sure, but it should give you some pause, none the less...

    Posted:  May 12, 2006 5:53 PM
    i could throw up

    LOCAL NEWS,DAHLONEGA NUGGET, ER PROVIDERS, STAFF..??Do all these entities not have a duty under the law to report a crime against a child?
    Not to mention, a moral obligation....Apparently, a young female student
    was raped by another female student garnishing a 14 inch tree limb..The young girl was sodomized and her injuries were so extensive to her pelvis, that a pelvic exam could not be performed. 911 was called, she was transported by abulance,and the ER had a duty to inform the proper authorities of the incident..The police arrived at HLA and were not allowed in??Come on...No report was local news, no articles in the paper.. The injured young girl was removed from HLA, while the alleged perpetrator stayed another month at violent as she criminal charges..everything hidden under the carpet..An assembly was called, and Headmaster Charles Cates,informed everyone that the injured girl,
    did it to herself
    ...Nice guy...I imagine the parents were paid handsomely for that...[/list]
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    « Reply #31 on: June 20, 2009, 08:58:06 PM »
    Report this postReply with quoteNew "School" Construction by HLA Owner Killed by County?
    by Deborah » 20 Aug 2006, 04:42

    More details on why the Commissioners refused to give HLA a tax abatement for MBA. Of particular interest are the calls to 911.

    November 9, 2005
    Hidden Lake responds to opposition
    By Sharon Hall

    Hidden Lake Academy presented its side of the argument to the Lumpkin County Board of Commissioners over whether tax abatements should be given to a proposed new project at a work session Nov. 1.

    The proposed project, Mountain Brook Academy, faced heavy opposition from homeowners in the Hightower Church community, where the new academy would be located, at October's board meeting.

    HLA is asking for a five-year tax abatement and five years of graduated taxes at 20 percent over the next five years.

    The privately-owned therapeutic boarding school made the request at the October development authority meeting, where members of the authority voted to recommend the abatement to the board of commissioners.

    Residents in the neighborhood of the proposed academy, however, not only objected to the tax abatements, but oppose the presence of the facility in the community.

    ?We were hit with something we weren't prepared for,? said Herman Essert, HLA consultant on the project.
    HLA was scheduled to present its case at the board meeting, but asked to be removed from the agenda after viewing a handout concerning information on 911 calls and Lumpkin County Sheriff's Office case numbers purportedly involving HLA students.

    ?There's a lot of stir in the community about what Mountain Brook is and isn't,? said Bill Gray, business director of HLA and Ridge Creek, the boarding school's wilderness leadership program, ?a lot of rumors flying around.?

    HLA returned to the commission after researching some of the information contained in the handout to ?clear up some of the issues brought up,? Essert said, and to dispel the rumors.

    ?One rumor is that Hidden Lake is building a prison,? Gray said. ?That's not what we're here for. There will be no barbed wire, no guard towers, and we're not getting ready to sell it to the state for a prison. It looks like a school. The difference is the kids will be staying on the property, with boys' and girls' dorms. We don't work with criminals. We work with kids who have academic problems. Mountain Brook is for kids who are further behind in academics and who have emotional development problems. They will be staying on campus more than Hidden Lake kids because they need to focus more in order to catch up. Mountain Brook is not a lock-down facility, but the difference is we can physically detain students there. They won't be walking down your roads.?

    Essert addressed specific information contained in the handout passed out at the Oct. 21 board meeting. One of the incidents reported was a call to LCSO concerning ?shots fired.? That call, Essert said, was made by HLA.

    ?It was a Lumpkin County resident shooting at the side of our dorm,? he told the commissioners.  

    Another call mentioned in the handout was of a bomb threat. That call was made by HLA because the school ?received a call from a young man in Tennessee who found out his parents were sending him to Hidden Lake.?

    A number of ?unruly juvenile? incidents were listed on the handout. HLA researched the records, and found that from 2002 until present, calls about unruly juveniles from HLA and Ridge Creek (HLA's second school) account for only 2.5 percent of all such calls in Lumpkin County - 7 out of a total of 282 calls.

    The handout also stated 38.5 percent of all runaway calls to LCSO were received from HLA, and that each case requires two to 20 man-hours from the sheriff's office.

    While the number of runaway calls from HLA is high, Essert said, ?that doesn't paint a true picture. We have an obligation to parents and kids to call Lumpkin County Sheriff's Office when a child leaves campus. Sheriff McClure said that less than half the calls ever get assigned to an officer. Many of the kids get about half way down Wahsega Road - the store - and turn around and walk back.?

    The total number of 911 calls between 2002 and present were 85,981. Of those, Essert said, 102 originated from HLA or Ridge Creek.
    [2.8 per month]

    ?That's less than one-half of one percent. I don't think we're that big of an influence on Lumpkin County Sheriff's Office.?

    Essert added that in all instances of property damage caused by HLA students restitution was made.

    Essert also presented the ?dollars and cents and economics? of HLA's request. In hard money, he said, HLA's economic impact on the county during 2004 was $12.3 million. The major portion of that figure was payroll for HLA's faculty and staff, 70 percent of whom live in the county.

    HLA also contributes ?soft money? to the county, which is harder to estimate, Essert said. This contribution is made up of employee and visitor spending.

    Parents of HLA students are required to attend meetings quarterly, and while here stay in local motels and eat and shop on the square and in the county, he said.

    Mountain Brook Academy plans to hire 80 additional faculty, plus food service staff.

    In addition, parents will be required to attend monthly meetings at the school, for an estimated economic impact of $11,000-plus in 2006 alone.

    In addition, Essert said, Mountain Brook is an ?environmentally soft industry that compliments the area.

    ?We are asking for a $71,000 tax incentive, but that's $71,000 the county can only collect if we go ahead and build Mountain Brook in Lumpkin County. We're asking the county to help us to bring an $11,000 economic impact here.?

    A number of audience members spoke in favor of tax abatement for the proposed project.

    ?I was on the development authority in an Ohio town when tax abatements were initiated there,? Fred Fister told the commissioners. ?I got in touch with the city manager there to ask him how they had worked out. He told me they have had 30 projects since tax abatements were started, and they have had a great effect on the economy, especially on the school system.?

    Dahlonega Mayor Gary McCullough pointed out that the only real tax abatement would be the amount of taxes currently paid by HLA.

    ?I was against it until I looked at the numbers,? he said, ?but all you're really giving them is $6,500 a year. I'd love to have industry like that in the city.?

    Development authority member Don Trice told the board he voted for the abatement.

    ?I have experience with public/private partnerships. This is abatement of taxes that won't be here if they don't build the facility.?

    ?I think this is something we should do for other businesses coming in,? an audience member told the board. ?For every dollar of income the county gets in new taxes, it puts out 35 cents for services for businesses and $1.05 in services for residences. We need more businesses to help balance the tax base.?

    ?If you think you have to spur growth in Lumpkin County, just take a look down 400. You don't have to give tax incentives to spur growth,? Hightower Church community resident Billy Wells told the commissioners.

    ?Where do you draw the line?? asked Bernice Ricketts, co-owner of Moore's Hardware. ?We are a struggling business, and we could use a tax break. If you do it for this business, I'm going to come see what I can do, and I think a lot of others will too.?

    Several people also spoke favorably of their experiences with HLA students.

    One lady who works with the youngsters at her church said, ?They are the best troubled kids I've ever worked with. They are setting goals for themselves, they want to heal their relationships with their families. I'm in support of more facilities like Hidden Lake.?

    One HLA employee told commissioners that 100 percent of HLA students are accepted to college, and the youngsters have donated many hours in community service.

    ?How can one call these people criminal? Facilities like this are sorely need in this country. Hidden Lake Academy deserves every consideration.?

    Steve Churchwell of St. Luke's Catholic Church said he visits HLA monthly.

    ?One of the high points of my living here is my association with these kids.?

    A member of HLA faculty said she had taught ?unruly kids in Fulton County, and I was an unruly kid. I would take any Hidden Lake Academy student home with me or to my parent's home without a second thought. These kids do have problems, but they are not kids who are going to attack you.?

    ?I think fear makes cowards of us all,? District 1 Commissioner ?Dr. John? Raber told the crowd. ?I think we all have fear of someone new coming to town, but that's not the case here. My wife is a high school counselor, and I asked her about what kind of kids are at Hidden Lake. She said, ?What do you mean? You raised two of them.'

    ?When you have 60 percent of your ad valorem taxes coming from residential and 40 percent from commercial enterprises, you're bleeding.

    ?When it's 90 percent from residential, you're hemorrhaging.

    ?Folks, we're hemorrhaging here in Lumpkin County.?

    ?I have the fear of a sucking sound going down the road to the new Wal-Mart in Dawson County,? one man replied. ?Wal-Mart is the largest taxpayer in Lumpkin County. We have to do everything we can to keep businesses like Mountain Brook here.?

    The commission will vote on the tax abatement issue at the monthly board of commissioners meeting Nov. 17, 6 p.m. at City Hall. ... antion.txtgt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    « Reply #32 on: June 20, 2009, 10:06:10 PM »
    C'mon folks. Toss me a bone with some meat on it!  I'll give fornits credit for a couple of previous employees with questionable credentials, but the rest is just fornits referencing fornits, other discussion groups, and one person's subjective, opinionated e-mails as "facts" and then making blanket accusations based on these so-called "facts". Sometimes, it's just childish name calling. Sorry, that'll immediately cost you a few points in critical analysis.  The inspection reports have no smoking guns.  NO abuse mentioned ANYWHERE in the lawsuit, a lawsuit that had not just accusations, but also countered responses. settled out of court. Conspiricies galore for the reasons why nothing is documented anywhere but fornits.  I'm also still waiting for ANYTHING post 2006. Maybe... just maybe...  its just simply all about the 400K settlement money with certain parties wanting HLA shut down for any reason so they can collect when the property sells.  However, don't take anything I say for a fact. Like everyone else on this board, its just an opinion!
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    « Reply #33 on: June 21, 2009, 04:00:00 AM »
    For anyone who is truly concerned about their child's well-being, there is ample evidence of HLAs true nature in the archives of this site. Anyone who wants the scoop on the 911 calls from HLA, which they don't deny, can acquire them from law enforcement. It's all in how you present the statistics.
    Not sure where HLA got that 85,981 number, but at best, seems they were attempting to compare apples to oranges. Lumpkin Co received an average of 129 calls for violence and accidents per month at that time. ... ityFac.pdf

    With 8400 households, that's .015 calls per month per household.
    HLA had 2.8 calls per month.
    Even if you consider HLA to be equivalent to 25 households, LE would be called to HLA 7.5 times more often.
    If LE made 2.8 calls per month to every 25 households in the county, that would be 940 calls. Compare that to 129.
    But let's ignore the facts and focus on how much $$ HLA pumps into the podunk town.

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Some parents will send their child to HLA no matter how many reams of evidence you produce. Nothing that can be done about that.
    So, those who care, try in any possible way to ensure the saftey of those who will land there. Licensure doesn't ensure their safety, but with licensure in place it is much easier to bring civil action. There's also the slight chance that from time to time and ethical regulator will accurately cite and report HLAs violations and deficiencies.

    As for you, what?, I firmly believe you should send your own child to HLA and learn first hand. Afterall, one person's sadism is another's "therapy". I think it might be right up your alley. While your kid may suffer, and that would be a shame, you would reap what your sowed. And deserved.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

    Offline RobertBruce

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    « Reply #34 on: June 21, 2009, 09:13:32 AM »
    He can't. He already sent his daughter to two seperate gulags and she no longer speaks to him. He's out of kids at the moment. Until then though, he's content to go on talking about a school that he still to date knows nothing about.

    Same questions as before:

    Would a lack of documentation interest you?

    Explain to me why HLA operated for 11 years without proper licensure? Why did they tell state officals they were a traditional boaring school, yet advertise as a theraputic one? Why did they attempt to avoid proper licensure even after state officals were notified and began an investigation, and determined the school had been lying? Do you consider inmates at HLA not having proper case plans in a theraputic boarding school being appropriate? What the hell are they there for then? What is their status currently?

    What about the starvation diet we were all fed, which was verified several times over?

    Have you read the ISAC report?

    Have you read the lawsuit?

    What about the girl who attempted to kill herself in the school and is now a vegetable?

    Why did Charles Cates state that CPS had been sent out to the school, and what was the result of their findings? You let me know Cindy, I'll look forward to you ducking these and all other hard questions..

    Further, your comment about post 2006 is a valid question, hoever aren't the same people still at the helm?
    « Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 11:13:28 AM by RobertBruce »

    Offline Troll Control

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    « Reply #35 on: June 21, 2009, 09:49:30 AM »
    It turns out that The Who's story about his 'daughter' are, in fact, untrue.  He had two sons, one of which was forced into SUWS and ASR, but now he's dead.  Killed himself.  About right, Whooter?
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
    The Linchpin Link

    Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
    "Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

    - Troll Control

    Offline RobertBruce

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    « Reply #36 on: June 21, 2009, 11:14:40 AM »
    Is that right Cindy? You forced your son into these abusive places, he killed himself, and you still support them?

    I guess we were right when we made the comment about you not loving your children.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    « Reply #37 on: June 23, 2009, 08:44:46 PM »
    RB - you know Cindy won't reply. He continues to live with his head in the sand and with the industry up his ass.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

    Offline RobertBruce

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    « Reply #38 on: June 24, 2009, 12:22:38 AM »
    That's not the only thing.....
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    « Reply #39 on: June 25, 2009, 11:28:26 AM »
    The Judge issued an order basically deciding that attaching the settlement to the foreclosure proceeds was a moot point now; however,surprisingly pounded Buccellato for not turning over his financials and gave him 15 days to do so - that was on the 18th. The Judge could have held Buccellato and company in contempt as he already ordered disclosure, instead he chose to castigate them. The Judge also asked if Buccellato's deposition had been taken yet - still to no avail.  That is one depo worth paying to sit in on. The Judge could have also ruled that the settlement be paid "personally" by Buccellato since Buccellato signed an affidavit personally guaranteeing the settlement, but that would have been too easy,thus ending this charade...
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

    Offline Troll Control

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    « Reply #40 on: June 25, 2009, 11:58:22 AM »
    Len likes it rough and needs to be humiliated, so this is right up his alley (no pun intended).
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
    The Linchpin Link

    Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
    "Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

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    « Reply #41 on: July 21, 2009, 10:28:26 PM »
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    « Reply #42 on: September 01, 2009, 11:52:03 PM »
    THE ORS HAS MORE EXPLAINING TO DO:   I heard from an organization today that has requested ALL Hidden Lake Academy documents  which includes Ridge Creek Wilderness...  The ORS told the organization that there were only 100 pages of documents which would cost about  $230. Now I have up through April of 2008 at 2,919 pages that cost $740.  A little problem?  Caught with their pants down. Ethics?
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    « Reply #44 on: September 02, 2009, 12:06:37 AM »
    It seems they lucked out...

    Suing the State of Georgia

    Ante litem notice requirements for the State of Georgia are much more detailed and complex than the requirements for suing a municipality. Under the State Tort Claims Act, you have 12 months from the date your injury was discovered, or should have been discovered, to give written notice if your claim to the state. You may not sue the State of Georgia until you have given that written notice, and if you sue later, you must attach a copy of your written notice and a copy of the delivery receipt. The state Department of Administrative Services has 90 days to deny or accept the claim. If you don't come to a settlement then, or if the department misses the deadline, you can proceed with your lawsuit.

    In order to be considered, you must include the following information in your written notice:

    1.The name of the state agency that you believe injured you.
    2.The time and place of the incident.
    3.What kind of losses you suffered.
    4.How much you're claiming in damages.
    5.The actions or lack of actions by the state agency that you believe hurt you.
    You must submit that notice via certified mail, statutory overnight delivery with return receipt or personal delivery with receipt, to the Risk Management Department of the Georgia Department of Administrative Services. Another copy must go to the correct person at the agency you're suing, via personal delivery or first-class mail. If you fail to meet these or any other requirements, a court may simply decide your claim isn't valid. If you're past the one-year deadline by then, you may lose your right to sue at all.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »