Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora An open discussion about the troubled parent industry
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From: bobpeterson1973@yahoo.comComment: There is a parent who wants to enroll her son in a placement/wilderness school. She has instilled her trust in me to find the best placement for her son. Her son has self esteem issues, problems respecting teachers and smokes marijuana. She is a single parent whereas she is not equipped to deal with the problems. If you could answer the following questions via. e-mail, that would be helpful. How many times per month do students call their parents? How often do students visit their parents at home? Are students allowed to call the state abuse hotline if they witness physical abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, sleep deprivation or food/water deprivation?Sincerely,Bob PetersonBA Criminal JusticeUniversity of Oklahoma 2002
RE: Peninsula Village Email Comment v2.0Monday, April 27, 2009 6:31 PMFrom: "Roberts, Kelly" <>Add sender to ContactsTo: kroberts@covhlth.com"Mending young lives and restoring families since 1986."