General Interest > The Melting Pot

Post When you get some exercise..


Che Gookin:
Not jerking off or drinking either. We can start threads for those gems if needed.

Just got back from the gym. Did a 5 point work out consisting of 4 sets for shoulders, 4 sets for chest, 4 sets for back, 4 sets for triceps, and 4 more for biceps. I was gonna do some cardio but my ankle was so inflamed from yesterday I stayed off the elliptical machine for today.  

CAAAAAAAAAAAAAn't wait till Monday.. Gonna be sheer hell lol!


--- Quote from: "Che Gookin" ---Not jerking off or drinking either. We can start threads for those gems if needed.

Just got back from the gym. Did a 5 point work out consisting of 4 sets for shoulders, 4 sets for chest, 4 sets for back, 4 sets for triceps, and 4 more for biceps. I was gonna do some cardio but my ankle was so inflamed from yesterday I stayed off the elliptical machine for today.  

CAAAAAAAAAAAAAn't wait till Monday.. Gonna be sheer hell lol!
--- End quote ---

I work out about 5 times a week, at work. My job is seriously a work out.

Lifting mass 20-40 lb cases most of the night. Running back and forth 100 feet or more over and over again etc etc.....
There is more I do too. I am just too tired right now to even think of the!
-DP :timeout:

Che Gookin:
Been working out my forearms all week by hoisting bottles of beer. Damn rough that!


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