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Offline Che Gookin

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Three Springs Veterans Questionnaire
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:49:12 PM »
Questionnaire For Three Springs Veterans

1) When and what facility did you attend in the Three Springs system?

2) What justification was used to place you in the program?

3) How were you transported to Three Springs(Parents, Escort Service) and were you deceived as to the nature of the destination or the type of program you‘d be in? (Parents, Escort Service)

4) Upon arrival at Three Springs what was your first impression of the program and the staff?

5) What is your best recollection of Three Springs?

6) What is your worst recollection of Three Springs?

7) Did you see anyone abused in a physical manner by Three Springs staff? By this I mean having food or medical care being with-held or even denied. Someone being restrained improperly or repeatedly for reasons other than safety of themselves or others being at risk. Someone being restrained with force greater than necessary or being hit or kicked by staff or peers with no resolution of the incident to prevent future occurrences.

8: Do you feel the program manipulated your parents at all? If yes please describe how.

Comments.. I'm not a big questionnaire writer so throw out your ten cents please.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline iamartsy

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Re: Three Springs Veterans Questionnaire
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 08:52:12 PM »
Was your communication censored?
Were you woken up during the night?
Were you allowed to go to bathroom alone?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Three Springs Veterans Questionnaire
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2008, 05:08:07 PM »
Quote from: "iamartsy"
Was your communication censored?
Were you woken up during the night?
Were you allowed to go to bathroom alone?

Questionnaire For Three Springs Veterans

1) When and what facility did you attend in the Three Springs system?

2) Was your mail or phone calls monitored by staff? If yes, please explain how.

3) How were you transported to Three Springs(Parents, Escort Service?) and were you deceived as to the nature of the destination or the type of program you‘d be in? (Parents, Escort Service?)

4) Upon arrival at Three Springs what was your first impression of the program and the staff?

5) What is your best recollection of Three Springs?

6) What is your worst recollection of Three Springs?

7) Did you see anyone abused in a physical manner by Three Springs staff? By this I mean having food or medical care being with-held or even denied. Someone being restrained improperly or repeatedly for reasons other than safety of themselves or others being at risk. Someone being restrained with force greater than necessary or being hit or kicked by staff or peers with no resolution of the incident to prevent future occurrences. If yes, please explain how and what was the end result of the incident:

8: Do you feel the program manipulated your parents at all? If yes please describe how.

9) Do you feel that Three Springs provided adequate food, shelter, and medical care?

10) Do you recall anything else of importance that you wish to discuss?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woody85

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Re: Three Springs Veterans Questionnaire
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2009, 02:37:44 PM »
Kinda dumb questionaire if you ask me. I was in Three Springs Paint Rock from 85 until I moved to help set up the Duck River Campus. I finally left when I was 18!

I am looking for ALL akikoka members from this time frame or members from Duck River

I want to make sure you understand i am not bashing you in anyway. I was there when "ITCHYCROTCH" was formed and watched them grow, we even had to help them build their site.
When i was there it was not for 12yr olds? It was mainly for those under 10?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Q-4000

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Re: Three Springs Veterans Questionnaire
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 08:52:12 PM »
Questionnaire For Three Springs Veterans

1) When and what facility did you attend in the Three Springs system?

PRV Boys 91-93

2) What justification was used to place you in the program?

Parents caught me drinking 2 times and huffing scotchguard once.

3) How were you transported to Three Springs(Parents, Escort Service) and were you deceived as to the nature of the destination or the type of program you‘d be in? (Parents, Escort Service)

parents and "escort" who later became a councilor there (mr Ragland sp?)

4) Upon arrival at Three Springs what was your first impression of the program and the staff?

when I got there it was COLD and snowing (was feb. 14th I rember because I was going to skip school with my girfriend who I am now married to and we have 1 great kid and 1 on the way!)

5) What is your best recollection of Three Springs?


6) What is your worst recollection of Three Springs?

a campus wide riot lots of fights 1 kid getting airlifted to huntsville and our camp sites being distroyed NO parents were ever notified!!!

7) Did you see anyone abused in a physical manner by Three Springs staff? By this I mean having food or medical care being with-held or even denied. Someone being restrained improperly or repeatedly for reasons other than safety of themselves or others being at risk. Someone being restrained with force greater than necessary or being hit or kicked by staff or peers with no resolution of the incident to prevent future occurrences.

I was on primitive 3 times and saw one kid that was on it for 3 months he was denied food for 4 days at a time and lost ALLOT of weight.  heard of sexual abuse but never experenced it my self with the exception of a councler that use to sit and watch us in the showers he never went into the councler side just sat and stared makeing comments and stuff.
8: Do you feel the program manipulated your parents at all? If yes please describe how.

OH yes they were not informed at all what was going on just told them it was part of the program and they could not visit me my first visit was for 1 hour on Christmas day!

Comments.. I'm not a big questionnaire writer so throw out your ten cents please.

Was your communication censored?

I was not allowed to get or send ANY mail for the first 8 months I was there and when I finaly was it was all censord I would get letters with parts blacked out!

Were you woken up during the night?

not at first but one councler liked to wake us up for nightly "ckecks"

Were you allowed to go to bathroom alone?

only in the school NEVER anywhere else!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hedge

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Re: Three Springs Veterans Questionnaire
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2010, 12:23:49 AM »
Hi. I'm a Three Springs Survivor, and I'm new here.

Questionnaire For Three Springs Veterans

1) When and what facility did you attend in the Three Springs system?
I attended Three Springs New Beginnings (locked) and Three Springs Turning Point (group home) from May of 1997 until the late spring, 1998. Both programs are near Huntsville, Alabama.

2) Was your mail or phone calls monitored by staff? If yes, please explain how.
All mail had to be read and approved by an administrator before it was permitted to be sent. (Of course, no abuse reports would go through.) All phone calls, limited to 8 minutes, were listened in on at all times by a staff member who would immediately disconnect the phone if the abuse was mentioned.

3) How were you transported to Three Springs(Parents, Escort Service?) and were you deceived as to the nature of the destination or the type of program you‘d be in? (Parents, Escort Service?)
I was transported to Three Springs by my social worker, who didn't have any contact with me until picking me up again. I wasn't deceived, but I was totally uninformed.

4) Upon arrival at Three Springs what was your first impression of the program and the staff?
At Three Springs, there is an office that connects with the outside which all "tours" are shown. The office included a psychiatrist's office, a therapist's office, etc. and were mostly for show. The kids are locked behind alarmed doors, and if anyone on a tour was permitted to interact with a child, that child was threatened with loss of level/status if they said anything negative about the facility.
So, my first impression was that I was in a safe place. That changed quite quickly.

5) What is your best recollection of Three Springs?
On one of the times that we ran out of food at the group home, since we were fed inadequately, the therapist came and made us hamburgers that she bought with her own money. It was incredibly sweet.

6) What is your worst recollection of Three Springs?
Hearing kids being beaten, getting beaten myself for documenting the abuse I witnessed. The Riot.

7) Did you see anyone abused in a physical manner by Three Springs staff? By this I mean having food or medical care being with-held or even denied. Someone being restrained improperly or repeatedly for reasons other than safety of themselves or others being at risk. Someone being restrained with force greater than necessary or being hit or kicked by staff or peers with no resolution of the incident to prevent future occurrences. If yes, please explain how and what was the end result of the incident:
This happened regularly at the locked facility. Food was often denied at the group home. I loosened the restraints on a girl who was choking in them during the riot. The kids who got restrained were restrained over and over.

8: Do you feel the program manipulated your parents at all? If yes please describe how.
I didn't have very much contact with my parents. I think they would say yes, but we don't talk much about this.

9) Do you feel that Three Springs provided adequate food, shelter, and medical care?
No. My teeth are bad because of a lack of dental care. I am in touch with another survivor who was diagnosed with precancerous cells while at Three Springs that were never treated.

10) Do you recall anything else of importance that you wish to discuss?
Not at this time.

I'm glad this site is here. My parents were legally misinformed after I was removed from Three Springs, so I was not able to take legal action before the statute of limitations was up. I'm thankful that websites like this exist. Maybe we can do some good, maybe we can help other kids to avoid being in the circumstances we were subjected to. But mostly I'm thankful to know that there are people here who understand.

Thanks for reading. :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Three Springs Veterans Questionnaire
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2010, 03:30:23 AM »
I've been out to New Beginnings, I think.. did an overtime shift there once, didn't like it at all.

Can you tell me more about this riot?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »