Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Peninsula Village

Weekend of Actions! (report back)


Quick summary of events:

Saturday - I again protest the PV parents meeting in Raleigh. An alumni stops on his way out and invites me to attend their next meeting.

Sunday morning - A banner is hung from a parking deck along the Covenant Health marathon route. It stays up for 13 hours, in full view of the runners and everyone else in the area.

Sunday evening - An off-campus Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for a boys outdoor clan is infiltrated.

Che Gookin:
Chinese gov is playing hell with youtube again. Must be some free thinking going on with all the 4chan rick rolling videos or something. Any still shots you can post for me to check out the action?

From what you told me in chat earlier this week it sounds like you had one hell of an interesting weekend. Well done, very well done.


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