...And WTF is up with putting her and her kid's prescription regimen and diagnoses as a sig line?
I didn't see anyone else's like that. Am I missing something?
Look again. Most seem to put their diagnoses; many also sig the prescription regimens. It's almost like a "badge of suffering." Here's one from further down that same page:
Kanga DD#1 age 15, GFG Schitzoaffective; BMR; pre-BPD; RAD; Zoloft 25mg, Abilify 30mg, Vyvanse 20mg (hallucinations pre-date meds); in RTC
Eeyore DS#1 age 14 near-PC, Aspergers; Concerta 54mg, Trileptal 600mg, Zoloft 10mg
Piglet DD#2 age 12, PC ADD; Focalin XR 30mg, Ritalin 10mg
Tigger DS#2 age 10, gifted, strong-willed indigo child; hf autism; Depakote 1500mg, Clonodine .25mg, Seroquel 25mg[/list]
That's fucking pathetic as all hell. Indigo child? Are you fucking shitting me? That's just downright fetishistic. What, you can't find other, more legitimate things to feel proud about regarding your kid? Are car bumpers now sporting "proud parent of a five year old pharmacy receptacle" instead of "honor roll student"
What happened to the good old days when parents were discreet about their kids' problems? I think probably the sentence I heard the most when I was a kid was "Stop it! You're making a spectacle of yourself!" (Which, for the longest time, made me believe I was somehow turning into a pair of glasses, until I understood that words can have more than one meaning.)
I was brought up never to feel proud of the fact that I was a social retard. There was nothing special about it. I was special, but for other reasons. My parents encouraged my strengths, not my weaknesses. My art, my creativity, my good grades, not being sent out of class every other day, or my temper tantrums, or my fucked up circadian rhythm and depression. If I ran into one of my friends on the way to my shrink's appointment, and they asked me where I was off to, I'd say "uh, oh yeah, my uh, doctor's." "Isn't Dr. Potempkin the other way?" "Oh, right. Well, it's my eye doctor." or something like that.
That's not ideal either, but fuck man, can't there be a medium? This is why people are claiming things like ASS-burgers as an excuse for being an ASS-hole. I think I can tell the difference pretty good. My nephew is full blown autistic, and my brother in law definitely, legitimately, has aspergers. The difference is obvious compared to some of these cases Ive seen on specials about the condition.
Low functioning is NOT something to be proud of, but it's also not something to feel ashamed of. It's a cross to bear, an obstacle, a problem that needs more solutions than just throwing pills at it. Higher thinking needs to be involved, which is why there are things like CBT.
I know Im preaching to a sizable choir here, but jeez, that whole shit is just downright pathetic. Those parents should seriously be ashamed of themselves, and the kids, jeez, man. This generation is gonna be a real hoot when they become adults if they buy into their parents' bullshit about feeling special for the wrong reasons.
What fucked up boundaries. That kinda shit is nobody's business. Regardless on what the nature of the forum is.