Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Peninsula Village

PV Staff Laugh While Restraining A Crying Baby!

(1/3) > >>

That and much more in the below collection of PV-related facebook photos:
Link to Photo Album

Jesus!  That is a disturbing image - a face down restraint, too, the preferred PV method.  They do take their work home with them.

That place doesnt look bad at all.  Everyone looks happy and genuinely enjoying themselves, not brainwashed and fake.  I have been to places where the kids are not treated well.  This is not one of them.

More photos in the second collection album here.

30+ new photos just added to the second album.

Another alumni that I was in PV with died recently in an alcohol-related accident. He was only 20 (not even legal drinking age), nice job PV! Story here.


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