The above links to a cached page. The original post has gone missing, a common occurrence when locals attempt to get information on the Village. Below is a c and p of the post. Just another example of local "professionals" who don't really know what goes on in the confines of the PV. I wonder if SmokeyMtnGal gets paid for the referrals she makes to the PV.
Default PLEASE HELP... Peninsula Village - Treatment Center Louisville, TN
PLEASE HELP... Peninsula Village - Treatment Center Louisville, TN[/font][/SIZE]
I’m looking for any personal experience with Peninsula Village - Treatment Center / Program located in Louisville, TN
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Last edited by SmokyMtnGal; 02-01-2009 at 09:55 PM.. reply to this message
Old 02-01-2009, 07:32 PM
SmokyMtnGal [Moderator]
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SmokyMtnGal has a reputation beyond reputeSmokyMtnGal has a reputation beyond reputeSmokyMtnGal has a reputation beyond reputeSmokyMtnGal has a reputation beyond reputeSmokyMtnGal has a reputation beyond reputeSmokyMtnGal has a reputation beyond reputeSmokyMtnGal has a reputation beyond repute
I do not have personal experience but I do have professional experience.[/i] Peninsula is a very well run and quality facility. It's parent company is Covenant Health and they are a well run, quality health system in the community.
I would not hesitate to make a referral to Peninsula[/color]. While it is located in Louisville, it is actually quite near the Knoxville airport in case you were in need of a reference.
I hope this helps some? Good luck.
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