Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore
I See Mark - Where's Cheryl?
I see Mark Sudweeks' Facebook blog, where's Cheryl's? Oh, now I get it - I found this picture of Mizz Cheryl Sudweeks recently, she's been workin' on her tan and smoking herself fitter:
Sudweeks - you open shop again anywhere in the world and another Juab-style case will shut you down, this time much, much quicker. A new name doesn't mean shit, we'll be sure Greg Kutz's findings and your criminal history trails you both like a flaming hell-hound on PCP. You gross carrion eaters, how much shame can you rationalize away? The Mexican government already kicked your asses out once. A third world country was so horrified by what you were doing to the kids (and your utter disregard for the rest of Mexico's laws) that they booted you out. My God. The Mexicans executed and burned every man left in the Alamo and you managed to offend their sensibilities.
On the joyous day when the Sudweeks land in hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Satan tries to deport them. Even the scourge of God has his limits, dammit.
Wow! Little bit-O-angst there partner? Damning people to hell? To the best of my knowledge the Sudweeks have not had anyone under there care for, litterally, years. I wonder what horrible horrible things were done to you in the dark, dreary, family oriented God-fearing place that did too many activities to mention and put teens alike togather and tried to make them do horrible horrible things like, get along, and follow simple stupid rules. Please share with me these attrocities. Don't worry, you will remain anonymous, but know that you are not alone. I too was thrust into that devastating environment. But we have to stay stronger than ever now because we are free now and life is even harder now than ever.
PS: I think we should ban togather our strength and forces and place blame on the Sudweeks for our nations economic crisis....and while we are at it perhaps we could pin the Democrats getting into office on them as well? Oh and there is a little old man that always walks down my street and he is doing poorly this doubt it was all the Sudweeks doing.
--- Quote from: "Guest" ---Wow! Little bit-O-angst there partner? Damning people to hell?
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No, that's Cheryl's M.O.
--- Quote ---To the best of my knowledge the Sudweeks have not had anyone under there care for, litterally, years.
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Could be. We can only hope they'll never, ahem......literally, get their hands on anyone's kid ever again.
--- Quote --- I wonder what horrible horrible things were done to you in the dark, dreary, family oriented God-fearing place
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Well, most were screamed at and called vile names. Some were thrown down the stairs. Some were singled out for humiliation and belittling. Would you like me to go on?
--- Quote ---that did too many activities to mention and put teens alike togather and tried to make them do horrible horrible things like, get along, and follow simple stupid rules. Please share with me these attrocities.
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I have a feeling you are well aware of the atrocities committed by the Sudweeks.
--- Quote --- Don't worry, you will remain anonymous, but know that you are not alone. I too was thrust into that devastating environment. But we have to stay stronger than ever now because we are free now and life is even harder now than ever.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---PS: I think we should ban togather our strength and forces and place blame on the Sudweeks for our nations economic crisis....and while we are at it perhaps we could pin (pin it on them? What's to pin?) the Democrats getting into office on them as well? Oh and there is a little old man that always walks down my street and he is doing poorly this doubt it was all the Sudweeks doing.
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Can we blame your atrocious spelling, grammar and general lack of education on them as well?
--- Quote from: "Guest" ---Wow! Little bit-O-angst there partner? Damning people to hell? To the best of my knowledge the Sudweeks have not had anyone under there care for, litterally, years. I wonder what horrible horrible things were done to you in the dark, dreary, family oriented God-fearing place that did too many activities to mention and put teens alike togather and tried to make them do horrible horrible things like, get along, and follow simple stupid rules. Please share with me these attrocities. Don't worry, you will remain anonymous, but know that you are not alone. I too was thrust into that devastating environment. But we have to stay stronger than ever now because we are free now and life is even harder now than ever.
PS: I think we should ban togather our strength and forces and place blame on the Sudweeks for our nations economic crisis....and while we are at it perhaps we could pin the Democrats getting into office on them as well? Oh and there is a little old man that always walks down my street and he is doing poorly this doubt it was all the Sudweeks doing.
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Shut up, Sudweeks. The Sudweeks criminal abuse of animals and children is well documented. Innocent people don't cop a plea bargain when they're innocent and their business is on the line. Cheryl knew she would go to jail and copped a plea.
--- Quote from: "Guest" ---Wow! Little bit-O-angst there partner? Damning people to hell?.
--- End quote ---
Certainly not! Mark and Cheryl's sins will get them sent to hell, not me! That's a given, "partner".
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