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Petition to save an inmate from Cannibalism


A poor robber who was able to turn himself into a goat held by the police in the Kwara State of Kenya.

Nigeria police hold 'robber' goat, BBC

We believe that the robber is in risk of being eaten by either the police or fellow inmates before he can change back into human shape. As we are against cannibalism we would like to create a Petition to secure that this goat/robber does not suffer this terrible fait.

How can we do that?

I am so happy that a teacher helped me back in my childhood from committing a terrible mistake. As a young kid I wanted to travel to third world countries in Africa and help saving people.

A teacher helped me by asking me to read Herge's masterpiece from 1931 about a young journalist traveling to Africa. It was the highpoint of his career. Why he didn't get a Nobel price for it, I don't know. This rather heavy literary book gave me profound insight in the way of living down there. I realized that I had to set other goals in life. I am forever thankful for this help I got from my teacher.

Dr. Acula:

Dr. Acula:


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