Instead of "Sober house" they should be in Peele's Residential Program:
"Residential care is an important part of recovery" Is "it right for you or your loved ones"?
Prepare to be indoctrinated that you have a "dependancy" and a "disregard for consequences" and that you are unable to "recognize negetive consequences." You will be taught "life skills" and "behavior modification"
Use Stanton's 7 tools.
Cause, Drugies don't have values.
If you're trying to imply I've endorsed Peele's treatment center for adults, you're way off the mark. I don't endorse ANY treament center for adults or kids (
not even Wellspring cult recovery center). I consider it a conflict of interest. Maybe Peele feels differently because his approach is "harm reduction", but then again, I doubt he's familiar with the story of Sue Scheff. The only thing I
do is muckrake and encourage people to do research. I also could care less what Peele's views are on treatment that works (though he
is also against forced treatment, even for kids). I'm only interested in his research into what
doesn't work (12 step treament or any sort of forced treatment), which is hardly unique. I have cited other sources but the resident steppers seem to have problems with ANYBODY I cite, attacking them rather than their sound arguments or research. This is known as
ad hominem.
An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the source making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject.
Just because I cite somebody's work hardly means I agree with him on all subjects. I've cited Vaillant's research too (among others), and I hardly agree with him on much of anything at all. If you want to discuss alcoholism and aa's disease concept, discuss it here: