WELCOME!Well Matt I don't think you have to worry about us harmless fornitcators, besides I have a feeling you could handle your own lol.
but please excuse me while I pwn this troll...
I'll give you some free advice. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, a lot of it is hype. Wasp is one of the larger programs, that serves thousands of youth each year. You might notice that anti-wasp has about a half dozen regular posters. You also might have taken note at how slow the wasp forum is on this forum. There is a reason for this, and if you think about it, you just might figure it out.
The truth is, wasp helps kids and families through a troubled time. There will always be bitter people who did not want to learn new skills. Go into any bar and you can hear people complaining about this or that, parents and family. It's no different with wasp, it's an easy target for people to blame when their lives don't work out the way they planned. I suggest you call a wasp school near you, and ask for a free tour. They are very open to the press, and if you explain who you are they will be helpful in showing you the truth. Good luck on your journey to figuring out the truth about wasp, it has just begun.
How much does WWASP pay you to come to an ANTI-Behavior Modification Program site and try to convince us of the lies of WWASP? lol. Don't you realize weve heard all that before, it was bullshit then and its bullshit now. I think it's funny how you assume that those who oppose the program must be bitter because our lives didn't work out because heres the thing, MOST of us have gone on to accomplish the most amazing things with our lives and one of those things is to devote ourselves to this movement. Not out of bitterness or just to complain, but to demand that this industry make the necessary changes to insure the welfare of the children in their care. And if they wont, then we vow to put in the monumentous amount of effort it will take for us to bring them down. I believe what we are doing here is not only an honorable donation of time and effort, but a necessary step toward precuring a safe and healthy future for our forthcoming generations.
You may be convinced that WWASP helps some kids, but my guess is that you are neither a former detainee nor have had contact or experience with more than a few students after they graduated or left the program. My guess is that you are either a program parent or program staff and you have a very limited experience with how survivors come to realize that they were abused and brainwashed to accept that abuse. You most likely have no experience with the long term effects of the psychological damage we have all incurred, many of us have been diagnosed with PTSD and other anxiety disorders only AFTER our incarceration at a WWASP facility. Regardless of the amount of regular posters on any given forum, that has no representation of the multitude of survivors who's lives were and still are negatively effected by WWASP. I have personal contact with hundreds of my peers from CBS who HATE WWASP, but wouldn't know the first thing about signing on to a forum and posting, let alone regularly. As well many of us have chosen to put WWASP behind us and move on with our lives, get an education, build a career and spend time with our families. Devoting the amount of time it takes to be involved with this movement is simply not something all of us can handle, and in many ways, we do this for for them as well.
You are correct that WWASP is one of the most well known program associations however this is NOT because they have "helped kids", in fact most of the publications and google hits on WWASP are either articles about how MANY of the WWASP programs have been shut down siting abuse, survivors (or parent's) stories or one of the MANY sites that stand AGAINST WWASP. Too many people have the same stories to discount them all, and too many of us have been through things you could never even imagine. So I suggest that you start reading some survivor stories before you automatically assume we are only bitter. You can start by reading
If after reading that you can truly say that we are all just making these things up, and we have nothing to be bitter about, then we can all just assume you are simply a heartless, ignorant asshole who endorses the torment of innocent human beings, and believe me I would much rather be a bitter complainer than someone like you.
:nods: :twofinger: :nods: ::poke:: :nods: ::fullofshit::
Where does kev-troll get off calling Pam a pill head when hes the one who goes psychotic when he cant afford weed or booze?
I'm thinking an anti-anxiety medication that is medically proven to cause PHYSICAL dependence is a far cry from the addictive personality that would NEED any kind of mind altering substance just to act half way rational. Pam you pop those pills all you want you will still never be as pathetic as kev is.