hooligans dont count. there wasted. and there hooligans. plus, it's two opposing nationalities...it's like a war, but with drunk people and soccer. It's different when it's a mob from the same community fighting each other. plus, the hooligans were organized, they had strategy. the niggers were just scattered around, fighting each other like a bunch of gorillas with tree branches (but rail ties instead, how fitting!), "keepin it real in da hood". A white on black fight would be a little different than a black-on-black fight. plus, saying you're going to call the cops is different from actually calling the cops. theres also a million ways to stop a fight like that - shoot a round in the air and watch em scatter (guaranteed at least one of those niggers had a gun on them). Or, considering there were numerous bystanders, they could have all swarmed and restrained the fighters easily. 5 girls could easily restrain one guy, no matter how big he is, and all it would have taken in this fight is to restrain two or three guys and things would have quieted down. but no, gotta keep it real in the hood. gotta watch and cheer on like it's good ol' fashioned entertainment and then start sobbing when youre friend's skull gets smashed in.
But yeah, it's hard to follow the action. I thought the guy wasnt chasing anyone off with the board...i thought he was just participating in the fight. did you notice the part when some kid gets knocked out with a board, then some other kid just nonchalantly walks by and kicks him in the face like he was kicking a can out of the way, and then some other people come up and kick him some more? and thats not the kid that died either.
if i leave the KKK i guess i'll convert to judaism. it's the next best thing. that way i'll get to hate on white people too! and i can guarantee you there is no such thing as a jewish soccer hooligan. and i'll still get to kick ass, shoot shit, and kill terrorists like a proper american....except i'll be doin it in the holy land...
btw we KKKers have lighted up towards kikes. we have found that their services are very valuable.