You hit the nail on the head. I remember the rush of men with the sheets and the screams that were muffled from down a hall. I remember the staff chasing people through those tiny wings and phsyically carrying them back to to their rooms. Then I would not see them for months, and if I dared walk near their room...You know what would have happened.
Then people went from restraints->room->room with DM->large lounge->classes->out the door (insurance ran out at 2-3 years). Time spent in restraints was usually 2 weeks - months on end. Room was about 9 months to one year. That was one year right there. Many people left with the psychosis of room and restraints still in place. I, too, used to worry about fires and the people in restraints as well as the rest of us. Those double locking cubicles would have been impossible to escape from in a fire.