General Interest > The Melting Pot

What are you reading?

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:rocker: One can not copyright history. Of course anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that!

Che Gookin:
Anything by Robin Hobb.

Journey to the End of Night by Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Side Effects by Woody Allen

How The Scots Invented the Modern World by Arthur Herman

Having read When The Body Says No Exploring The Stress-Disease Connection- by Gabor Maté lead me to…
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close encounters with addiction- by Gabor Maté I highly recommend this and have posted as much at some lengthy detail in the a t pforum.

Other recent reading:    
Nomads of the Wind The Migration of the Monarch Butterfly and Other Wonders of the Butterfly World - by Ingo Arndt
More Butterfly fodder for the weightless lilt of being unburdened by the reality of humanity.
As per Frod’s recommendation, Charles Bukowski. I happened upon The Continual Condition in the remainders... doubting I have contracted it.

Zeitoun- David Eggars

Will be moving on to V.S Ramachadron’s The Tell-Tale Brain: A neuroscientists quest for what makes us human.

En este hermosa día en México, que estoy leyendo los datos y estadísticas para mi tesis .... golpes.


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