Che those are some quite interesting photos. It is interesting your subject matter. Funny how you call the futuristc space car and the costco. The tractor, it looks chinese, like, you can look at that photo and wonder, now why does this not even look old timey western, even if you did not know it was from china. It is the architecture in the background, and something about the tractor... now don't tell me it is a john deere. Also is that one of the famous pandas that all of china was waiting for to have babies and stuff? Or have they got more now? Also regarding china, while we are on the subject, have you heard of or seen this one movie called "To Live"? There might be more than one by that title. The one I am thinking of, the movie follows a family over like 60 years moving into Mao times and stuff. It's kinda like about how the little guy copes with the huge social forces.