I feel ya.
I live in a big city... and Ive had all but 2 good friends in the past 5 years. both of which are semi estranged.
I honestly think we will never escape what we became because of the program, call me a cynic if you will but I've seen the same kind of odd personality traits with pretty much all of my fellow survivors. That doesnt mean none of us will make it, but more over we might never be truly happy and carefree. The memory and the lasting effects can weigh you down, you gotta be a strong individual to fight it, but in this day n age when we are all scrambling to survive that can be a tough internal fight to devote to. I just try to find solace that there are many many people out there who feel the way I do and although I may be in one way or another damaged I am still part of a very important clan, and I will always find someone here who understands me.
Money, family, relationships, work, stress, responsibilities... all that can take its toll but when you know that youve already been through hell, you should rest assured that the worst is behind you and if you can survive that, the rest is manageable.