Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Troubled Teen - Program Website Division
So what is this all about
--- Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam" ---The use of the words..."Behavior Modification" and "Emotional Growth" industry are one in the same and will be used interchangeably
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That's one of the most difficult and frustrating thing about this industry. As soon as something gets a bad rap, they change the damn name, which leave me thinking: every once in a while we're going to probably have to go back through the websites and do a couple "search & replace" actions to make the old terms reflect current marketing.
--- Quote from: "Ursus" ---
--- Quote from: "psy" ---How do people feel about opposing forced treatment of any kind?
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I am, of course, wholly of this mind myself... HOWEVER, I worry that if you focus too unduly on this particular issue, you will lose the audience of parents who are convinced their kid is seriously ill, or seriously in danger of succumbing to the evils of addiction, yada yada yada.
If it were up to me, I would focus more on the primary goal of EXPOSING the corruption and abuse going on in the belly of the beast.
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I, too, am leaning in that direction since it's also a divisive issue. Let's focus on working on and with what everybody can agree on (bolded above). Similarly, we discussed on antiWWASP that it would probably be better for a central organization to stay out of any other divisive issues (such as whether regulation can work or is a good idea). Where we don't agree totally, we can work individually. The only thing we basically agreed on needed to be set in stone was the "no referrals" stance for a number of reasons (many of which are obvious).
--- Quote from: "psy" ---
--- Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam" ---The use of the words..."Behavior Modification" and "Emotional Growth" industry are one in the same and will be used interchangeably
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That's one of the most difficult and frustrating thing about this industry. As soon as something gets a bad rap, they change the damn name, which leave me thinking: every once in a while we're going to probably have to go back through the websites and do a couple "search & replace" actions to make the old terms reflect current marketing.
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Either that or try and come up with terms that are more direct, therefore more all-encompassing, than the euphemisms the industry uses.
Many of these ideas are great. I like the breakdown and regimentation. I also understand that this would be a work in progress. It seems to me that the Behavior mod Industry is slippery intentionally, especially when you bring the brainwashing aspect into the mix. The bottom line though is that this would be a good idea for the purpose of educating the public and parents.
Can't referrals go on behind the scenes if someone in this coalition decides they think some programs are ok? I think it is important to be careful who is privy to certain bits of information which could result in another sue scheff.
Some of these anti-program orgs. have tried to work together as a collective in the past. Didn't work out too well. I hate to be pessimistic, but I am unsure if it will happen now. Is there any way to form something where anti-program orgs. don't have to work so closely together?
I am in the process of getting a new website off the ground but one won't be enough. I like the idea of having multiple pages addressing programs, in other words a website with each page containing info on a particular program. Like a summation with links to other info and a link to the main page. Easier to navigate and get quick info.
--- Quote from: "Antigen" ---
--- Quote from: "psy" ---
--- Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam" ---The use of the words..."Behavior Modification" and "Emotional Growth" industry are one in the same and will be used interchangeably
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That's one of the most difficult and frustrating thing about this industry. As soon as something gets a bad rap, they change the damn name, which leave me thinking: every once in a while we're going to probably have to go back through the websites and do a couple "search & replace" actions to make the old terms reflect current marketing.
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Either that or try and come up with terms that are more direct, therefore more all-encompassing, than the euphemisms the industry uses.
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thought reform industry? Now that is calling a spade a spade. I like it. We can hyperlink it and explain the term on a separate page.
I like the general idea too. We can try and use less of their language on the webpages (but this may present issues for SEO).
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