Well. A few days ago I was invited to antiWWASP to take place in a discussion on how to end the industry. The general consensus was that at the moment we, as a collective community of survivors were too divided. In order to truly fight the industry we must work together. A central organization, to not control, but to coordinate efforts, could exist to help us to organize ways to work together. We came up with a name: A.P.ALL standing for Anti Program ALLiance.
Here is a sketch of what I envision the organization looking like (Pam, an ex-wwasp parent is working on a prettier one at the moment). Most of this is in the design phase so it's
not final at all (pls peoples. if I make a mistake do not kill me). This is what I propose.

At the top is the constitution (bad name, I know) which basically a mission statement and a set of rules saying: we're going to fight the industry, and by the way no referrals, ever. Below that we have the members of congress (explained below), and below that there are two divisions (maybe more in the future, for example, for protesting)
Basically we're brainstorming starting an organization to mass produce anti-program websites (a-la Benchmark exposed). The idea I set forth on the right side of the chart is to have three teams, a research team (R), a writing team (W), and a tech team (T) that does the SEO for the website and makes sure it appears high on Google. Sort of an assembly line. Research team starts off the first phase digging up dirt, interviewing survivors, and presents that information to the writing team that assembles the website (we'll have a template to help this out). Finally, the SEO team polishes the website, analyzes keyword density, and does SEO on the website.
This project will be separate from either AntiWWASP or Fornits itself, governed by a panel of reps from most of the anti program organizations (FICA, TAUSA, CAFETY, ISAC, etc.. but not CAICA of course). We're calling this new organization "a.p.all" (anti program alliance). The purpose of this panel is to agree on which program to focus on next with the websites, to coordinate resources, make decisions or amend the constitution (2/3 majority) and revise the Constitution (unanimous decision.. probably only to go back on amendments if there ever are any). This will keep us to the strict focus of digging up dirt on programs and making websites unless, and only unless, there is a clear consensus to focus on another area (protesting, for example).
Above all the organization will be governed by a constitution dictating two things: purpose (making websites, or other purposes as amended) and rules (NO REFERRALS and a very strict definition of what constitutes a referral... something as strict as the referral free zone for both my peace of mind and to get ISAC on board). Organizations or members can, of course, leave at any time.
I will coordinate the website creation division while Kev will create and control the central website (will have things like social networking, protest coordination, etc...). An ex-wwasp parent with connections (Pam) will handle fundraising and stuff as well as helping to manage the central team of the "congress" (manage, not control). I am in favor of this (and suggested her for the job) because of the woman's management experience.
So what do people think?