Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Peninsula Village

PV Documents Released Here!

(1/4) > >>

Until we get a better place for documents to go (pvexposed), this thread can serve as a place for people to post PV-related documents to.

I'll start out with this pamphlet:





Psy already has a place for PV documents on Fornits:


--- Quote from: "ZenAgent" ---Psy already has a place for PV documents on Fornits:
--- End quote ---
Yes, but you have to go through him to have anything added there (no offense psy). If someone has a document to share but wants to remain anonymous they may feel more comfortable posting it as a guest here with out having to interact with anyone. I'll be emailing all this paperwork to psy to go in the PV folder you linked, after I've finished posting it here.

Page of basic info PV gives out to interested parents:




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