Hi Ronnie!
I still have that pop up book waiting for you. I just know you'll be happy with the pictures of dragons, fairies, and magical little forest elves. Now Ronnie you've been a bad little boy haven't you? Santa is going to put a lump of coal in your stocking after he reads your court documents. Ronnie it still isn't to late to be honest about what really happened. I'll show you below what you need to clear up:
(for reference see:
1) On line 12-15 on page 2 you claimed to see Mike in his car and that you left him alone. What you should really say is you got out your own video camera and started filming Psy and I as we were filming you. Further, you forgot to mention how you tried to get that one gang banger pissed off at Psy.
Ronnie.. Let's get this cleared up.. I want you to have a nice christmas.
2) On lines 23 to 27 you mention how Mike's actions proved disruptive to the program and how that he didn't have permission to film staff or students. Ronnie.. let's be honest.. I'm pretty sure you remember the night the cops told you it was ok for Mike to film them when we tried to help Marco get his passport back. Also be honest.. you failed to include how you absolutely did not see Mike break any laws. I'm also certain you know that Mike is allowed to film anything he wants as long as he can see it from a public area. Meaning as long as he is standing on the sidewalk he doesn't need your permission to film anything he wants.
Let's clear this up as well for Santa shall we?
3) On the top of page 3 you'll notice you claim numerous students began to approach Mike and you "encouraged" them to stay away from him. Ronnie.. be honest.. though neither Mike or I never actually saw this I'm certain this "encouragement" involved something along the lines of a crappy hotel room and 3 filling ramen noodle buckets a day. You also include on the top of page 3 that after the students went away you heard Mike continuing to shout obscenities. Ronnie.. that is just not true.
Santa is getting pissed big boy.. get it fixed. And besides.. You might want to remember that either Mike and I had a camera rolling all the time. Tsk.. can you say the same?
4) on page 3 lines 7 through 12 you indicate that Mike was accosting students and coming onto Benchmark's property. Ronnie.. you know as well as I do that Mike never once stepped foot on the private property around the apartments. Don't be a liar dude.. It isn't cool and you are making Santa's Elves want to cry. Not sure what the hell gave you the idea we were handing out fliers either. Neither of us even tried to hand out any flier the entire 8 days we were there. The only thing Mike tried to give anyone was a headache and that
Margaret Thaler Singer book on cults5) on page 3 again lines 14 thru 20 you claim Mike became aggressive to the students when he was demanding to speak to staff. Not true Ronnie.. Mike asked nicely. I was there dude. It was you who became aggressive with us when you and that one bloated whale came out and you started giving us the hard ass treatment. Remember that moment when you were trying to allude to the fact that both Mike and I were gonna be in deep poop and how you and Mike got into an argument about it? That aggression was all instigated by you cupcake.
Again I'm pretty sure mike has it on video. If not he ought have gotten it as it is perfect material for my highlights video for Santa's Top 10 most busted list.
6) Bottom of page 3 and top of page 4 you indicated that police told us to leave. This was after you and Sheri told us that Marco's docs were in the ed center and that you two couldn't get them for Marco. Oh Ronnie.. the po po never told us to leave and also Mike never offered any student 100 dollars to leave the program. I was the one who told Mike I'd pay for a bus ticket to anywhere for any student and toss in some food money.
7) on lines 9 thru 14 you indicated you asked the police if it was ok for Mike to be disruptive. The police said as long as he didn't come onto Benchmark property they couldn't do anything. You whined that you didn't do anything more at that time.
RONNIE! Be honest.. YOU couldn't do anything more at that time. Mike wasn't breaking any laws in the first place.
Santa is very mad Ronnie..

Ronnie ALL OF PAGE 5 made Santa weep.
1) The night you and Mike went at each other hammer and tongs in front of the hotel was the night you approached Mike. You drove up to the Hotel because you had to check on the student you had stashed in the hotel who was enjoying his Thanksgiving meal of a can of beans and snack pack pudding or whatever it was yall fed him. You came up to Mike with the student.. Why? Because Mike and I looked for that student and couldn't find him earlier. Apparently Mike went to the wrong room looking for him. So obviously your comment that Mike offered him a plane ticket is a hot glass of stinking piss.
Further, Mike and Marco were standing in front of our hotel room smoking a cigarette when you weaseled your way over to give Mike and Marco another dose of the hard ass. Which you failed at horridly as I had to come out and split you both up after you both woke me up.
But what really happened Ronnie...
You came over with the student.. Who mike had absolutely no contact
You had the student say that he didn't want to be bothered by mike..
Mike repeated my offer of a bus ticket and food money..
the student groaned and asked to be moved from the hotel to resist the temptation.
From what I understand you then tried to get us booted out of the hotel..
That didn't work..
It was a bit after that I came out and told you I'd make sure Marco called his parents to shut you all up.
Ronnie.. you've been a very bad boy...
Santa is going to boot your ass into the Sea of Cortes all the way from Redlands.