Author Topic: YOU WERE A LAB RAT  (Read 8376 times)

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Offline seamus

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« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2008, 03:06:25 PM »
Quote from: "MyBrainNotYours"
What they did to us in Straight, while tragic and horrible, was a *very* small part of the Plan that is currently underway.  We were merely lab rats in yet another mind control experiment, propagandized and funded by your (or more correctly you great-grandchildren's) tax dollars and the 80's war du jour (i.e. The War on Drugs), for the betterment of those that would seek to benefit from a world of complete and total control of any and all Commodities (yes, that includes you).  It is still happening today, to innocent children, under their unsuspecting/well-meaning/brainwashed-parents' noses) albeit under a different banner of benevolence (e.g. Drug Free America, Evangelical Church, insert-organization-here, etc., ).  Now, it is the 'War on 'Terror' .  Who knows, maybe you are an 'enemy combatant' or a 'homegrown terrorist' just for reading this post..

There are but TWO primal human emotions.  
1. Love  
2. Fear

Fear is much more profitable.
They know this.

We MUST collectively migrate from 'victim' status (which is exactly where they want us) to 'empowered' status:

1. Turn off your f@&%ing T.V.

2. See for yourself.  Empower yourself!!!  Google / YouTube the following:
•   Bilderberg Group
•   Trilateral Commission
•   Martial Law
•   2007 National Defense Authorization Act (Sec 1042)
•   Blackwater
•   Project 908
•   Rex 84
•   Operation Gardenplot (DoD Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2)
•   Operation Cable Splicer
•   HSPD-51
•   HSPD-20
•   Real ID Act
•   RFID tracking module
•   Verichip
•   PLD – Personal Locaitng Device
•   H.R. 4986, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008
•   Military Commissions Act of 2006 (HR6054) - Allows Executive Branch to declare U.S. citizens unlawful enemy combatants
•   John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 H.R. 5122 (2006) - effectively nullifies the limits of the The Insurrection Act
•   Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
•   2009 Defense Authorization Bill
•   Patriot Act - Section 802 “Definition of Domestic Terrorism” – even misdemeanors are classifiable as terrorist activity
•   READ and understand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!!!!
•   Check out Ron Paul's book: Revolution: A Manifesto
•   HR1955 – Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
•   Executive Order 10995 – allows  gov’t to seize and control communication media
•   Executive Order 10997 – allows govt to seize and control all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals
•   Exectutive Order 10999 – allows govt to take control of all food resources and farms
•   Executive Order 11000 – allows govt to mobilize civilians into work brigades under govt supervision
•   Executive Order 11001 – allows govt to take control of health, education, and welfare functions
•   EO 11002 – designates the postmaster general to operate a national registration of all persons
•   EO 10998 – allows the govt to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control of all highways, seaports, and waterways
•   EO 11003 – allows the govt to take over all airports and aircraft
•   EI 11004 – allows the housing authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations
•   EO 11005 – allows govt to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities
•   EO 11051 – specifies the Office of Emergency planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis
•   EO 11310 – grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders
•   EO 11921 – Allows FEMA to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money
•   HR 8791 – Homeland Terrorism Preparedness Bill

3. Turn your T.V. back on and enjoy the puppet show.

You know what to do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline seamus

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« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2008, 03:10:20 PM »
Stash away guns food and ammo,if not for you then your children,medical and farming skills are fucking handy
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2008, 03:41:43 PM »
Quote from: "seamus"
Stash away guns food and ammo

It's better to store bullets than food---you can use bullets to get food easier than you can use food to get bullets.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline MyBrainNotYours

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« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2008, 01:57:09 AM »
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
This statement does not sound as an "oversimplifacation". To me it sounds like an announcement from the Department of the Obvious.

Hey Woof,
This made me laugh (because its true).  Thanks for that - laughter is a commodity that has been in short supply in my neck of the woods lately.
Your response contained many of the same links I have collected as well in my ongoing research.  I was careful not to include some of them in my initial post on this thread as we have been programmed to dismiss a sincere search for truth as behaviour associated with radical, fringe, un-patriotic conspiracy theorists.  This is especially true for those of us who were prisoners in the CIA-funded 'war on drugs' thought-reform facilities.  My son (who attends public school) and his fellow sheople/students even have a "special teacher" that he is to report any suspicious activity to that may be occurring at home.  So I tried to stick to topics/links that were were based on hard, factual, and easily verifiable evidence via "reputable" sources.  It appears that you (like me) are attempting to amalgamate a big picture view of what is actually going on.  This is not something that can be distilled down to a single issue (911 comes to mind), as many "truth-seekers" would make it seem.  Another challenge is that there is an abundance of well-funded disinformation being pushed - specifically targeted at this audience which seeks to discredit and distract us from the truth and/or serve conflicting agendas.  In fact one of the things that I am starting to wonder about is whether the supra-government/financial elite players that are orchestrating all of this might not all be on the same page.  Looks like there might actually be a war of sorts going on behind the war.  What do you think Woof?  Antigen?

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - A. Einstein
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline MyBrainNotYours

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« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2008, 02:40:44 AM »
Quote from: "seamus"
Stash away guns food and ammo,if not for you then your children,medical and farming skills are fucking handy

6 mos. of food (grains, beans, canned goods (meat, vegetables), honey, sugar)
Supplements (multi-vitamins/minerals, Omega #'s, vitamin C, colloidal silver)
Bottled water
Dense nutrition food/energy bars
Basic hygiene supplies
Batteries, radio, lighter, flashlight/lanterns, walkie talkies
Heat/cooking source
A water purifier (camping grade that removes bacteria e.g. Berkey water purifier)
Shotgun and/or rifle & ammo
Heritage seeds
First aid supplies
Bonus: potassium iodate, respirator mask, radiation monitor

Cash in your retirement and buy gold/silver
If you live in/near a major metro city or a military base/DoD facility: Research how to shelter in place
Create a contact/meeting place/plan with your loved ones.
Have a supply of cash on hand (the banks might not be open when you need them to be and the ATMs have a withdrawal limit)

We are going to see several months of deflation followed by hyperinflation that will lead to a severe Depression; dollar will collapse followed by creation of a new form of currency and a new North American Union.  Possible new engineered war/false flag/and/or pandemic to make things interesting (and motivate you to do what they say/justify the coming "Change you can believe in"). At this point your worst enemy will not be your government it will be your unprepared neighbor.
Good bye sovereignty, good bye Constitutional rights.  Hello New World Order.

I hope I am wrong.  And I anticipate replies letting me know just how wrong I am.  And that's fine.
But you know what? Worst case: you were prepared.  Best case: you were prepared.  

Peace and Love.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2008, 07:11:46 AM »
Quote from: "MyBrainNotYours"
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
This statement does not sound as an "oversimplifacation". To me it sounds like an announcement from the Department of the Obvious.

Hey Woof,
This made me laugh (because its true).  Thanks for that - laughter is a commodity that has been in short supply in my neck of the woods lately.
Your response contained many of the same links I have collected as well in my ongoing research.  I was careful not to include some of them in my initial post on this thread as we have been programmed to dismiss a sincere search for truth as behaviour associated with radical, fringe, un-patriotic conspiracy theorists.  This is especially true for those of us who were prisoners in the CIA-funded 'war on drugs' thought-reform facilities.  My son (who attends public school) and his fellow sheople/students even have a "special teacher" that he is to report any suspicious activity to that may be occurring at home.  So I tried to stick to topics/links that were were based on hard, factual, and easily verifiable evidence via "reputable" sources.  It appears that you (like me) are attempting to amalgamate a big picture view of what is actually going on.  This is not something that can be distilled down to a single issue (911 comes to mind), as many "truth-seekers" would make it seem.  Another challenge is that there is an abundance of well-funded disinformation being pushed - specifically targeted at this audience which seeks to discredit and distract us from the truth and/or serve conflicting agendas.  In fact one of the things that I am starting to wonder about is whether the supra-government/financial elite players that are orchestrating all of this might not all be on the same page.  Looks like there might actually be a war of sorts going on behind the war.  What do you think Woof?  Antigen?

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - A. Einstein

MyBrainNotYours---What do you think Woof?

You mentioned a few interesting things:

"tried to stick to topics/links that were were based on hard, factual, and easily verifiable evidence via "reputable" sources."

In an age of information, there is an opposite side to the coin, namely disinformation. The discriminating mind will read and digest both. The thinking mind will evaluate and hense judge the information as best suits thier inclinations, suspicions or notions.We are free to believe what we choose, and what we do attests to what we believe. As, mentioned before (can't recall if I said it in this post or not) Belief produces the acceptance of existence and this is why we believe what no one else thinks is true. For this we may be criticized, ridiculed, dismissed as you say as "conspiracy therorists" or more likely in this realm of discussion, "disgruntled former 'clients'".

And so, as I think I have found the "truth" on a particular subject, I must ask myself, if not train myself to ask...Now that I know the truth, do I really know the TRUTH? Everyone will defend the truth as a treasure, and will do so automatically. The real question becomes, What do I, you, we treasure, the truth or an assumption of truth? The closest I think I can come to an answer is but accepting the fact...I don't know. This alternating investment in thought, which creates varying levels of perception usually brings about internal conflict which can be very acute. And so, in regard to these types of issues I pigieon hole them as "entertainment"...not in the strictest sense, but as a way to not take "it" and myself too seriously so that "laughter" is not slowly choked out of my existance.

Birds have songs, wolves have songs, whales have songs...each I think stem from thier spirit. We as human beings also have a song that comes from our sprit...and this song is "laughter". Whether it is time spent with my beloved Maine Coons or watching my collection of The Three Stooges...for me, I must tend to my spirit and be true to that, abide in that and simply laugh. I can not afford the luxury of completely indulging in my own inquisitive, crtical, and observational mind. As history has shown, my well being, my internal landscape if you will becomes dark and dreary if from time to time I do not excuse myself from overly zealioused examination of these issues. But since it is part and parcel of my make up...I will always return to that search and continue examination...In short, I think it comes down to a matter of balance and maintaing such balance....which as you know is no easy task...but not impossible.

Peace is not only possible, but inevitable!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2008, 07:41:33 AM »
What do I think? One of my local acquaintances works in the public sector teen thought reform industry. When I first met him and asked him how that was he gave the pre-programmed "If we help just one kid...." to which I responded "Be mindful that you don't break ten of them in the course of helping that one." I've stayed on good terms with the dude. Not hard to do as I happen to fall into a role in his realm that he's ok with. And he's a very gregarious, freelance politician type anyway. More than that, though, I get the sense that this dude is very much for real. Reminds me of Che's role in the dark comedy--sincerely duped for a time, but true in the end. It's been about six months and I've had a few conversations with him and his wife about this. Last time I asked him how that was going, he said he was getting sick of it, starting to see what they're really doing down there and wants no more to do with it. This is half a lie. This is the kind of dude who will do something up close and personal about it if he's able to see the problem.

Hook into the realness of the people around you wherever you can find it.

Would love to say more, but I gotta go do my gig in the combine to keep it feeding me instead of using me for feedstock for the moment. I'll keep a sharp eye out for more trustworthy souls.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Froderik

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« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2008, 10:15:47 AM »
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
Peace is not only possible, but inevitable!
True...   :poison:  :karma:  :peace:  :karma:  :poison:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2008, 11:30:04 AM »
Quote from: "think again"
where would the manpower to do allthis,controlling and occupation come from, to control all those things at one time seems a tall order,besides .

The same place it always comes from...and to borrow a little sing-song saying from an old friend, who I think originally got it from Kurt Vonnegut: "Nice, nice, very nice, all of the people in the same device", and when you sing it your supposed to take your hands and hold them in front of you so that your palms are facing your chest, with your fingers stretched so that they interlock like the gears of a clock.  Now you just turn your wrists and sing!!  Have fun and enjoy. ;D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline seamus

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« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2008, 12:06:22 AM »
I have a SHITLOAD o guns and ammo and am lookin to go off the grid cause I am disgusted with a lot of shit.Fuck this culture its been shot and forgot to fall down.I got a couple of parting shots to take yet ,then Im done.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad


  • Guest
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2008, 02:53:09 PM »
In this post, regarding speculations, I am referring to those made about Straight, including the thread title.

I get really angry about this kind of thread. Do any of the people posting here have proof, like CIA or FBI Freedom of Information Act Searches that PROVE that there were more ultimate goals than simply those exercised at the time of operation, ie, recruitment, control of clients, propagation of program? I mean, people here making statements like "information was gathered", well does that mean personal information? Or what?

I'm not angry because I don't think it is POSSIBLE, nor because I don't like slander of US Government entities. Also, I have no proof that is IS slander.

People ought to be clear about their speculations. Whether this response is rational or not, sometimes I feel like screaming at people who post these kinds of speculations. If you have the facts, post them. If you have the documents proving your specific conjectures, post them. Otherwise it's false advertisement, it's hype, it is not fair to people who have suffered so much. But hey, I SPECULATE as well.

Also, I don't get the back and forth betw Woof and Anti regarding the Nixon Ford administration. That congress document said, this is thought reform, and we can't put govt money into it, and, if I have correct notes, it said therefore we have to stop giving govt money to The Seed.

Set aside taking personally this poster's emotional reaction to some of the contents of this thread. I find memories especially painful recently. I am frustrated by the lack of real, solid information about what they were doing and why. I SPECULATE that specific scenarios of torture were played out on certain victims, whether for future game or for an even darker brainwashing/mind control tactic simply ingrained into the "game" being played there.

Whether or not anyone's speculations are accurate, I think the overarching theme of this post might be that the abuse continues for us, no matter how long ago we were in one of the Straight programs, while those who perpetrated what they did still have "the information" and don't give it to us. We don't have closure, which, after being tortured in this Stadt, we should have. We absolutely should have all information. It is inhuman that we do not have all the information. I am angry about this. Who are the watchdogs of such malice aforethought and fraud against citizens? Who are the watchdogs?

Sometimes I think of Straight as sort of like a hyper-blast of a certain culture. So now it's like, oh no, I'm sick of some or many things in the culture I live in, I already ate way too much of that.

Anyways, it isn't helpful to get "information" that is only speculation, but it does reveal the deficit. I also consider that people might be referring obliquely to something personal they know about, like a specific piece of personal information Straight got and used against them later. I can see they might have really wanted to do this to staff to keep them shut up when they did leave Straight. If people don't want to post such personal examples, I can get that. If they have discussed amongst themselves and found some patterns there but don't really want to talk about personal examples, I can get that.

Just don't paint walls around people, don't tell them where the new sets of double doors are and shit. It isn't responsible. 'Cause, at least on rainy days, we could have stopped into the warehouse and played some basketball, and that's all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2008, 05:52:57 PM »
Hey Guest, welcome. I'm not sure why you're so angry about this discussion, but I apologize for pissing you off anyway.

For what it's worth, here's my take on the cold hard facts behind this speculation. We will never, ever have access to them unless and until the union falls to some foreign or domestic enemy, and even then we'll never be able to tell for certain what is truth, what is disinformation and what is just plain error. I do think, though, that there is enough circumstantial evidence to support a solid assumption that certain factions of our government had a hand in propagating the Program under various names and venues; that they gathered research data and have used and continue to use the results for whatever purpose black ops type secret agencies do these days.

I no longer get really angry with people who get angry with me for saying so, unless I'm pissy drunk and forget manners (which I'm not at the moment).

Speculation is part of the process of research and discovery. Check out Linchpin's clever method of confirming a hunch here viewtopic.php?p=318829#p318829  ROFL Crude, but effective. I've used essentially the same method and come up with a hit from time to time googling [some org or person's name that gives me that Zippety Doo Dah feeling] DFAF or some other organization or person's name. In science, it's the theory phase of research. First you make a guess, then you think about and discuss various ways to prove or disprove it then you set about testing the theory. Most of the time you never actually get down to absolute provable fact. If we only allow ourselves to accept and act on proven fact we'd never act at all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2008, 11:02:11 PM »
I am not sure if this is any help here, but I finally found that damn letter Dr. Schwartz sent out to the Springfield VA branch clients 4 years after my treatment. (I threw mine away, dammit, thinking at the time that it was complete crap, and by then I had drank etc... so. Damn! I wish I had kept that... Oh well, here's what I have now... don't remember where I got it though, but it's 100% real. Schwartz, who by the way still works with the DFAF, (according to the site) even offered $5 each name provided to him and well... here's an excerpt, let me know if this is one of those "research" things people have been looking for...

"October 21, 1988

Dear friends,

blah blah.. then... 'Research is often frustrating work. I had hoped for a better response. While about 100 young adults such as yourself did help out, I need an additional 70 people to complete the questionnaire. I'm enclosing a list of people who did not as yet complete the questionnaire. Perhaps you could help me once again and write a letter or place a telephone call to one or more of your former friends on the list. (I have most of their addresses if you need them). For every person you convince to help me I will pay you a finders fee of $5.00. One week after that person sends his or her completed questionnaire to Dr. Hoffman in St. Paul Minnesota, send a note to let me know you helped out and I will mail a check for $5 to you and also to the person who completed the questionnaire."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2008, 08:56:36 AM »
Quote from: "guest"
In this post, regarding speculations, I am referring to those made about Straight, including the thread title.

I get really angry about this kind of thread. Do any of the people posting here have proof, like CIA or FBI Freedom of Information Act Searches that PROVE that there were more ultimate goals than simply those exercised at the time of operation, ie, recruitment, control of clients, propagation of program? I mean, people here making statements like "information was gathered", well does that mean personal information? Or what?

I'm not angry because I don't think it is POSSIBLE, nor because I don't like slander of US Government entities. Also, I have no proof that is IS slander.

People ought to be clear about their speculations. Whether this response is rational or not, sometimes I feel like screaming at people who post these kinds of speculations. If you have the facts, post them. If you have the documents proving your specific conjectures, post them. Otherwise it's false advertisement, it's hype, it is not fair to people who have suffered so much. But hey, I SPECULATE as well.

Also, I don't get the back and forth betw Woof and Anti regarding the Nixon Ford administration. That congress document said, this is thought reform, and we can't put govt money into it, and, if I have correct notes, it said therefore we have to stop giving govt money to The Seed.

Set aside taking personally this poster's emotional reaction to some of the contents of this thread. I find memories especially painful recently. I am frustrated by the lack of real, solid information about what they were doing and why. I SPECULATE that specific scenarios of torture were played out on certain victims, whether for future game or for an even darker brainwashing/mind control tactic simply ingrained into the "game" being played there.

Whether or not anyone's speculations are accurate, I think the overarching theme of this post might be that the abuse continues for us, no matter how long ago we were in one of the Straight programs, while those who perpetrated what they did still have "the information" and don't give it to us. We don't have closure, which, after being tortured in this Stadt, we should have. We absolutely should have all information. It is inhuman that we do not have all the information. I am angry about this. Who are the watchdogs of such malice aforethought and fraud against citizens? Who are the watchdogs?

Sometimes I think of Straight as sort of like a hyper-blast of a certain culture. So now it's like, oh no, I'm sick of some or many things in the culture I live in, I already ate way too much of that.

Anyways, it isn't helpful to get "information" that is only speculation, but it does reveal the deficit. I also consider that people might be referring obliquely to something personal they know about, like a specific piece of personal information Straight got and used against them later. I can see they might have really wanted to do this to staff to keep them shut up when they did leave Straight. If people don't want to post such personal examples, I can get that. If they have discussed amongst themselves and found some patterns there but don't really want to talk about personal examples, I can get that.

Just don't paint walls around people, don't tell them where the new sets of double doors are and shit. It isn't responsible. 'Cause, at least on rainy days, we could have stopped into the warehouse and played some basketball, and that's all.

Guest---As I believe I mentioned in this thread....Once I "know" the 'truth'...I have to ask myself....Do I now really know the truth? Speculation, sure, absolutely...Facts, supressed. Have you ever read anything de-classified, or obtained from the Freedom of Information Act? 3/4 of the information is blacked out, usualy names, places and monetary amounts.

It is not my wish to anger or "slander"...But understand, forover 30 years I have had a handful of DOTS in my hands. And after 3 decades of holding these dots, I am beginning to connect them. Does this effort mean I am 100% accurate? Does it imply that I know for absolutel certainty what I am discussing My hope is to conect these DOTS and perhaps stir about thought and discussion. Perhaps somene with more time on there hands than myself can carry the ball further and take the hours upon hours it would take to read thru reams of information that may or may not have anything to do with the discussion at hand.

I am not claiming to be 100% correct in my ascertations (sp)...but I am free to speculate, have hunches and theroies. These are the first steps in investagations...Follow up is another matter. There are those more qualified in that arena. I have met guys here who were my newcommers that are now lawyers and there are certainly others that frequent these boards...who also endured what we all went thru...thier training maybe best suited to dig for the facts....because, thats what they do and they know how...Me? I am just a rat-catcher...with a thinking, discriminating, inquisitive mind trying to piece together why and what happened to my teenage years and the rest of my life...Call me wrong...I am ok with that....

More latter when my better half isnt calling me from the car to take her to breakfast... :wall:

Much Healing
In Peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #29 on: November 29, 2008, 12:25:56 PM »
Quote from: "Doctor Research Document Discoverer"
I am not sure if this is any help here, but I finally found that damn letter Dr. Schwartz sent out to the Springfield VA branch clients 4 years after my treatment. (I threw mine away, dammit, thinking at the time that it was complete crap, and by then I had drank etc... so. Damn! I wish I had kept that... Oh well, here's what I have now... don't remember where I got it though, but it's 100% real. Schwartz, who by the way still works with the DFAF, (according to the site) even offered $5 each name provided to him and well... here's an excerpt, let me know if this is one of those "research" things people have been looking for...

"October 21, 1988

Dear friends,

blah blah.. then... 'Research is often frustrating work. I had hoped for a better response. While about 100 young adults such as yourself did help out, I need an additional 70 people to complete the questionnaire. I'm enclosing a list of people who did not as yet complete the questionnaire. Perhaps you could help me once again and write a letter or place a telephone call to one or more of your former friends on the list. (I have most of their addresses if you need them). For every person you convince to help me I will pay you a finders fee of $5.00. One week after that person sends his or her completed questionnaire to Dr. Hoffman in St. Paul Minnesota, send a note to let me know you helped out and I will mail a check for $5 to you and also to the person who completed the questionnaire."

That is really disturbing that Schwarz "have most of their addresses". But enlightening. ..... Perhaps Schwarz would like to do some more "follow-up" research. We know where he is, does he know where we are? Thinking about how to approach letting his Advanced Pediatrics clientele know what kind of a child abuse advocate he is. Yes, that is right, I am thinking about it. And spawning the  idea of other people thinking about it. These people COULD apologize, acknowledge wrongdoing, but they choose not to, and so I guess that makes people who are still thinking about the seriousness of what was done to them in Straight the watchdogs of these people. Not that we are official or know exactly what to do about it.

Also, where is that doctor Puglisi now, what was his first name?

Also Ginger could I possibly get my computer back from you I need it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »