Author Topic: HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp  (Read 5040 times)

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Offline marg1978h

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HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp
« on: September 20, 2011, 12:40:57 AM »
Paula or anyone else,
what is the name of the crime of creating multiple corporations many of them false or with false
addresses to confuse anyone trying to make a link between corporation and maybe individual. I know
it but cant think of it and its been driving me nuts. It is one of the more difficult crimes to prove.
Jeez its driving me nuts. Sorry didnt know who else to ask
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 01:01:41 AM by marg1978h »
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« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2011, 12:41:37 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline marg1978h

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« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2011, 12:49:22 AM »
No, its purposely creating many corporations to make linking near impossiable. but thanks for the try
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Xelebes

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« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2011, 12:52:54 AM »
Looking it up, dummy corporations.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline marg1978h

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« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2011, 12:58:23 AM »
Thats why its driving me nuts i looked all over the net, but maybe I didnt have the right search terms.
I know it has three words-- "xxxx and xxx" its not often prosecuted because its so difficult to prove so
its not a common corporate crime listed.
I cant believe its driving me nuts but ever have a word, or actors name or something that you know
but cant think of just drive you nuts and someone is asking me and i know but just cant  think of it
thank you for looking too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2011, 01:05:16 AM »
pump and run?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline marg1978h

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Re: HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2011, 01:15:24 AM »
No, but ty. I know if there was a legal person, lawyer, paralegal, corporate expert, here they would know it right off but I dont spend much time on this
board so I wouldn't know who to ask
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2011, 01:28:06 AM »
(A training accountant here so, yeah.  I have only one business law course under my belt.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline marg1978h

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Re: HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2011, 02:34:25 PM »
ty tried to register and post havent been able to yet
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 06:31:58 PM »
marg1978h you have a lot of knowledge on the Troubled Teen Industry.  Are you working for them and what are your real motives?  lol
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rude Intrusion

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Re: HEY PAULA or anyone quick question on legal corp
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2011, 01:52:06 PM »
Might find what your asking about somewhere in here:

WWASP Alleged Crimes

February 3, 2004

Prepared by the International Survivors Action Committee
ISAC Corporation

# 11.   Individual Program Information – This contains corporate information concerning individual WWASP programs and individuals known, or thought to be, affiliated with WWASP.

Investigative Photos and Video – This is video evidence supporting the corporate     RICO report including video of nonexistent addresses and more. Contact ISAC Corporation.

Interviews – These are taped interviews. The subject has granted permission for their release.

In Their Own Words video – This is a collection of television interviews with WWASP officials.

 Section 1: Treatment Modality
The Straight Incorporated Children’s Cultic Modality (SICC)

Many readers of the Tranquility Bay report and websites associated with treatment abuse ask themselves "How can this happen?" "Can this be true?”

It is vital that the reader understand that this treatment modality has been associated with torture and abuse for over thirty years.

In fact, in the twenty-five years that ISAC investigators have investigated or looked at treatment centers, we have found abuse in its extreme forms in EVERY facility using this treatment method.

To seek to close one program or even a group of programs will not end the abuse. The only way to end the abuse of our children is to outlaw this treatment modality and to insist that Congress regulate all treatment centers with a standard of care THAT IS ENFORCED.

It is important that the reader understand that the treatment modality used at the WWASP "schools" or "programs" is not unique. The treatment modality ISAC is now referring to as the Straight Incorporated Children’s Cultic Modality (SICC) has been around for many years. It is unique only in that only a few "treatment" centers over the last forty years have utilized it.

The "Tough Love" organization known for its unique and sometimes harsh approach to discipline has even publicly denounced this modality. Many other treatment modalities exist that are effective and produce actual results when dealing with children's behavior problems and/or drug use.

The Treatment Modality History:

This treatment modality started during the 1960s with an organization called "Synanon." ISAC has done extensive interviews with the founders of Synanon to trace the roots of this modality.

One individual formally involved with this modality moved to Florida and received federal funding for a program called the "Seed" -- despite the fact that his application clearly stated "former New York bum."

In the early 1970s, a Senate investigation into the Seed compared the program to a "Chinese Prisoner of War" camp. At that time, the treatment modality was considered experimental and Mr. Art Barker was advised that he would receive no additional federal funding unless he informed the clients and parents of this fact. He refused and lost his federal funding.

After the closure of the "Seed" in St. Petersburg, Florida, a group of parents who wanted the program to continue, began a program called "Straight, Incorporated." Former staff members of the "Seed" soon declared Straight, Inc. to be the more abusive of the two.

ISAC has conducted extensive interviews with nearly all of the original board members of Straight. Within a few months of Straight's opening, half of the board of directors resigned, declaring that the treatment method was "crazy," "dangerous to the minds of the kids," and "had no therapeutic value.”

In the early 1990s, every Straight, Inc. program in the country closed under allegations of abuse even though the founder of Straight, US Ambassador Mel Sembler, repeatedly used his political influence to try to keep them open. Sembler even threatened to have HRS workers fired if they did not issue Straight, Inc. a license in the midst of an investigation into claims of abuse.

In 2003, ISAC submitted a report on this modality to FactNet. FactNet has determined and stated publicly that this modality is cultic in nature.

In the early 1990s, Straight, Inc. dissolved and WWASP appeared. Oddly enough, the WWASP facilities use the same treatment modality, as well as a nearly identical level system, program language, corporate structure, etc.

Another interesting similarity is the fact that Mel Sembler, founder of Straight, Inc. is the biggest fundraiser for a certain political party and Robert Lichfield is the largest fundraiser/donor to that same political party in Utah.

In some cases, a WWASP program or service even has the same logo as a former Straight program.

ISAC has conducted extensive research into the SICC modality and has already published a great deal of information. However, ISAC will be issuing a report in the summer of 2004, which will include a detailed study of the SICC modality and all of the individual programs associated with it.

There is no doubt in the minds of our investigators that the SICC modality is the same treatment method in use at facilities associated with WWASP, as well as Straight, Inc.-descendant programs.

Section 2: Alleged Fraud

ISAC has seen a significant increase in the number of websites promoting WWASP affiliated “schools”/”program since beginning our investigation

We have also found that several corporations, fundamental to the WWASP organization, have changed names.

We believe and are convinced that these measures were taken in an effort to confuse and possibly deter investigators.

Alleged General Fraud

A document promoting WWASP affiliated schools and received by ISAC states the following (excerpt):

?   “Typically, students who enroll in our Schools have excellent potential, are extremely bright with above average to superior intelligence.”

?   “Each school provides behavior modification”

?   “Parents who enroll their students in our programs are parents like you, who know they need something that works and something must be done NOW to save your child from the present course of action. In spite of all traditional methods, attempts to assist your child to a healthy life-style, (therapy, boot camp, wilderness programs, etc) nothing has worked. If appropriate intervention is not achieved, your child is headed for serious trouble.”

Investigative note: In this paragraph, the facilities are referred to as “programs.”

?   “Our uniquely challenging, highly effective schools and programs are for teens ages 13-18”

Investigative note: In other promotional materials referenced later in this document, you will find that children much younger than 13 years of age are listed. In this paragraph, the facilities are referred to as “schools.”

?   “Moreover, these seminars and workshops, when completed by the students and parents, along with Program completion, contribute significantly to the Schools high success rate we proudly tout. Independent studies done on our Programs consistently show a 96% parent satisfaction rate and an 86% overall success rate.”

Investigative note: ISAC has found no evidence to substantiate this claim. To the best of our knowledge, there has never been an independent study to determine the success rate of WWASP programs. We believe that this success rate is entirely false. Oddly enough, the SICC modality claimed this same success rate for years. You can also find the EXACT same alleged success rate in every program utilizing the SICC modality.

?   “Clarity of purpose in life is essential because it creates the foundation on which we build from in day to day living. Clearly, the seminars will strengthen a student’s capacity to overcome anger, confrontational behavior, negative peer association, sexual misconduct, low self-worth, out-of-control behavior, substance use/abuse.”

Investigative note: Later in our document, you will see that marketers are/have been instructed not to sell the “programs” as dual diagnosis facilities. However, that is exactly how this sentence appears to characterize these “schools/programs.”

Aside from WWASP affiliated “schools,” we are unaware of any “boarding school” that claims to help with substance abuse problems.

?   “Students attend school as they normally would in home school. However, the courses are accelerated allowing them to advance exponentially.”

?   “Each school has a credentialed school curriculum and each student’s curriculum is unique and tailored to his or her situation. Benchmark testing is used to show improvement and the students typically function at a 3.0 GPA or higher. The School is fully accredited and college preparatory with state of the art computer interactive educational systems and smaller classroom with one on one teaching. Approximately 69% of our graduates go on to college.”

(Source document: General Parent letter signed by Dina Dalton) Ms. Dalton claims her son works for the National Security Agency, despite having been in a program that deals with substance abuse.)

Investigative note: Where did the 69% number come from? What study shows this number? Where is the study or statistics that prove that the “students typically function at a 3.0 GPA average?”

ISAC believes that the statement of “full accreditation” is intentionally misleading. In fact, each WWASP “school” is accredited by the same “member” association, which has NOTHING to do with ANY board of education. In some cases, the state Board of Education was unaware that the facility claimed to be a “school.”

In other cases, the state Board of Education was not aware that the “school”/ “program” even existed.

A document dated October 24, 2003 states (excerpts):

?   “(Name withheld by ISAC) is currently enrolled in Spring Creek Lodge--- program includes comprehensive components addressing issues such as teen accountability and sexual misconduct, responsibility, honesty, integrity, low self esteem, leadership, agreements, anger, communication , out – of – control behavior , substance use/abuse, manipulative behavior.”

?   “Our success rate is consistently over 85%”

?   “Spring Creek Lodge is an accredited college preparatory high school program (Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges)”

(Source document: Letter addressed “To Whom It May Concern” distributed by Teen Help through the United States Postal Service. ISAC has several of these letters and they are identical, except for the name of the “school.”)  

Investigative note: In this promotional document, the facilities are called “college preparatory high school programs” even though some “students” are only 12.

“Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges” does NOT accredit Spring Creek Lodge. A completely separate entity, “Northwest Association of Schools and of Colleges and Universities” accredits Spring Creek Lodge. (See Section 3)

Please note that most of the facilities that ISAC is aware of are located in VERY remote areas and often miles from the nearest hospital and other emergency services. It is not feasible for the children to attempt to leave the facilities.

Majestic Ranch Academy, a facility housing children ages 7-13, is located in Randolph, Utah. According to one long-time resident, this location is known as “the coldest place in the continental United States” and has only one road leading to it in the winter. The nearest town is almost thirty miles away.

In a letter dated February 2002, a parent makes a complaint stating the following (excerpt):

?   “They violated their own policy regarding consent of both parents.”

?   “Son returned to the US with an unsigned passport…”

?   “Sons Visa to be in Samoa was expired long before his return; all communication with son was terminated.”

Investigative Note: We have received many inquiries and complaints regarding expired student Visas.

More evidence of WWASP accepting children without the consent of both parents appears later in this report.

WWASP and J. Ralph Atkin have maintained that they are not associated with the program called “Paradise Cove,” located in American Samoa; however, documents indicate that Paradise Cove was/is a WWASP-affiliated facility.

Alleged Fraud Concerning Resource Realizations/Premier Educational Systems

WWASP requires parents to complete encounter-style seminars conducted by Resource Realizations, before they are allowed to visit their child.

Students are required to participate in seminars knows as TASKS.

Participants are sworn to secrecy.

Investigative note: “What you see and hear here, stays here” is typical of the SICC treatment modality. It is a distorted version of medical confidentiality rules, which were intended to prevent medical personnel from disclosing patient information. Facilities using the SICC treatment modality twist the meaning of “confidentiality” and convince children and parents that they are not legally allowed to discuss what happens in the program meetings.

Critics have accused Resource Realizations’ seminars, like the better-known EST and Lifespring trainings of the 1970’s, of “brainwashing” participants.

This is not surprising considering that David Gilcrease, founder of Resource Realizations, was a Lifespring facilitator for five years before starting his own company in 1986.

Resource Realizations has been a defendant in several lawsuits against WWASP in which parents said seminar facilitators or staff members emotionally abused their children.

Some participants in those seminars have been offended by the experience. Clayton, California, piano dealer Kendall Ross Bean said he dropped out when he was told to affirm his trust in other group members by telling his “deepest, darkest secret” to the next person he came to.

Investigative note: This “tell your deepest darkest secret” is identical to the SICC treatment modality. According to affidavits from parents and former students, these secrets were later used to humiliate children who were not complying with the rules.

Thomas Burton, a Pleasanton, California lawyer representing several families suing Resource Realizations said one client was told to wear a sign saying “SLUT” after she confided she had been sexually abused. The girl also was told to wear a fishnet top and assume sexually provocative poses according to Burton.

Several participants have described the seminars as “psychological rape.”

The parent seminars reportedly last from 9 A.M. until midnight on Saturday and Sunday. No exceptions are made, not even for elderly grandparents. Participants are not entitled to refunds unless they complete the seminars.

The following was copied directly from the Resource Realizations Website:
Please take a moment and find out about us. Our senior staff has over 125 years of experience working with all types of individuals and organizations. Resource takes pride in presenting our senior staff.
1.   David Gilcrease - President
2.   Barbara Fagan - Vice President –
3.   Mary Bray - Director of Operations
4.   Duane Smotherman - Senior Consultant & Corporate Program
5.   Lou Dozier - Senior Consultant and Youth Program
6.   Joyce Christie - Senior Consultant & Program Development
7.   Jan Presley - Teen Facilitator
8.   Vanessa O'Betz - Seminar Coordinator
9.   Debbie Norum - Teen Trainer
10.   Ian O'Betz - Operations Coordinator
11.   Tom Berry - Teen Trainer
Investigative note: ISAC has further identified several of the staff members listed: Some are former students of WWASP “schools”, two are parents of former WWASP students, and several are former Lifespring members.
Leading cult experts including FactNet and Rick Ross have classified Lifespring as a cult.
There appears to be just one individual on this list with any training in the area of youth. Since these seminars are conducted across the country, it is highly unlikely that this one individual attends all of them.
This means that when parents, grandparents, and siblings attend these seminars, some of the “Senior Staff” either are former WWASP students or formerly - and possibly still - associated with a well-known cult. It also indicates that the individuals leading the seminars have little or no qualifications in the fields of counseling or psychology.

 History of Lifespring
“In 1969 John Hanley, a 23-year-old college student, was fined $1,000 by the U.S. District Court in Des Moines, Iowa, and placed on five years probation. The social-science major had been selling franchises for toilet-cleaning routes that didn't exist. In 1974, Hanley invented a three-course "human potential" training series, and then founded a company called Lifespring to sell it. Over the next 15 years, nearly a half-million people took the courses at branches around the country, including one in Minneapolis. The company ultimately raked in some $15 million a year.
More than 30 lawsuits were filed against Lifespring, alleging that the training had caused everything from emotional damage to psychotic breakdowns to suicide. The first unfavorable jury verdict came in 1984, when Deborah Bingham, a 30-year-old blackjack dealer, was awarded $800,000. She said she'd been in a psych ward for a month after attending two Lifespring courses. In 1982, after David Priddle jumped off a building, his family accepted an undisclosed sum; so did Artie Barnett's family, when Barnett, who couldn't swim, drowned as fellow participants egged him on. And Gail Renick's family received $450,000 after she died from an asthma attack during a training session. She had been led to believe her medication was unnecessary. Gabriella Martinez testified that she heard her trainer's voice in her head the night she swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. Lifespring settled the case out of court.
In 1980 ABC's 20/20 aired an investigation of Lifespring. It included an interview with cult expert Dr. John Clark of Harvard Medical School, who said the group practiced mind control and brainwashing. In 1987 Virginia Thomas, who is married to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, told the Washington Post she had had to hide out of state to get away from Lifespring. In 1990 KARE-TV (Channel 11) ran a segment called "Mind Games?" that Lifespring claimed was deceptive and sensationalized. (The Minnesota News Council rejected the company's claim.)
While trainings continued until the mid-Nineties in certain parts of the country, the lawsuits and the bad press crippled the company. In Minneapolis many Lifespring grads were sad, angry, and determined that the work should continue. One of them, Sue Hawkes, founded Vistar in partnership with two California-based Lifespring trainers. She ran the company out of her home in Plymouth. It's a good guess that Hawkes's idea was to grow Vistar into a self-help empire like Lifespring, where people took the training seminars in groups numbering several hundred. It never happened. During my involvement, Level I enrollments hovered between 15 and 50 people. Despite ample free labor, the company couldn't have been very profitable. Unlike Hanley, who invented the seminars for profit, everyone running Vistar had been through the program and they believed in it. I sometimes wonder if that's why they failed.
Today, all of the phone numbers associated with Vistar have been disconnected. There are no new directory listings, no Web pages, no evidence that the organization is still active in Minneapolis.
It hardly matters. There are approximately 3,000 groups like Vistar operating in the U.S. today. Exit counseling has become a viable career, and mind control is an academic subgenre, complete with schools of thought, theories, and counter-theories. Most people who study cults conclude that groups like Vistar's, classified as LGATs (Large Group Awareness Trainings), are pathological, but they disagree about the extent of the damage. Are they cults? Cultlike? In the 15 years since the American Psychological Association released a report condemning LGATs in general, and Lifespring in particular, no one has brokered a clear consensus. This might have something to do with the fact that specificity can be dangerous; lawsuits are an occupational hazard.
Last year the Phoenix New Times reported that Landmark Education, a company that markets a class similar to Vistar's--known as the Forum--was distributing a letter from UC Berkeley's Dr. Margaret Singer stating that their approach does not warrant cult status. The company had sued the professor emeritus of psychology for mentioning Landmark in her book Cults in Our Midst. As part of the settlement, she agreed to write the letter and strike references to the group in later editions of the book. She declined further comment to the New Times reporter, saying, "The SOBs have already sued me once."
Landmark trains 125,000 people annually in 100 cities worldwide, including Minneapolis. “
My deprogramming happened by accident. A week after I lost my position as a Level III senior, I was in Barnes & Noble when the word cult caught my eye. When I picked up a book called Cults in Our Midst, I felt triumphantly traitorous, until I came to a detailed description of Level I. I put the book back and fled. Later that same night, I went to a different bookstore. Another cult book. Another description of Level I. I visited several more bookstores in the next month. It was awhile before I could bring myself to believe it, much less buy it.
After I had read the books, I told James that we had been conned. It took him some time to come around. We talked about it for months. We planned a lawsuit. We planned to blow the whistle. When we heard that Vistar had scheduled a teen seminar, we planned a disruption. In the end, these plans went nowhere.
One reason people stay in cults even when the experience is deeply painful is that it can be far more psychologically painful to admit to being unreasonable and wrong. For me, throwing off mind control was a matter of education and time. I learned that what keeps people in difficult and painful situations is an unwillingness to admit that they might have made poor choices. Before long I applied the same logic to my marriage. James and I were married in July 1998. Shortly thereafter, he started drinking heavily. We fought about it for a year, and then I left. Eventually we agreed that without Vistar, we never would have married.
During my marriage and afterward, I had nightmares in which I would suddenly find myself in a training room. I would know what was coming, and I would know there was nothing I could do. I felt a similar dread each time I spotted Vistar people around town. I didn't feel safe until I moved out of state.”
(Document: ... asp?page=2)
Since individuals associated with Lifespring are now associated with Resource Realizations/Premier Educational Systems – the organization providing the seminars required by WWASP – ISAC is very concerned about the possible long-term effects on the children and parents.

Statements from those who have experienced the Resource Realizations/WWASP seminars

1.   “When they deprived us of all those above things, they make you emotionally vulnerable because our bodies and our minds are vulnerable. And that's when "Seminars" happen. Once a month, Seminars are conducted. They are confrontation and intrusive. Consisting of several unorthodox methods which include, in my opinion, psychological rape. You have a group of almost 80 people plus about 10 staff and one seminar leader. One by one, the kids are dragged up there to the front of everyone and EVERYONE stands up one at a time to tell the person what they think is wrong with them (and it is discouraged to ever be sensitive in the way you tell them, so it HAS to be confrontational). Then the leader steps in and takes the lead and eventually gets the student to talk about their most intimate private feelings. The leader then blames them for everything that happened bad in their life. I saw a seminar leader push a kid saying "You were responsible when your dad pushed you around and now you're responsible for me doing it". I saw another one a different month tell a rape victim that it was her fault for waking up that morning and putting herself in the situation to be raped and if she only was a better kid, she would have avoided it. Also, another thing about the seminars, They usually went until about 1am in the morning and then would request that you do "homework" which was usually a 10 pages essay with NO margins or double spacing, and you couldn't go to sleep until you finished it so usually we'd get to sleep at around 4 or 5 am and then would have to wake up at 6am. Sleep deprivation was necessary for the seminars to REALLY have an effect. Also, when you went to a seminar, they change your diet to two slices of bread and a slice of ham each meal. This was ALWAYS the same for every seminar.” (Excerpt from a statement submitted by a former student of Casa by the Sea)

2.   "I never believed in brainwashing until I got there," she said. "My therapist told me I'd been raped and molested as a child. Over a period of months, he built this up in my mind. They had these three-day seminars and put us in a room and told us all we had done wrong. Girls would bang themselves on the ground, and say they hated themselves and actually believe it. I was in therapy after I left this place because they messed so much with my head." (A former student at Cross Creek Manor who wishes to remain anonymous. - Times Record News)

3.   "A lot of it was POWs, like Chinese torture, and Holocaust stuff. I guess they were trying to show us how good we had it. Some of it was disgusting. But if you looked away from the screen for more than five seconds they took away points.” (Geoffrey Bock, former student at Academy at Dundee Ranch  - Inside Costa Rica)

4.   “I was reading this thing on mind control in a psychology book and it basically sounds like this damn program.” (Excerpt of a letter sent home, written by a student at Tranquility Bay.)

5.   “The second day I was there I met the program director, Ron Garret, who mocked me in front of many girls. There was an hour each morning called “Ron Meeting”, that was feared by all the girls; it was when he singled out many of the girls and humiliated them in front of the others. I was crying very hard that morning and he sarcastically mimicked me saying that I was a little spoiled wimp who wanted her mommy. He then told me I had better shape up or he would kick my ass. Continually through the day he continued to mock the way I was crying from many feet away shouting remarks at me from across rooms. There was also another girl who was there and was formally a prostitute. He asked her how much she made in a day and after she replied a hundred and fifty dollars, he laughed hysterically at her and said a girl like her couldn’t make more than ten; at this time the girl began to cry.” (Excerpt of a statement submitted by a former student at Cross Creek Manor.)

       6. “I’ve read the information on LifeSpring Seminars and found it VERY similar to        the seminars we attended in WWASP.” (Parent of a former WWASP student)

Investigative Note: These “seminars” are identical to SICC modality “parent weekends” and VERY similar to Synanon’s “The Trip” weekends.

 Alleged Fraud Concerning Help My Teen

Help My Teen distributes a flyer promoting WWASP affiliated facilities. The document contains the following statements:
?   “20 years of academic and professional experience.”
Investigative note: Help My Teen incorporated in 2003.

?   “Consulting with and assisting families for over twelve years.”
Investigative note: Help My Teen incorporated in 2003. WWASP incorporated in 1998.

?   “100% attention given to the needs of the family and the child.”
Investigative note: ISAC has received many reports of abuse concerning all WWASP affiliated facilities.

?   “Close association with several specialty boarding schools.”
Investigative note: We do not believe, and it is our opinion, that the facilities referred to here qualify as “schools.”

?   “Assistance to families in need of services for children with the some or many of the following issues: Drug and alcohol use, ADD/ADHD/Depression/Bipolar/Behavior Problems/Adoption Issues / Divorce / Runaway/ Minimal Legal Issues/ emotional issues.”
Investigative note: It would take a room full of specialists to effectively deal with all of these issues.
 We know that in some cases there is no certified drug counselor on staff. The enrollment agreements for EACH program clearly state that the facilities do NOT deal with those issues. The enrollment agreements also state: “Adolescents with major mental or medical diagnoses would NOT be appropriate.”

?   “Many of the students have been diagnosed with add/adhd or bi-polar or some sort of disorder. – Others truly need the meds and therapy. Our philosophy is that as the child learns to love and forgive himself he/she can also love others”

?   “Medication. One of the goals is to get the child to a point where there is not the need for as many, if any medication. This is accomplished by helping the individual to recognize that they need to be accountable and conscious. If the child continues to need mediation, there is a nurse on staff that administers the medication. With the parents permission they may try to wean the child off some of the meds and see how that individual functions.
Investigative note: In some facilities, there is no licensed nurse or physician on staff around the clock to supervise children who are being “weaned” from medication.
In the case of those children housed at Tranquility Bay and Casa by the Sea, the children are overseas with little or no access to the medical help of the United States.
The fact that children administer their own medication is clearly stated in the enrollment agreements for several of the programs.
In our opinion, appropriately licensed medical professionals should handle all matters pertaining to medications.
According to affidavits, medications have been administered to children without the consent of parents.

?   “These schools have been in existence for fourteen years.”
Investigative note: Which is it - 12, 20, or 14?

?   “These schools have a proven track record.”
Investigative Note: To the best of our knowledge, an independent study of the effectiveness of WWASP affiliated programs has not been conducted.

?   “Premier provides the academic curriculum for students. Many of the courses are provided on computers using state of the art curriculum – All courses are performance based; students only receive credits with it is demonstrated that the subject matter has been mastered. Junior High and High School courses are offered.”
Investigative Note: A photograph of students dressed in a cap and gown – formal graduation attire – follows this statement. As previously noted, many of the facilities cannot issue a valid high school diploma.

Alleged Fraud Concerning Academy at Ivy Ridge

The following information was copied directly from the Academy at Ivy Ridge website:

Academy at Ivy Ridge is a special purpose high school offering a variety of courses designed to meet the needs of our students. A self-paced competency-based curriculum is used allowing our students to work at their own level. The students must demonstrate mastery level understanding (80% or better) of each subject in order to receive credit.
Students graduating from Academy at Ivy Ridge must complete twenty-four units of credit. In addition to a general diploma. Academy at Ivy Ridge offers a College Prep diploma with a more detailed set of requirements.

Investigative note: ISAC spoke with the New York Department of Education. We asked if Ivy Ridge could issue a high school diploma and if the Department recognized the facility as a school.

The New York Department of Education clearly stated that Ivy Ridge is not licensed by anyone or regulated by any state agency and cannot issue a valid New York high school diploma. They also stated that the “credits” would not be transferable in New York.

From the “therapy” page:

Pathways Lifecounseling Center
The Academy at Ivy Ridge is a non-therapeutic program.  However, therapy is available to those parents who would like to have their child see a therapist. Pathways Lifecounseling Center can offer these services, and many more, on the campus of Ivy Ridge. The cost for these services is not included in the cost of tuition of Ivy Ridge, as Pathways Life Counseling Center is an independent operator.
Psychiatrist:   Dr. Michael C
Therapist:   Bernard S.
Therapist:   Tiffany T.
Therapist:   Ted R.
Therapist:   Peter H.

Pathways Lifecounseling Center is a comprehensive psychotherapeutic center that provides individual and group psychotherapy to children ages 12-17. Psychiatric and psychosocial evaluations are completed on all candidates for therapy and/or psychopharmacology as needed. Pathways Lifecounseling Center also provides psycho educational evaluation which is completed by a PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Individual psychotherapy includes, but is not limited to, interventions which address depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, learning disabilities, OCD, ODD, eating disorders and addictions. Family therapy is also available and is scheduled directly with parents. Current group therapy offered includes the Dynamics of Depression, Alcohol and Substance Abuse and Addiction, Anger Management and Sobriety Seminar. The group therapy program continues to expand to meet the needs of students. Psychiatric evaluation, pharmacotherapy and follow-up psychiatric services are part of the interdisciplinary team approach. Therapy staff regularly interacts with students, teachers, counselors and administration to provide excellent care for the students
Investigative note: We have no indication that Pathways Lifecounseling has filed a business report with the state of New York.

From the FAQ page:
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does it take to complete the program?
Well, it depends on the student. Each student has his/her own way of adjusting to the characteristics of the program. The average length of time spent at Ivy Ridge is 16-18 months.
Investigative note: Here the facility is referred to as a “program,” with no defined length of stay.
2. What are the seminars?
The seminars are trainings that assist you and your child on the journey of creating a whole and healthy family. The child attends a series of seminars, needing to complete the previous to advance to the next. Discovery, Focus, Accountability, and Keys are the seminars held on campus for the students. Breakpoint seminar is training for students who are not quite ready to advance to the next seminar. If a child does not complete a seminar, then they attend Breakpoint; where he/she experience processes that get him/her working. Parent-Child seminar 1 is held at the facility also. This is where the parent and child come together for the first time throughout the program, to start building healthy relationships and preparing for the child’s reentering of the home. The last two seminars in the program are the children are Parent- Child Seminar 2 and Parent- Child Seminar 3. These seminars are not located at the facility on campus.
Investigative note: According to former students, “Breakpoint” seminars are comprised of especially intense, harsh, and humiliating confrontation by other students. This is a major component of the SICC treatment modality.
There are also seminars offered to parents consisting of: Discovery, Focus and Visions. In order to be invited to Parent- Child Seminar 1, parents will need to complete Discovery. For every seminar completed the better prepared the parent will be for when the child comes home. Useful tools can be learned to assist the family in achieving a whole and healthy family throughout the program and after graduation. The parent seminars are located at different locations around the United States.
Investigative note: We have determined that in some if not many cases former students now considered “staff” run some of the seminars. These individuals have no training aside from their own experience in the program. This system of allowing graduates and/ or children to run the “groups” is unique to the SICC model.
3. What is the point and level system and how does it work?
There are six levels to the program. A new student begins at level 1 and graduates at level 6. Students can advance to the next level by earning points and receiving support from their peers and staff members. The program is based upon a demerit and merit system. Students have the opportunity to gain points by an evaluation process of themselves, completing academic work, and completing the Discovery and Focus seminars. Points can be lost when the student commits a rule violation.
Investigative note: This paragraph clearly goes against the traditional definition of a “school.”
6. What are the disciplinary actions?
When a student commits a rule violation, he/she loses points. If a student looses points that means he/she will be in the program longer. The ultimate goal is to prepare the students to go home. If a student knows that he/she needs to be able to follow the rules to go home, he/she will be more likely to follow the rules and work the program. If a student has no points to cover a rule violation, he/she goes to worksheets. Worksheet is a room away from the main classroom that allows the students to be away from those students who want to follow the rules and work. In worksheets the student must follow strict rules and listen to educational tapes and pass tests. If the student does not behave in worksheets he/she will be asked to go to intervention. Intervention is a room solely for the student, his bunk leader and a staff. The staff will keep the two students in the room and talk about the students life, where he/she has been and where he/she is headed.  They will talk until the student agrees to go back to worksheet and be cooperative
Investigative note: Former students have compared “intervention” to solitary confinement, known as “observation placement” in other WWASP facilities. Former students have alleged that they were kept in “intervention” for weeks at a time and physically restrained simply for shifting positions in their chair.

A document from Dina Dalton (Admissions Coordinator) states:
?   “Ivy Ridge Academy is a residential specialty school for boys ages 13-18 and is an accredited college preparatory high school program from Northwestern Association of Schools and Colleges.”
Investigative Note: The document mentioned above concerns a female entering the program, even though the document clearly states that the “school” is for boys.
Again, the incorrect name for the accreditation board is used.

In another document (letter), Dina Dalton further states that Academy at Ivy Ridge deals with “substance abuse, sexual issues, and behavior problems.”
Again, the enrollment agreement states: “Academy at Ivy Ridge is NOT a treatment facility, counseling-based program, or a rehabilitation center.”

Addendum 5 (Probationary Status) of an enrollment agreement for Academy at Ivy Ridge, dated September 2, 2003 states:
?   “If the student is found to be disruptive to the positive environment at Academy at Ivy Ridge, Sponsors agree that the student will be immediately expelled and transported by independent transport company, ASIT or any other person or company chosen by the Sponsors, to Tranquility Bay or Dundee Ranch which ARE behavior modification programs.”
Investigative note: However, the enrollment agreements for both Tranquility Bay and Academy at Dundee Ranch, clearly state they are not treatment centers and further state that the facilities are: “not recommended for students that are suicidal, psychotic, violent, assaultive, diabetic, schizophrenic, highly depressed, and or have significant mental/emotional problems or traumatic brain injury. The school does not provide any clinical screening for these items and it is agreed that the Sponsors are responsible to properly screen these items before placement.” “The school does not provide any professional Counseling or Therapy sessions.”
Academy at Dundee Ranch is in Costa Rica. That facility closed in May 2003 due to allegations of abuse, more than 4 months before the date on this contract.

In a document dated September 9, 2003 sent via fax to admissions coordinator Julie Forbes, a parent states the following:
?   “Attached please find the admissions application. If there is anything missing please let me know. I would also appreciate it if you could please, help me out to get him started as soon as possible. It is very important for me to get him started in school.”
It is obvious this parent is convinced her child is enrolling in a school.

Another document from Dina Dalton and sent to parents in general states:
?   “Thank-you for your interest in our boarding schools and programs.”

However, a letter from Dina Dalton dated October 21, 2003 concerning a specific student states:
?   “Ivy Ridge Academy is an accredited college preparatory high school program (Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges).”
Again, this is misleading. Ivy Ridge Academy is now claiming to be a “College Preparatory High School” and they have once again used the incorrect name of the accreditation board.

Another letter from Dina Dalton dated October 22, 2003 - just one day after the letter mentioned above and concerning a different student states:
?   “Ivy Ridge Academy is a residential specialty school for boys ages thirteen to eighteen.”
These descriptions, college preparatory high school vs. specialty school, are very different. This letter also gives the impression that Ivy Ridge Academy is for boys only, when in fact, it houses girls as well.

Attempt to Defraud Courts
Circuit court for the County of Macomb, Michigan - The Honorable Mark Switalaki was the presiding judge. A faxed document dated 10/09/2003 describes a juvenile who was using alcohol, crack, and marijuana and was found guilty of shoplifting and apparent sex issues. Information given to the judge stated:
?   “In an effort to help the minor child, Plaintiff contracted the Academy at Ivy Ridge Boarding School in Ogdensburg, New York which is a nationally recognized school that teaches the minor children academics in a structured supervised environment. It requires the minor children to take character building classes and it is physically intensive. The schools policy is zero tolerance and it has a 100% success rate.”
Investigative Note: The claim of a “100% success rate” directly contradicts ALL other success rates previously stated by this facility.
The enrollment agreement states: “Academy at Ivy Ridge is NOT a treatment facility, counseling-based program, or a rehabilitation center.”
The enrollment agreement further states: “The school does not provide any professional Counseling or Therapy sessions. Sponsors understand that staff is hired not necessarily by credentials but to provide supervision and carry out the structured environment designed to benefit students.”
ISAC has notified the judge of the misrepresentations to the court and are providing evidence of such.

Alleged Fraud Concerning Cross Creek Programs

From the Cross Creek Manor link, ... category=8
Linked directly from

There are many pictures of the facility, and photos have recently replaced much of the text.

?   One photograph shows the building that is currently listed with the State of Utah as being the corporate address for the Robert Browning Lichfield Family Partnership.

?   The Cross Creek website clearly states that the building is the “Cross Creek Manor for Girls-High Phase Facility.”

However, ISAC investigators witnessed male students entering the building.

?   Bright sunshine is coming through the windows in every photograph taken from the inside of the facility.

ISAC investigators who visited Cross Creek documented the fact that every window of the facility was darkened. This is clearly visible on our investigative videotape.

?   The entire website refers to the children as “students.”

According to Utah licensing officials, Cross Creek is licensed as a Level 2 SECURED facility, not a “school.”

The “overview” page of the website states: ... category=1

?   “Cross Creek Center for Boys and Cross Creek Manor for Girls are both Specialty Boarding Schools with a therapeutic Component for teens.”

Again, according to Utah licensing officials Cross Creek is licensed as a Level 2 SECURED facility.

This statement is also deceptive. It gives the impression that there are two separate “schools” when in fact; they are located in the same building.

?   “The Students are housed 4 Per Room.”
?   “Each room has a private bath.”  
ISAC investigators interviewed a staff member who clearly stated that there were “400 kids” in the facility as of October 2003. This would require 100 individual rooms, each with a bathroom. Given the size of the facility, we have reason to doubt both claims.

The “academics” page of the website states: ... oryitem=90
?    “Cross Creek Programs is accredited through Northwest Association of School and Colleges. Credits earned while at Cross Creek Programs will transfer to other schools or colleges.”

The “Accreditation” section states:
?   “Cross Creek Programs is accredited through Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. Credits earned while at Cross Creek Programs will transfer to other schools or colleges.”
Investigative note: ISAC investigators spoke with the Utah Department of Education. According to their representative, because Cross Creek is accredited by The Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges and Universities, credits earned at Cross Creek “would be accepted anywhere.”
HOWEVER, ISAC then spoke with the US Department of Education. Their representative assured us that the Department NEVER approved the Northwest Association and if they did, it would be for POST secondary education (college) ONLY.
The US Department of Education does not approve anyone for pre secondary or K-12. That is the responsibility of the individual states.
Therefore, there is no guarantee that “credits” earned at the Cross Creek programs would transfer to other schools around the country.
Again, they have used the name of the accreditation board that DOES NOT accredit WWASP facilities.
The US Department of Education also stated that the Northwest Association of Schools and of Colleges and Universities (The David Steadman organization) had applied at one time, however “they did not and would not meet our criteria for Post Secondary education.”

The following statements appear on the “seminars” page of the website: ... oryitem=96
?   “All students and parents participate in a series of highly effective seminars and workshops. These seminars were developed specifically for Premier educational systems and are utilized by cross creek programs. They are aimed at enhancing self-esteem, honesty, accountability, integrity, trust, agreements, leadership, communication, and responsible decision-making. The seminar series also strengthens a person’s ability to overcome anger, peer pressure, guilt, shame, and self-limiting beliefs.”

?   “As Teens participate in the seminars and workshops, they are immersed in a combination of educational and experiential activities which allow the teens an opportunity to evaluate the negative results of their past choices and begin making effective new choices. After completion of the various seminars, you will notice certain differences in your child. You may hear your child speak of the changes these seminars have created in their life. Typically, your child will become more open, accountable, and responsible for their lives.”
 The “Premier” seminars are actually Resource Realizations seminars, a spin-off of the known cult Lifespring.

On the “student quiz” page: ... category=9
There is a “questionnaire” and if the score is 18 or higher, this is what it says:

“High Risk! Get Help!
A Residential Center, Treatment Program, or Specialty School is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.

The Cross Creek Programs offer excellent residential treatment options in facilities throughout the United States, Mexico and Jamaica.”

Again, all of the WWASP affiliated facilities are marketed as “residential treatment,” when in fact they are not licensed as such if at all.

Alleged Fraud Concerning Carolina Springs Academy

From the “philosophy” page:

?   “Parents of students in the Programs are invited to attend adult seminars sponsored by the Association. The Association also works closely with several family support groups throughout the United States. These are just a few of the reasons the Programs in the World Wide Association stand apart from all others.”

Parents are in fact required to attend seminars in order to visit their own children.

From the “program” page:

?   “Carolina Springs Academy has an extremely progressive academic program. The academic program is accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and of Colleges and Universities. (Click to view the accreditation certificate.) The curriculum is individualized and competency based, allowing students to work at their own pace and maximize the learning process. Students are not held back by other teens in the class, lesson plans, teachers' schedules, course offerings, or class availability. The students are tutored by a teacher and in some cases, it is possible to complete courses on an accelerated basis. Each student is assessed upon admission and then assisted in designing their specific course of study.View graduation requirements and academic courses.”

The “extremely progressive academic program” is actually a workbook style correspondence course.

ISAC Contacted the Board of Education of South Carolina to ask if any credits would be transferable to other schools in the state. The Board of Education stated that most legitimate private schools are members of the South Carolina Independent School Association.

ISAC then called that association to verify the accreditation. The response from the South Carolina Independent School Association was “No, they are not members and we do not accredit them.”

?   ”Students participate in a series of seminars designed specifically for Carolina Springs Academy. During the TASKS (Teen Accountability, Self-Esteem and Keys to Success) seminars teens work on specific issues such as: accountability, honesty, integrity, trust, choices, responsibility, anger and especially self-esteem. After the student has completed his or her series of seminars then the parents are invited to attend, in the United States, a Parent Seminar and two Parent/Child Seminars. Parent/Child seminars are designed to assist each family in rebuilding the family unit.”

The seminars were NOT designed specifically for Carolina Springs Academy. All WWASP programs use them.

Again, parents are NOT “invited” to attend the seminars. They are required to complete them if they wish to visit their own children.

Alleged Fraud Concerning Casa by the Sea

?   The home page shows a picture that, due to the angle of the camera, gives the impression that the facility backs right up to a beach.

During a visit to the facility, ISAC investigators noted that there is approximately a 50 foot, sheer drop-off into the sea.

From the “location” page:

?   “Casa by the Sea is just a little over 50 miles South of San Diego, California. It is located at a remote beach facility near the seaport town of Ensenada, Mexico. The Setting is beautiful, peaceful, and conducive to change.”

?   “Ensenada is an excellent location for the program because it offers the benefits of a foreign site, with easy access to the U.S. At Casa by the Sea, students are enriched and effectively impacted by a unique cultural experience in Mexico's warm, simple surroundings. Students learn Spanish, which further enhances the process of change.”

By United States standards, ISAC believes that that part of Ensenada would be considered a poverty-stricken area. The geography is very desert-like except for the ocean. ISAC investigators noted that the smell of industrial pollution was overwhelming at times and encountered several elderly women and young children who were begging for money.

According to former students, the children are not allowed to speak English and are forced to learn Spanish in order to communicate with the staff.

From the “facility” page:

?   The pictures shown were apparently taken when the facility was first opened. The paint shown is new, burgundy, and off-white.

When an ISAC investigator visited the facility in June 2003, the burgundy paint had faded to an unappealing pinkish-orange, and the off-white paint was peeling.

The pictures do not show the metal bars on the windows, as witnessed by an ISAC investigator.

A document obtained by ISAC dated October 20, 2003 states (excerpt):
“It is fully academically accredited through the United States.” (Signed Lauri Tebbs, Admissions Coordinator, Teen Help)
Investigative note: This isn’t possible according to the United States Department of Education.

Alleged Fraud Concerning High Impact

WWASP claims that High Impact is not one of their facilities, however on the following website that advertises High Impact - ... tCamp.html

these are the links at the bottom of the page:

| Tranquility Bay | Renowned Specialty Boarding Schools |
| Casa by the Sea | Carolina Springs Academy | Spring Creek Lodge | Cross Creek Manor | Streaming Videos |
| Parent Resource Video | World Wide Association Video | Parent Resource Booklets |
| How to deal with defient teens | How to tell if your teen is using drugs |
When you click the link for the “parent resource video,” this window opens, clearly showing the WWASP name and logo: (scroll down slightly and allow time for picture to load)


When you click the “parent resource booklets” link, this window is displayed – showing pictures of booklets widely known to be distributed by WWASP and identical to those obtained by ISAC during its investigation: (scroll down slightly and allow time for picture to load)


Alleged Fraud Concerning Majestic Ranch

According to the website:

?   “Majestic Ranch Academy is a Specialty School, with an excellent academic program, for elementary and junior high students ages 7-13. Majestic Ranch Academy is located on a 2,000 acre working ranch. This ranch setting provides an excellent opportunity for the students to gain responsibility assisting with ranch duties in a beautiful and peaceful environment conducive to change. Children help with calving, lambing, caring for cows and sheep, and other ranch activities. The child’s insight, awareness and perspective is broadened while participating in a meaningful process.”
ISAC spoke to the Utah Division of Licensing. Representatives stated that Majestic Ranch is not licensed in any way.
However, because of a loophole in the law, licensing is not required for Majestic Ranch. Utah is presenting a new requirement in the VERY near future that would force Majestic Ranch to obtain a license.
ISAC is very concerned about the children housed at Majestic Ranch. The nearest medical facility is close to thirty miles away. Majestic Ranch sits high on a mountain with only two roads leading to it. One of those roads is closed during the winter.

The climate there is usually the coldest in the state with temperatures easily reaching 20 below zero.

ISAC investigators interviewed a resident of Randolph, Utah. The person informed us that prior to the construction of the ranch, the “students” were dispersed among the homes of other residents within the town of Randolph.

ISAC investigators witnessed boys who appeared to be approximately 10 years old shoveling manure at 10:30 am on a school day

ISAC investigators also observed 10-12 girls, approximately10 years old, standing in line outside. The children were wearing lightweight jackets.

At that time, the temperature was 45 and falling, winds were blowing at approximately 50 miles per hour, and snow was in the forecast. This is documented in the investigative video soon available.

An enrollment agreement for Majestic Ranch Academy dated May 2003 states:
“Majestic Ranch can not guarantee that any credits earned for any school work can be transferred to any other school.”

“All of the teachers/tutors working with the students may not need or have the same credentials as a public school teacher.”

Investigative Note: ISAC is concerned that WWASP/Teen Help may not be revealing the true status of this “school” until parents have completed the loan process and preparing to sign the enrollment agreement.
This enrollment agreement also has a section lists Wayne Winder as Director. However, it fails to mention that Mr. Winder was arrested in June 2002 and charged with aggravated sexual abuse, dealing in material harmful to a minor, and three counts of child abuse. All of these charges were a direct result of allegations from Majestic Ranch students.

All but one of the charges against Winder has been dismissed, however according to a report in the Salt Lake Tribune (March 27 2003), Winder must continue to comply with a policy change at the facility that prohibits one on one encounter between staff and students. That change in policy occurred after Winder’s arrest.

Investigative Note: Intentionally withholding facts can be considered fraud.

Educational loan applications for the following banking institutions are attached to the Majestic Ranch Academy enrollment agreement:

Key Banks Achiever Loan

Bank of America’s Prepgate Loan

Sally Mae Foundation private and federal loans

On the Key Bank and Sally Mae Financial Corporation loan applications, the answer to the question of “School to be paid” was pre-stamped and reads “Browning Academy.”

Investigative Notes: The child was enrolled in Majestic Ranch Academy, not Browning Academy.
Browning Academy does not physically exist. One address used by Browning Academy is actually Cross Creek Manor; a second address does not exist.
The Sally Mae Foundation loan papers show an address of 321 N. Mall Drive for Browning Academy.

However, Browning Academy does not physically exist at this address either. This is the current location of the offices of WWASP, Teen Help, and many other affiliated companies.

Alleged Fraud Concerning Spring Creek Lodge Academy

The following was copied directly from

?   “Parent Seminars - While the student is completing his or her series of seminars, the parents are invited to attend Parent Seminars held in many locations throughout the United States. The culmination of the Premier Seminars is when parents and students are invited to attend three effective Parent/Child Workshops. These are designed to assist each family in improving communications, addressing issues, creating a family purpose, developing goals, and strengthening relationships.”
As previously stated, parents are required to attend these seminars if they wish to visit their own children.

From the “academics” page:

?   “Spring Creek Lodge Academy utilizes an accelerated, independent-based course of study that is accredited through Northwest Association of School and Colleges. Credits earned while at SCLA will transfer to any school or college. While your teen is learning to use new tools in dealing with behavior, communication and family, they will also be preparing themselves for their future educational goals.”

ISAC contacted the Montana Department of Education. Their representative stated that the Department does not recognize Spring Creek Lodge Academy as a school in Montana. Their representative also stated that credits earned at Spring Creek Lodge Academy would not transfer to schools approved by the state of Montana.

Alleged Fraud Concerning Tranquility Bay

?   The Tranquility Bay website displays many photos of the facility.

ISAC investigators compared these photos to those taken by non-employees of the facility. Those pictures clearly show boarded up and barred windows, which are not shown on the website.

ISAC has determined that The Old Wharf Hotel, which is now Tranquility Bay, had 45 guest rooms. This should indicate the capacity for the facility, however enrollment figures obtained by ISAC show the facility housed 300 students as of October, 2003.

From the “students” page:
Community Service
Students visit local schools and assist teachers for the day.  Students also assist two local community groups with projects (Treasure Beach Women's Group and The Breds Foundation).
Educational Tours
Students make valuable connections with theory and practice during educational tours.  They visit bakeries, manufacturers, farms, and other agricultural enterprises.
Competitive Activities
Each year the department plans at least 4 major activities.  Each family teacher is also required to plan competitions in their classrooms (one each quarter).
The begins with our Debating Competition followed by our annual Fun Day in April.  Our Annual Careers Expo and the Science/Art Fair take the spotlight for the middle of the year.  Quiz Bowl and Spelling Bee competitions end the year of activities.  The Math and Social Studies departments are also required to plan an activity for the year.
The site fails to mention that these activities are only available once students reach “trust level,” (typically levels four and above) a level never attained by nearly half of all Tranquility Bay “students.”

The following document was obtained by ISAC:
Dear [name withheld by ISAC],

Thank you for contacting Help My Teen.

I will get a packet out to you today which you should receive in 3-4 days.

I also wanted to let you know that there is a contact in the Miami area that
could get information to you today.  Please feel free to call Lynn Pretzfeld
at 800-998-2292.  She is a parent who had a child in our program and she is
an agent for us in the South East Florida area.

Many of the students from the Florida area attend the Tranquility Bay
program in Jamaica West Indies and/or the  Academy at Ivy Ridge in New York.
Please go to the following links to view these sites.

Please call me or e-mail with any questions.

Kind regards,

Lisa Irvin
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