Congratulations, psy!!! You, my friend, are on a
R-O-L-L !!! :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Benchmark contends that the alleged defamatory statements on Crawford's website have caused it to suffer a significant drop in new enrollments, from 51 in 2006, to 34 in 2007, and only 13 in 2008. As each enrollment is valued at approximately $60,000 per year, this translated into a substantial economic loss.
How can this be factually attributed to any one person alone? Many programs have experienced decrease in enrollment starting as early as a year ago. Several of these have, moreover, since then...
closed. Someone posted on the Hyde forum last year that enrollment had dropped significantly since the year before...I think it was about 25%.
Economic crisis? Or, growing awareness amongst the consumer set? An awareness which is brought about in no small way by sites such as psy's, forums, blogs, etc. etc. ...not to mention that it was a hot topic legislatively last year, no small thanks to George Miller and all involved... Probably some combination of all the above. It might be key to strike while the iron is hot, and capitalize on the current larger momentum.