Author Topic: Request For a $100,000 Miracle.  (Read 3448 times)

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Offline ZenAgent

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Request For a $100,000 Miracle.
« on: October 20, 2008, 02:14:55 AM »
http://onehundredthousandonedollarbills ... oseph.html

Don't send a buck, send info and links to survivor stories to this poor soul.  PV profits off parents like this, but when the money isn't coming in, this boy will be outside the admissions building with a garbage bag full of his possessions.

This mom based her decision to go with PV on their website:
Quote from: "MiracleforJoseph"
...I wept with a feeling that "this was the place". This is the place where my son can get help. Please take place in a miracle for Joseph.

"God will provide" is an unacceptable IOU at PV. Was this mom's "feeling that 'this was the place'" based on it's price?  "The more expensive the program, the more successful"?

Does PV, which describes itself as "specializing in treating adolescents who have not been successful in other treatment settings", a last ditch effort, sound like a good fit for this kid?

    "He was suspended for various offenses till finally he was expelled from school after only a month."[/list]

      "He is drinking alcohol and using drugs. He has taken to hang out with friends that use drugs and alcohol that basically have no ambition in life but to party."[/list]

        "His behavior has escalated to the point where he: lies, curses, disrespects authority, is extremely oppositional, very defiant and contentious.  He is depressed. He has anxiety. He is very compulsive. He thinks he deserves everything with little or no effort on his part. He can't seem to find happiness or experience joy ; even when it is all around him. He is very often irritated and lashes out at me. He doesn't know why."[/list]

        He's a teenager.  This mom probably didn't describe her son as "extremely oppositional, very defiant" until a PV clinician explained ODD to her.

        Nowhere does this mom mention trying other forms of treatment.  She went with a"gut feeling" the PV website gave her.  PV does give gut reactions: 1999's E.Coli outbreak, or last year's mystery GI viral outbreak (rumored to be Norovirus) which caused Blount County to quarantine Peninsula Village.

        Desperate parents placing a child in a program that promises miracles.  How is this mother going to handle it if PV only makes him bitter and fails to deliver a different kid?  She's literally begging on line to fund PV, which has no reliable studies proving success and an apparently high relapse rate post discharge.

        http://onehundredthousandonedollarbills ... oseph.html

        A Miracle for Joseph

        Friday, August 22, 2008
        A Miracle For Joseph
        I am putting out a Call--For A Miracle.
        I ask you to be part of it.
        It is simple and real.
        I ask you to contribute $1.00 to the
        Miracle for Joseph--

        FOR RIGHT NOW, I have been told by the Staff of the Peninsula Village that they cannot guarantee that mail for Joe will be secured because mail goes out into too many hands. I will be setting up a fund so please wait till I have a chance to to set it up. Thank You. Joe's Mom Myra Marvez

        I know that there is much need in the world. I know that most of you give of your time, talents and money to causes that appeal to you. I too, give of my time, talents and money in the sphere of my influence. Yet, something really huge has crossed my path that I know that without the help of 100,000 family, friends and strangers help, I won't be able to achieve. I know that there are over ONE BILLION people who use the internet on a regular basis. Knowing this makes me feel confident that an appeal to 100,000 people will be realized. I want everyone to know that this is going directly to the Peninsula Village. It is for real. I thank you.

        This is my story.

        My son Joseph is in a place called the Peninsula Village. It is a non profit, 12 to 15 month residential treatment center for teens. It is located in Louisville, Tennessee. Our family was forced to make the difficult decision to send him away to get the help that he needs. We are very fortunate that his Father has good Federal BC/BS health insurance that is covering the initial stay at the treatment center. This is due to the fact that the doctors are paid from a nearby hospital. The teens start the program in a place called THE UNIT. The UNIT is very clinical and difficult for the teen because they are basically locked down for the first 4 to 6 weeks (or more) in a environment that forces them to reflect on the reasons for which they are there. After earning and progressing to the next stage they go into a cabin program where they learn to live without electricity, indoor plumbing, or running water. Joseph is still in the UNIT. Our Fear is that the Insurance Company will stop paying as soon as they feel that his treatment is no longer necessary. They will decide that using any rational they can. If Joseph had a deadly disease --that particular insurance would cover it till there was either a cure or a death. The way I see it, Joseph does have a deadly disease.

        Despite our greatest efforts as parents-- Joseph has chosen to take a walk on the wild side. He has gone in a direction that has influenced him to make really bad decisions. He was suspended for various offenses till finally he was expelled from school after only a month. (Nov 2007) He is drinking alcohol and using drugs. He has taken to hang out with friends that use drugs and alcohol that basically have no ambition in life but to party. He has an anger deep inside of him that causes him to see life as a dark place with no hope. Since there is no hope--there is no reason to do good. His behavior has escalated to the point where he: lies, curses, disrespects authority, is extremely oppositional, very defiant and contentious. He is depressed. He has anxiety. He is very compulsive. He thinks he deserves everything with little or no effort on his part. He can't seem to find happiness or experience joy ; even when it is all around him. He is very often irritated and lashes out at me. He doesn't know why. Gratefully , There were those occasions that I could see the good kid that was hidden inside of all the bad behavior.

        Perhaps I spoiled him by giving him too much. Perhaps I didn't do enough for him. Perhaps I failed him in some way. Perhaps I should have done or not done this or that for him so that now he would be ok. I have beat myself up wanting, wishing and hoping that he would change. I have come to see that a prophet is without honor in his own home. I cannot help him. I cannot do for him what Peninsula Village can do for him. I looked at many residential treatment centers looking for help months prior to sending him to PV. When I saw their website--I wept with a feeling that "this was the place". This is the place where my son can get help. Please take place in a miracle for Joseph. I only ask for ONE DOLLAR and the price of a stamp and envelope. Forgive me, I do ask one more thing, Please forward the email you received to all of your friends and family and ask them to send it to their friends and family.


        I am asking you to help me save my son. Help me to be able to pay the Peninsula Village when the insurance is terminated. That can be at any time. Please look at my Joe's pictures. Please care enough to participate in this Miracle For Joseph. Please send ONE DOLLAR to the address above in Joseph Lance Zamora's name. He does have a kind heart and a good heritage to fall back on. I know that if he is able to stay the entire year, he will make the changes that will enable him to be a good member of society.

        I will keep posting the amounts received and letters from Joe. If more money is sent than needed for Joseph; of course it will be available for other teens needing financial help.
        JOE's Mom.... Myra
        661 246-6503

        August 27th, 2008
        I wrote an email to my friends and family. It was basically asking them to contribute $1.00 to the Miracle FOR Joseph Fund. I also asked them to forward it to their friends and family. It wasn't till I actually got a few responses that I said, yikes... I didn't tell them the donations might come in ONE DOLLAR AT A TIME. I had asked the women who does admissions if they would accept donations on behalf of Joseph before we actually sent him there. She said it had never been done before but that they would work with us. Well, It wasn't till later that I had the inspiration in the middle of the night to ask 100,000 people to send one dollar. I never ran that by her and just sent the email. SO, now tomorrow I will call and tell her. I guess if they want it sent to a different place; they'll tell me.
        Joseph spoke to his Father on Tuesday. He was very upset. According to his Dad, he was really venting out. He started to mention something about Melissa (his Dad's girlfriend during our divorce) but quickly clammed up saying he didn't want to talk about it. I hope that he opens up. There is so much that happened during that time frame 8 years ago when he was only 7. I know he harbors many things from that time still unable to let go. He's never been one to express his feelings even when he was that young.
        I had a marvelous person write to me offering to send my email to a 1000 people from his church. I was so grateful and began to feel so good about asking for $1.00. Anyone can give a Dollar. I ask no more; truly. I believe that there are at least 100,000 kind people out there that would give a dollar and that that dollar would not be a hardship for them. I also received an email from a man that was ...... unkind....I'll just say to put it simply. He would not participate in Joseph's Miracle. I told him he should have just deleted my email. I'm only going to focus on the positive. At times, panic does fill me thinking that the insurance will deny the claim before Joseph has truly had time to participate in all levels of the program. He's still in the UNIT. I imagine it must not be fun. Nothing to do but think. He is in school. The teacher goes to the UNIT...there is no escaping the UNIT. He has to earn his way out. It's been a month; lets see how long it takes him to get it. That's always been his shortcoming...he seems not to get it till you put the squeeze on him and even then-- he reverts when you let go. I love you JOE... your Mom, Myra
        Posted by Joseph by Mom at 1:49 PM
        Labels: Joe, Miracle, ONE DOLLAR, Peninsula Village
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
        \"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

        A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

        \"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

        Offline stoodoodog

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        Re: Request For a $100,000 Miracle.
        « Reply #1 on: October 20, 2008, 11:51:09 AM »

        Does this mean I can set up the ________ ________ fund for the miracle of paying off the $100,000 of debt incurred trying to getting my child out of PV, rich people can send money to the fund and deduct it from their taxes?
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

        Offline Antigen

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        Re: Request For a $100,000 Miracle.
        « Reply #2 on: October 20, 2008, 12:25:22 PM »
        Yeah, if you really want to I suppose you could. When Rich Bradburry was sentenced to community service for breaking into Straight, Inc.'s offices to recover records for former clients, he set up a non-profit with a mission statement to shut down Straight, Inc. and worked off his community service hours that way. Brilliant! If ya word it right, I don't see why you couldn't do something similar.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
        "Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
        ~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

        Offline act.da

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        Re: Request For a $100,000 Miracle.
        « Reply #3 on: October 20, 2008, 12:39:01 PM »
        Interesting look into the mind of a PV parent there. Not sure how much of it to believe, but it's a good read none the less. We should all post comments to that blog informing them about the real PV. I'd be amazed if anyone actually donated to this person though, but if they really want to help teens out they should give fornits $100,000 to get people out of PV!
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
        [size=85]"that protester guy is still coming"[/size]

        Offline ZenAgent

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        Re: Request For a $100,000 Miracle.
        « Reply #4 on: October 20, 2008, 01:41:16 PM »
        Quote from: "act.da"
        Interesting look into the mind of a PV parent there. Not sure how much of it to believe, but it's a good read none the less. We should all post comments to that blog informing them about the real PV. I'd be amazed if anyone actually donated to this person though, but if they really want to help teens out they should give fornits $100,000 to get people out of PV!

        Amen.  Act.da, are we still going to do that "thing" we talked about?  It's still a go.  PM me please.  Oh yeah...that parent is 100% legit.  Still though, I do NOT see why the boy needs to be put in a lockdown facility for his teen angst.  I'm surprised "Mom" didn't complain about his smell - "he has this awful goatlike smell, too!"  Those are hormones, lady!  You have no clue.  He's a depressed teenager, by mom's admission.   The family situation described is a bit dicey - perhaps they should have had a local therapist attempt to deal with the depression before locking him up. The depression could be causing the other behaviors, despite PV's' "diagnosis".
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
        \"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

        A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

        \"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"