Oh noes. Each time I visit thefornits farm this shit’s still gettin shoveled.
Sorry about all this. If Zen had just been honest in the very beginning.......!
I WAS honest.
Read above, CCM - your Jesus friend admitted I used blanks for your info.
To God loves us all - you did admit I used blanks to disguise this woman's identity, and I get the feeling that still upset you. I appreciate your honesty in setting the record straight about CCM's info not being posted in full, as she and Who claimed..
I’ve gotta say: as I saw you out CCM, ZA, I’m offended to see you call her, a survivor, a liar.
You did post CCM & husband’s full name & address: U were squabbling w/who about something. Later, u edited out part of her info, the edit is what “God is all” quoted.
“God is all” does NOT verify that when he quoted you, you “used blanks to hide her identity.” He did NOT verify you just posted her first name, state, and “blanks,” which is what you’ve claimed. (Sometimes claimed, anyway) He verifies that in your post you effectively outed her, and that your quote that you've claimed is doctored, is factual.
“God” verifies this—
Yes, the post did include a few X's that blocked out some letters in her, her husband's full name, city and state. But it was easy enough to fill in the blanks, the effect was the same. To call leaving a few letters out of her information "respectful to CCM" is absurd.
I’m not sure why you chime in with accounts of what you did. Your accounts have been shown fraudulent to the point they are meaningless: You said “god is all’s” quote of you extorting CCM, was a “fiction” and it couldn’t be found because it “never existed.”
Maybe you're confused by the one Psy identified as another troll's fake, but that's the one CCM, Who and a bunch of people with no names kept posting as the ultimate "proof". After Psy showed it was a fiction, the witch hunt shifted to a search for some "other" phantom post. If "so many" claim to have seen this post, why ask me to find it? CCM and others swore up and down that they saw full info, [r]until Psy showed it had never existed - the post they cited as a "censored" one was a fraud.[/r]
So there was no "deleted" post, and the post that keeps coming up has been investigated by Psy and identified as the fiction of some anonymous troll.
The “witch hunt” for the “phantom post” was the search for your post that “god” quoted—which you deleted, & claimed never existed and was a fraud.
Alternatively, you claimed to have put non-privacy disturbing info up about CCM, Not true, disproved by "god," and not what u r claiming to have posted now.
The only correct first name used was CCM's - I made one up for her husband, and her address is unknown to me.
Or, this
Okay, first I'd like to apologize to CCM - I didn't use anything more than your first name and home state, (you used to sign your posts with your first name). I did add your husband's first name, too.
I wish you'd cut de crap. And if I see you or an admin saying a survivor “lied” about any experience, which I can personally corroborate, I’ll post a corrective.Sorry. It’s funny. You can believe a survivor over a program parent about