-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Yoga Mat
Date: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:18 pm
TheWhoTo: Antigen
I was thinking , there seems to be a passion to have me banned based on one or more of the posts I have read. Maybe there is a way to leverage that to raise money for fornits. I really did intend to leave fornits and keep my word, but I just couldn’t resist coming back to respond to posts and I was surprised that you stuck to your moral beliefs and allowed me to still login under my user name, thank you. If roles were reversed I am not sure I would be able to control my impulse to figure out a way to keep you off my forum, if I was in charge, and I consider myself open minded. I love what you have created here and feel I don’t interfere overall with the traffic either way. You have a unique forum and I am surprised it does not have more traffic than it does. Somehow you need to get the word out to people that you are here, not just survivors but anyone who wants to speak out without moderators… fornits is a hidden gem and given the right exposure I think it would become an oasis for those who want to speak their minds unharnessed.. sorry if I am sounding like a sycophant here this is not my intent.
Some ideas, You could brain storm on ways to raise money by selling my username or locking it, you could throw me under the bus if you like by taking it away, sell monthly rights to control the avatar or lock me out and have different people post under the user name, have the winner design a who free forum etc. I would go along for the satisfaction that fornits will benefit and have the resources to continue on. I may be able to match all or part of what you raise off the endeavor also. Give it some thought; I don’t necessarily need a reply.
You have my permission to delete/erase our correspondences so that they don’t make it onto the forum.
Everybody take note as to what he is consenting to... offering to do, freely, of his own will. We didn't even have to ask! Point is: he wouldn't tehnically be banned, since he is consenting to it... Therefore, it isn't violating anybody's ethical principles. So. Let's start the bidding at 50 dollars for his account. TheWho will then match all or part of that amount, as per his offer (though he will probably be a cheap bastard and claim something like 5% as "part").
When the auction is over, the winner can donate
here. The proceeds will go directly to Dreamhost to pay for our hosting, allowing an upgrade in service that should get rid of some of the 404 and 500 errors we've been having recently.