Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > CAN ~ Collective Action Network

What do you have to offer?

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Che Gookin:
I've been told I'm exceptionally talented at being annoying.

Annoying works. Provides humor. ginger


--- Quote from: "Che Gookin" ---I've been told I'm exceptionally talented at being annoying.
--- End quote ---
You have a sense of humor, sound strategic mind, and the ability to see the big picture (however, often overlooking small details, imo).  Oh.  And you write real well.  Even my mom's a fan.

Che Gookin:
and now I have the worst hang over ever.

So what's the over all plan here? I'm interested in seeing something happen with this, but unsure how to proceed given I'm sodding off to China next week.

Still trying to wrap my brain around this. I am agoraphobic, and in a hotel room. So I keep trying to think about how to do write an RFP to the NEA to do a show. Please look here and see if you have feedback and where we fit:

I do metal art, photography, and sculpture. I know Psy does web and multimedia (?), and Che writes. If anyone can figure out where this project fits please post. I can try and write an RFP for it eventually. Right now, I have a house to put back together. I know all of us write well and an RFP is not that hard.


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