Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > CAN ~ Collective Action Network


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Allison Pinto, PhD, Assistant Professor, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of
 South Florida; Complexity Research & Development Specialist, Children's Board of Hillsborough County;
 Licensed Child & Adolescent Psychologist, Florida and California; Member, GREX; Associate, AKRI.

--- Quote from: "Leadershit Institute of the A.K.Rice Institute for the study of Social Systems (AKA Dr. Virgil Miller Newton's last employer)" ---Allison Pinto, PhD, Assistant Professor, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of
 South Florida; Complexity Research & Development Specialist, Children's Board of Hillsborough County;
 Licensed Child & Adolescent Psychologist, Florida and California; Member, GREX; Associate, AKRI.

--- End quote ---

This post confused me. Please elaborate.

Sorry, was trying to get a bitch box convo to spill over into fora. Didn't work.


--- Quote from: "Antigen" ---Sorry, was trying to get a bitch box convo to spill over into fora. Didn't work.
--- End quote ---
It's ok, just thought I was missing

What was the convo?

"Tavistock's pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology..." [/list]

Tavistock: undercarriage for MKUltra, National Training Labs, think-tanks galore, and a whole New World Order!


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