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Offline dishdutyfugitive

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2008, 03:24:31 PM »
(I asked awake if I could convert his post into script format. Awake agreed - so here it is.)

In the next room over an entirely different situation was taking place.

Sandy: “I bet you really watch what you eat dontcha. I know what it’s like to try and throw up hard foods like chips. No, you go for a piece of fruit or something soft so it comes up easier. Why are you sitting like that!?”

Sheila: “Like what?”

Sandy: “Like what?” Sandy mimicked Sheila’s pointless defense. “You’ve got your arms crossed across your chest. You’re not taking any of this seriously are you?”

A girl, Tristen, got up and sat across from Sheila.

Tristen: “Ya. You are being really defensive. Don’t pretend you don’t have a problem cuz believe me I know. I used to make myself throw up so much that my finger wouldn’t work for me anymore. It got so bad I had to roll up newspapers to stick down my throat or I wouldn’t be able to throw up.”

Sandy: “How do you do it Sheila? Do you use your finger? Or do you just know how to make yourself do it without anything? That was how I did it. I was so good at it I didn’t even have to use a finger. I bet you do it that way too dontcha.”

Sandy, now speaking, leaned forward and looked at Sheila who still sat with her arms crossed. “Heellloooo!!!!! Are you listening at all?!” Sheila made no response. “Y’know what, if you’re not willing to work on yourself we’re not going to waste our time with you! It’s your choice. You can sit at your table and waste time or you can choose to get something positive from it.”

Tristen: “Can I just say one last thing? For me this was a really tough issue to deal with and I’m still dealing with it and it makes me sad to watch you sit there and not confront your issues. I really want to be there to support you, but you aren’t even trying to work on yourself.”

Sandy: “Work on herself? She won’t even admit she HAS A PROBLEM!!! It’s time for you to get real!”

Tristen: “Can I say something?”

Sandy: “NO! She’s wasting our time! Let’s let some other people talk in here.”
“Randy you wanted to go. Go.” Randy got up and took a place across from Eric.

Randy: “Eric I think you should be watching who you spend your time with. It wasn’t very long ago that you broke the sex agreement and you and Alison are hangin out a lot.”

Eric: “What are you talking about we’ve only been off bans for like two weeks!”
Randy: “Yeah well you guys are still together a lot.”

Eric: “Yea. When…”

Randy: “I’m not done!” Randy wasn’t about to let Marla cut him off. “I mean nothing may be going on but it still looks that way and you should be paying attention to that.” “Yea it’s like I totally see you going right back to your shit. You and your friends are really clicky. Ever since you got off bans it’s like you went right back to your old image. Once you get around them you get really sarcastic and fast and…..” “There’s red flags going up all around you Eric! This is the same behavior that got you in trouble in the first place!”

Sandy: “Can you really not see what these people are saying?”

Eric: “No I can see what they’re saying. I’ve just spent a lot of time with them cuz we were on bans, but I hear what they’re saying.”

 Sandy: “I hope so.” Sandy sat back in her chair and held her gaze on Eric. “Consider this a warning Eric.”

(Sandy ends with Eric and focuses on Devin)

Sandy: “Does someone else want to go? Devin. I haven’t heard from you in awhile how are you?”

Devin: “Not that great I guess.”

Sandy: “Why not that great?”

Devin: “I don’t know I’ve been getting frustrated lately. I was made a dormhead a couple weeks ago and I just don’t like it.”

Sandy: “What are you saying you can’t handle the responsibility?”

Devin: “No it’s not that I just… I’m having a hard time I guess and I feel like I have enough to deal with….”

Sandy took over. “So what’s really goin on? Your problems are much deeper than just being a dormhead aren’t they?”

Devin leaned forward.

Luke: “C’mon man I know you’ve been having a hard time lately.”“We’ve talked before so I know we’ve got some of the same issues.” (Luke is a friend of Devin)


Sandy: “That’s it! What’s really goin on Devin!”


Sandy: “There’s more there Devin! C’mon get….”


Sandy: “That’s right! Go for broke Devin!”


Just then Julie began screaming as well, her voice a high pitched screeching diminishing his lower toned voice.


Sandy: “That’s it Julie what are you saying to yourself right now!”


At this point Sandy could barely be heard over the two of them.

Sandy: “You bet Julie! What’s it like to hold that judgement on yourself day after day!”


Sandy: “What’s it like to let those judgements control you! What’s it like to live your lie every day!!”

Sandy barely finished the sentence before Julie let out a defening scream.


Devin’s screams began to subside and Julie was fairly close behind.

“Fuck! Fu-hu-huuuck!”

Sandy: “Yeah.” Sandy said to Julie. “It’s hard to hold those judgements against you all the time isn’t it?”

Julie: “Yes! FuUUCK!”

Sandy: “What’s your truth Julie?”

Julie only responded by crying harder.

Sandy: “You’re thinking about it right now Julie, what is it?”

Julie began crying hard.

Julie: “Innoce-e-ent.”

Sandy: “Yeah. Innocent. You are innocent. How does your truth feel?”

Julie: “It f-feels goo-hood.”

Sandy: “Yeah. It feels good doesn’t it? Why don’t you let that in more? You know your truth yet you choose to ignore it. How about you Devin? What’s your truth?”

Devin: “I’m Honest.” Devin had recouperated somewhat.

Sandy: “Yeah. Honest. Just feel that feeling.

Sandy: What about you Sheila What’s your truth?!”

Sheila was still sitting in the same position…her arms crossed her chest. She said nothing.

Sandy: “You can’t even say it can you? Are you so deep in your lie you can’t even say your truth outloud?”

Sheila made a sour face at that and shook her head slightly.

Sheila: “It’s beautiful.”

Sandy: “Yeah….beautiful. What’s so hard about that. Is that hard to hear? That you’re beautiful?”

Sheila bent foreward and screamed at the top of her lungs.


Sandy: “That’s exactly right isn’t it Sheila. What have you been holding back on this whole time?!”


Sandy: “Why is it so hard to hear that you’re beautiful? It must feel pretty bad if you can’t even listen to your truth! Or are living your lie?!”


Sandy: “Your truth is so far away from you right now. How far away from beautiful are you right now Sheila?!”


Sandy withheld any comments for a minute while Sheila continued screaming in a rage.

Sandy: “How long were you going to hold onto that? How long were you planning on waiting before you showed us how you really feel?”


Sandy: “What are you feeling right now Sheila?”


Sandy: “Of course your pissed off. There’s a lot for you to be pissed off about. What are you pissed at?”


Sandy: “Like what?”


Sandy had become quite calm as she spoke to Sheila. “

Sandy: Who are you really pissed at then Sheila?”

Sheila grabbed the hair on top of her head.


Sandy: “C’mon Sheila! You know the answer to this. Who are you really pissed at! Who’s making themself throw up in the bathroom?! Who is it Sheila?!”


Sandy: “Yea. You’re pissed at yourself. What is it like to be so angry with yourself?”

Sheila finally began to cry, her rage having wiped out her energy. She bawled so deeply she could not speak.

Sandy: “It must be hard to be that mad at yourself. Y’know you ARE beautiful you just choose to cover it up. Can you say that about yourself? Can you say I am beautiful?”

Sheila cried harder and pressed her palms over her eyes while facing the floor.

 Sheila: “fu-huUCK YOU!”

Sandy: “I am beautiful. You can do it Sheila……. I am beautiful.”

Sheila: “I a-am beautifu-ul.”

Sheila continued crying.

Sandy: “You better believe it! Of course you are.”

The room was quiet and Sheila sat doubled over her lap still weeping.

Sandy: “You just stay in that place for awhile ok? Stay with beautiful.”

Luke: “Can I say something?”

Sandy: “Sure, go ahead Luke.”

Luke: “Umm Devin. I have a lot of the same judgements as you and I just want to say I hope you know you can come talk to me any time man.”

Devin: “Thanks man. I will.”

Sandy: “Ok who’s next.”

The room was silent.

Sandy: “C’mon I know there’s people that have other people to talk to in here.”

Calvin and Brad both raised their hands then quickly pointed at one another as if to say ‘It’s ok you go ahead’.

Sandy: “Pick someone already! Brad!Go!”

Brad breathed a sigh as he got up to switch his seat.

Brad: “Ok this isn’t like a huge deal but Thomas you were like barely working on dinner dishes last night. We asked to get checked off but your section was never complete. I had to help you finish your job so we could go. So I’m just saying it’s cool but next time hopefully you can work a little harder.”

Next to Brad Ellie joined in.

Ellie: “I’ve been on dishes with you the last three nights and you are ALWAYS slacking off. When you sweep and mop you don’t even get all the way under the tables and theres always food left underneath.”

Sandy: “Thomas! Jeez are you kidding me!” Sandy gave Thomas a stern look. “You have been on dishes SO many times I couldn’t even count. Does someone really need to show you how to do your job again?”

Thomas: “No I know how to I just missed some stuff.”

Ellie was quick to comment.

Ellie: “That is total bullshit! You are totally cutting corners on dishes all the time!”

Thomas: “Whaaat are you serious?”

Ellie: “What do you mean am I serious! We were seriously there at least a half hour more because of you.”

Brad: “I agree with Ellie.” Brad again chimed in. “I don’t know about you but I’d rather spend my time in the house. I really don’t see why you’d do a half assed job when you could just do it right and be done.”

Sandy rolled her eyes.

Sandy: “How many times are we gonna go through this Thomas? I’m serious how many times do you have to hear the same feedback over and over and over? I’m getting really tired of hearing this every time I’m in a rap with you. Can you just get it together please so I don’t have to hear this anymore?”

Thomas: “Yes”

Sandy: “Yes I will work harder on dishes!?”

Thomas: “Yes I will work harder on dishes.”

Sandy: “Thank you. I assume you’re on dishes tonight?”

Thomas: “Yes.”

Sandy: “Good.”

Sandy: “Calvin you wanted to go next?”

Calvin: “Yeah Ellie. I heard you and Mandi popping off while you were carrying the trash to the dumpster on dishes last night.”

 Marla: “Yea. I catch you guys popping off in the house too.”

Ellie squinted her eyes and looked at Marla.

Ellie: “When did I ever pop off in the house?”

Marla: “Well your not totally popping off but you totally cut corners. I hear you guys humming…..”

Ellie: “Whatever Marla! You are the biggest look good ever! You’re always looking for an excuse to indict someone!”

Calvin then got up and sat next to Ellie.

Calvin: “To tell you the truth this is pissing me off too. You’re always following someone else’s indictment. Why aren’t you ever the first to indict somebody yet you always have something to say.”

Marla: “I really don’t understand how that makes me a look good.”

Julie got up and sat across from Marla.

Julie: “Please. You know you’re a look good. You pull people up for the lamest shit. You even tell the guys to tuck their shirts in more if their just barely hanging over their belts. I just have a hard time believing anything you say because there’s no way you really have a problem with that stuff. You’re just trying to look good…….

An hour and fifteen minutes left to go and yet another rap, in the building just up from the main house, was taking place.

Jessie: “Ok guys there’s something we really need to get to today and that is Stephen. You guys know he’s been on a full time for the last week aaaand he’s there because he decided it was ok to go through the I want to live dirty aaaaand …. Well he wants to share something with you. Why don’t you go ahead Stephen.”

Jessie nodded at Stephen who breathed in a deep breath. Before he could speak five members of his peer group got up to sit across from him.

Stephen: “Ok well you know why I’m on my full-time and….”

Jessie: “I don’t think everyone here has heard why you’re on your full-time. Can you tell them please?”

Stephen again took in a deep breath and rolled his eyes back.

Stephen: “Ok. Before the I Want to Live me and Carol broke the sex agreement and that’s why I’m on my table. But I’ve been working on some really hard stuff for me that I….”

Ryan: “Actually I never really heard about this yet so can you explain what happened a little more?”

Stephen didn’t respond to Ryan right away. He hung his head for a moment.

Stephen: “Ok. Thirteen days ago on Sunday after dinner me and Carol went into the woods and had sex. That’s pretty much it.”

Jessie: “That’s about it? Did you just lie down in the dirt to do it?” Jessie commented, “There’s more to this story lets have it.”

Stephen: “Alright um… I had a jacket and so did Carol and we used them to lie on.”

Ryan: “Actually can you just start from the beginning? Like when did you decide to do this?”

Stephen closed his eyes for a moment in lieu of Ryan’s question.

Stephen: “Ok probably a week before that out in front of the house I told her I liked her and she said she liked me too. For the next week we were kind of flirting but we really didn’t plan anything we just kind of did it. And.. I don’t know that’s pretty much everything that happened.”

Ryan sat back in his chair.

Ryan: “Ok I just haven’t heard yet… so….”

The room was silent for an awkward moment while Stephen stared tensely at the floor.

Jessie: “But that’s not all you have to tell these guys is it?”

Stephen kept staring but knew he couldn’t put off Jessie’s question much longer. His eyes began to glaze over.

Stephen: “W-well you guys know why I’m on my table now and since then I’ve been working on some tough issues aand its not something you guys know about me.”

Stephen leaned his elbows on his knees and tears dripped from his eyes.

Jessie: “Go ahead Stephen. Tell them what you told me.”

Stephen was holding back tears mustering the strength to answer Jessie.

Stephen: “So when I was younger …in like fifth grade…..”

Stephen hung his head back down and sniffled in a noseful of snot.

Aaron: “You know you can tell us anything. We just went through the I Want to live together. Whatever you have to say isn’t going to change what we think of you.”

Nancy: “Yeah. Seriously. You know how much we’ve already been through together.”

Nancy followed Aaron’s statement along with a few others seeking to console him and coax his issues to surface.

Stephen: “So w-when I was in fifth grade me and my friend would w-watch my older sister take showers. Fffffuck…. We did it like five times. There wasn’t a lock on the b-bathroom door. She – fuck-hhhh- she caught us once and I don’t know….. it’s …. I’m not proud of it.”

Long uncomfortable silence

Nancy: “Well I’m glad your being honest and telling us about this. I’m disappointed that you went through the I want to live dirty cuz that really meant a lot to me, but I’m glad to see you’re working on your table.”

Clark quickly chimed in.

Clark: “Well I’m glad um y’know that you’re finally working on yourself and I think it’s good that you’re being honest with us about this, but um I just wish you would have respected all of us in your peer group enough to come out with this in the I want to live, y’know… I mean…..”

Will: “I gotta say I feel the same way I mean we were partners in there. I said a lot of things that were hard for me too and to know you could go through it without coming out with this stuff? I just feel like its hard to trust you.”

 Clark again claimed a place to speak after Will.

Clark: “Can I ask you a question? Honestly? Why didn’t you come out with this in the I want to live? I’m just askin cuz it seems to me that would be when you would do that don’t you think?”

There was a brief silence before Jessie spoke again.

Jessie: “He makes a good point don’t you think Stephen? Wasn’t the I want to live the time to tell this to these guys? Why didn’t this come out then?”

Stephen began crying into his palms and sucked in the snot hanging from his nose.


Nancy: “How could it mean anything if you go through dirty! How could you get anything from it if you won’t open up and get honest about yourself!”

After Nancy said this Stephen reached down and grabbed his calves.


Jessie: “That’s it. What are you feeling like Stephen.”

Jessie’s voice was stern but quiet.


Jessie: “Why disgusting Stephen.”


Jessie: “What else are you feeling?”


Jessie: “C’mon Stephen what do you call yourself for doing that!”


Jessie: “C’mon Stephen what are you calling yourself right now! What do you think the people around you are saying right now!”


Jessie: “What is it Stephen?! What’s the word in your head right now!!”


Jessie: “What does sick fuck feel like! C’mon Stephen you’re right there!”


Jessie: “Feels pretty bad doesn’t it?”


Stephen could hardly get a breath through his screams. Snot and saliva were streaming from his nose and mouth. Someone next to him pulled a few Kleenex out of the box and threw them on the floor beneath his face.


Someone handed Stephen some tissues which he took and mopped his face with. He continued crying.

Jessie: “It’s not easy facing the hard truth.”

For awhile the group was silent as they watched Stephen empty out the last of his pain, rage and sorrow.

Jessie: “Thanks for sharing. You really opened up, you should feel good about that. And I’m sure your peer group is glad you shared with them too.”

Peers: “Yea Stephen.” “Thanks Stephen”. A few people chimed in as Jessie spoke.

Jessie: “Ok guys. We’ve got some time left. Let’s get to whatever else we need to get to. Whoever’s ready just go.”

Isaac got up and sat across from George.

Isaac: “Alright George I seriously don’t want to be rude but you kinda smell. Like I really don’t want to bring it up but… I don’t know you just really need to use more deodorant or something. I seriously… I’m not trying to embarrass you but it’s true. That’s it.”

George lifted his hands up just higher than his head.

George: “Ok man. I’ll wear more deodorant I guess.”

Sandra: “Ummm. I hate to say it but you do kind of stink.” Sandra joined Isaac. “I pass by you sometimes and it’s like serious b.o. and your hair is like super greasy. I’m sorry for saying that but it just… is kinda gross.”

George looked away.

George: “Gimme a fucking break….”

Jamie then addressed Marcus.

Jamie: “You’re in George’s dorm aren’t you? Do you notice anything wrong with George’s hygene?”

Marcus: “Heeeeeeshhhh….yaaaa… I do sometimes.”

Jessie:: “So why aren’t you saying anything?”

Marcus: “I mean I can I…”

Jessie: “Get a voice!”

Marcus got up and sat across from George.

Jessie: “George you should listen to what they’re saying. Your hygene could be better and you don’t put much effort into your appearance. That’s just what I think ok?”

George: “Ok man whatever. I’ll fucking clean myself. It’s fine really you’ve made your point I get it. Can we just please move on?”

Jessie waited a moment and looked around to see if anybody had anything to add.

Jessie: “Ok. Let’s move on.”

Josh: “I have something to say to somebody.” Josh got up and switched seats. “This is to Martin. I heard you telling your story to Michael yesterday and I know pot is part of your story but you guys were TOTALLY war storying together. You were sayin like how you used to get the dankest pot and he was too. I mean you were really sounding like you guys were in your shit.”

Jessie: “Were you talking about it like that Martin?”

Martin tensed up as he tried to answer Jessie.

Martin: “Welllllll….maybe a little bit but really….”

Jessie: “Don’t candy coat it. Were you talking about it like Josh is saying you did?”

Martin took a deep breath.

Martin: “Yeah we were.”

Jessie sat forward leaning his elbows on his knees and shook his head.

Jessie: “Uh- uh. Mm-mm nope. That’s not acceptable. You know your not supposed to do that. Not ok.”

Jessie was still looking Martin shaking his head.

Jessie: “I see you as being really in your shit right now. Your mind’s in the gutter. Not ok.”

Martin: “I don’t really think I’m in my shit. I know I shouldn’t have done that but it was just a mistake kind of.”

Jessie: “No I don’t see that. You’re in your old image, you’re glorifying your drug experiences…. Uh-uh….. that’s totally unacceptable. After this rap come and see me so we can talk about this ok? Let’s move on.”

Jessie: “C’mon guys. Anyone else before we wrap this up?”
Jessie looked around the room until his eyes landed on the boy next to him, Dean, who he stared at with a smirk on his face. Deans eyes widened. Jessie lightly elbowed Dean a couple times.

Jessie: “Hey.” “Hey” “Howr you doin Dean? How have you been since the I want to live?”

Dean: “I’ve been pretty good.”

Jessie: “Yeah? Have you been holding onto some of that stuff?”

Dean: “Yeah I mean I find myself struggling with it but I still feel like I got a lot from it soo yeah.”

Jessie: “How bout the rest of you guys. You still paying attention to those tools?”

Peers: “<yes>(yeah) [me too ya.]” Several voices came in response.

Jessie lead the final stretch of the rap by going around the room one by one giving everyone a chance to say something before letting them go.

Back in the house Mann was finishing up his rap too.

Mann: “Yknow some people did some really great work in here today…. Carol. How’r you feeling right now?”

Carol: “I’m feeling Ok I guess.”

Mann: “You really were listening to your little kid today. What’s her name?”

Carol cracked a small smile.

Carol: “I really hate you.”

Mann: “Oh c’mon what’s your little girls name just say it.”

Carol smiled and put her hand over her mouth.

Carol: “Care Bear.”

Mann just looked at her and smiled.

Mann: “I’m glad you decided to let her come out today.”

Mann continued to stare at her while she kept her hand over her mouth.

Carol: “I’m not supposed to smile.”

Mann chuckled a little when she said this.

Mann: “Yknow what. For the last few minutes before this rap is over can we get a smoosh pile here on the floor. C’mon everybody down, you too Carol.”

Carol: “Does that mean I can be off bans from….”

Mann: “Yeeesss only till the rap is over.”

Carol ran over to smoosh with her friends as did everyone in a happy pile for the next few minutes. Raps were over for today…….
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2008, 02:04:30 AM »
I swear I would kill several people if I had to sit through that.

And... I'm not a violent person
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline iamartsy

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2008, 02:54:17 AM »
I was in one facility in 1982 that did this shit. It bored the hell out of me, and three of us got thrown out. We had to beg out way back into the next group so we would still get our levels. The guy was hardest on me, because I had nothing earth shattering to talk about so I did not talk. He thought there had to be something, but what was I going to say, nothing. Drinking and pot oh my! That would not pass a whole hour or ninety minutes.

Another night, while I was there I went through the confrontation thing and kept refusing to cry on demand. They were so pissed. I don't cry much. And even less on demand. Later my individual therapist there was pissed that I had not cried, and said how I thought I was so tough. I said nothing.

Then there was my last m.o. at the last facility I was in (1985-1986), I kept falling asleep from boredom in the middle of RAP. They used to grab me from my seat on the couch and throw me in a hard chair. It did not help. I sleep when I am sleepy. I have fallen asleep on the subway, at conferences, once in a job interview. I keep myself awake with humor and then get called inappropriate. Like I will notice that we are talking in circles and started imagining emoticons going in circles and then chuckle to myself (INAPPROPRIATE). Then I have to work harder at containing my chuckling.

Unfortunately, I am back in Houston where all this shit began and I feel the misery all over again. My parents live 3 blocks away and love to control me at the age of 44. I still feel like a victim. I need to leave here but don't know where to go. I am at a loss. Shit now I am depressed again. I now know why I found this board, I am back to where I started. DAMNIT
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stina

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2008, 03:33:12 AM »
Quote from: "iamartsy"
I was in one facility in 1982 that did this shit. It bored the hell out of me, and three of us got thrown out. We had to beg out way back into the next group so we would still get our levels. The guy was hardest on me, because I had nothing earth shattering to talk about so I did not talk. He thought there had to be something, but what was I going to say, nothing. Drinking and pot oh my! That would not pass a whole hour or ninety minutes.

Another night, while I was there I went through the confrontation thing and kept refusing to cry on demand. They were so pissed. I don't cry much. And even less on demand. Later my individual therapist there was pissed that I had not cried, and said how I thought I was so tough. I said nothing.

Then there was my last m.o. at the last facility I was in (1985-1986), I kept falling asleep from boredom in the middle of RAP. They used to grab me from my seat on the couch and throw me in a hard chair. It did not help. I sleep when I am sleepy. I have fallen asleep on the subway, at conferences, once in a job interview. I keep myself awake with humor and then get called inappropriate. Like I will notice that we are talking in circles and started imagining emoticons going in circles and then chuckle to myself (INAPPROPRIATE). Then I have to work harder at containing my chuckling.

Unfortunately, I am back in Houston where all this shit began and I feel the misery all over again. My parents live 3 blocks away and love to control me at the age of 44. I still feel like a victim. I need to leave here but don't know where to go. I am at a loss. Shit now I am depressed again. I now know why I found this board, I am back to where I started. DAMNIT

i know this is easier said than done, but you have got to get the fuck out of there. i understand, i just 2 months ago moved out of state and am really counting on the kindness of strangers. but it feels good, in some ways to be out of the reach of my insane the same time it's scary as fuck. but at least it's something different.

if you know anybody in a different state, or at least a different part of TX, start there. hell if you want to come to portland i'll try to help you out. the northwest is amazing. jobs are a bitch but ... pm me if you want to talk more about it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2008, 10:15:26 AM »
That's really excellently done, that's a very good telling of the experience. You should format it as a text with line and paragraph breaks and publish it on this site or on the web. I'll post a few more excerpts at my blog entry, and credit you (or your alias), and link back here. ... anon-game/

The reality that you are getting at so clearly is that we were meant to loudly debase, humiliate and really excoriate ourselves quite publicly, week after week, day after day, for a number of years in these programs. I can reflect that it took me several years to stop being so very forthcoming (what Cedu called "honest") with people I did not know.

I am a terribly honest person by nature, almost transparently so at times - the impetus and encouragement to be biliously honest, to forgo all screening of material, to find the most denigrating, awful idea that might be passing through my thoughts, and to choose that for public broadcast? Just a kind of regular suicide and torture. They taught us to beat ourselves; that was the operational aspect of controlling our will -

Why else did we all not foment rebellion? Fear of authority, most certainly - but this purging cycle, this self-villainization/victimization and self-torture cycle - what mental room does it leave for defiance?

I personally remember being hung up on a peg and beaten like a pinanta every time I offered resistance to some aspect of the program. I was always somewhat-to-quite rebellious and critical-thinking/analytical by nature; under stress I become quite argumentative - it would've been typified as 'contrarian,' and 'attention-seeking' at Cedu. But I think it was my personal impulse to critical thinking trying to come to the surface, having been drowned in a sea of bullshit - that is, the absolute insanity that were the ten thousand unwritten rules of Cedu, coupled with the chronic drive to the raps to purge oneself of all impulse.

As is made clear by the Synanon writing, this was the purpose of the program - the create identity schisms. To split and divide a person from their impulses - we might say, to 'brainwash.' Why? Because these were heroin addicts, and the program grew organically out of a brutal and short method by which a massive psychological calamity  could be created and imposed on these addicts; a great drama is created that acts to sideline them from their chronic condition.

What effect did it have on the slightly depressed, often neglected, often abused but quite middle and upper economic class children who got sent to these programs, by their often narcissistic, often alcohol and drug-abusing parents?

It certainly produced trauma. Where it seemed to give catharsis, I'd say it was a fleeting, momentary one, followed by a re-flooding of these 'negative' impulses - some of which were negative self-identities, such as those developed in childhood among neglected and abused children. Other 'negative thoughts' we were meant to purge in the process described in your writing - the true callings of our most certain and private selves -

The desire to run away, the desire to be with family, to have a caring family, to be with real friends, to have sex (to be allowed to be sexually appropriate for our age and development), the desire to hit someone (a staff member) who is cruelly and invasively provoking you with secrets you've given up in other Cedu experiences -

These are normal, understandable impulses - and all of these were given up, flushed out, chronically, weekly, daily - in these raps, in 'dirt lists,' like so much pus from a wound.

I should say, this is how it was for me, certainly.

After the Cedu experience, I discovered that regular or normative "talk-therapy," as is conducted by psychologists and psychiatrists, while varying greatly in style and quality, never resembles this psychological stone-and-acid washing such that we received and re-enacted at Cedu. True talk therapy was quite pleasant by comparison; it was calm, allowed understanding, subtle gain of insight according to what the mind, soul and spirit will accommodate at at time; the hammer is put away, and my own actual impulses, deeper thoughts,  feelings both hidden and apparent, were able to find a subtler, and entirely more useful and liberating expression.

I was also amazed and grateful to find that actual psychologists - at least the good ones - have in mind the normal and studied course of childhood and adolescent development, and in discussion, have a framework in mind that is reflective of a studied, observed reality - the organic reality of human beings in healthy and compromised development - and that this understanding acts as a guide, as markings on a highway, and as a basis for contrast and comparison - which they can share with you to help illuminate self-growth, understanding, forgiveness, rightful anger, and all the rest.

A final thought here - the 'running of anger' was always so silly, because what I really wanted to do, when I was truly angry, was hit something. And when I got out of Cedu, and I got the Cedu out of me, that's just what I did. Going to martial arts - a very direct and not very 'artful version' - was probably the best thing I ever did in my life, in terms of channeling, understanding and productively using anger, or really, just a desire to know how to use my body, to fight if necessary, to train in fighting enough so as to understand my strengths, weaknesses, and limits.

Why did Cedu forbid all martial arts training? Imagine a school where they torture you like that, but also train you to fight for yourself? We'd have overthrown our adult masters, if they'd let us access that part of ourselves.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2008, 10:39:54 AM »
Reading it through, it's really excellent, very good. I've reposted the second half at my blog as well in the Synanon-Cedu thread: ... mment-8325

If you'd like more (or less) credit or exposure, let me know. But this is very skilled, well-remembered and carefully and clearly told - I'd like to ask you to write me at my standard email [ liamscheff [at] ]. As I consider putting together a book, or interview text, I'd like to talk w/you about including this.

This and a couple other pieces at fornits really keep coming back to me. There's Son of Serbia's re-telling of a confrontation with adult male staff - Mr. Bentz and Bonanno, I believe - in the Discovery family room. I've written him, but don't think I've been able to persuade him to really write me back...

In any case, this is really excellent. Please drop me a line.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2008, 11:08:22 AM »

Very well said.

It occurred to me yesterday how ridiculous CEDU staff's attempts were to 'get us in touch with our feelings' were. So contrived. Such amateur CEDU bullshit. Scam-a-rifficly laughable.

It occurred to me yesterday when a friend of mine asked me to look at an old classmate's (from the 8th grade) profile on facebook. Until yesterday I've spent a total of 5 minutes on facebook. When I looked at this person's list of friends I went into a complete tailspin.

I saw dozens of names.
Dozens of faces.
From 20 years ago.

All school peers I haven't seen or communicated with in over 2 decades.

This brought up many, many bad memories and feelings from that time in my life, that I'd shelved and forgot were there.

These names and faces stared back at me and reminded me of the chaos I endured due to negligent parenting the 3 years preceding my arrival to RMA.
These peers, individually and collectively, represented a benchmark of "normalcy" that I could never achieve. I convinced myself they knew nothing and never would experience the mayhem that existed within my family.

A few years goes by, I'm ambushed at 4am and transported to Bonners Ferry. On a 2nd or 3rd home visit a friend tells me of all the rumors and gossip surronding my 'disappearance'. I graduate from RMA, move to another to another state and graduate from University.
1 year goes by.
5 years goes by.
Decades go by.
Without seeing these schoolmates again.

Instead of helping me with the legitimate issues I needed to work on, I was, as Liam says, battered like a Pinata for taking 6 minute showers.
Forced to sit there in fear of being indictied.
Forced to sit there and fear the consequences of not getting the program.
Forced to sit there and vicously and baselessly attack your peers to keep the heat off of yourself.

And all the while - forced to listen to hours, days, months worth of insipid, mindfucking and agitating rap crapola.

I'd like to go back in time and bitch slap every RMA staff for their ineptitude and blatant cultish wrongdoings.
I'd like to kick Mel Wasserman in the nuts until he admits he's an egotistical & greedy tyrant and agrees to right his wrongs.

Thanks for wasting my time, my family's hard earned money, and adding a genorous helping of mindfuckery to my already teeming buffet of family issues nutritionally void of Vitamin N(ormal) and F(un).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2008, 11:13:27 AM »
Another memory -

The sex aspect now coming into memory like an angry ghost! I don't know if you were writing from an RMA experience, because actually having sex at Cedu CA meant you weren't coming back, at least during the late 80s/early 90s. They didn't play lightly with that - it was so much of their control mechanism - the purgation of our hormones.

I absolutely remember with painful clarity of feeling - that sex was considered the dirtiest, most self-debasing activity you could permit yourself to do - that it came out of "thinking"; that it was not healthy or normal - that the impulse to normal, age-appropriate sexual experience was disgraceful and really quite sinful, and that it had to be shared publicly in the raps, and purged.

That was absolutely imperative to their control of our behavior.

Man, that one really gets me to this day. There are girls I think I love to this day, in some way, trapped in memory, who I've never gotten to simply say that to them,  that I was crazy about them, or just really liked them. Well.... I'll write a couple of letters:

"Dear so-and-so,

How are you? Yes, that's right, we went to crazy camp together, 10 million years ago. So, listen, I just wanted to tell you what I never got to say: I was just so moved by you in highschool, but never got to say so because of the nazi camp counselors and their insanity-making rules. But the truth is, I thought you were truly lovely and even wonderfully, terribly beautiful at times, and funny, and charming, and sweet, and I wish I'd gotten to tell you then. What for? Who knows.

No, it wouldn't have worked out! No, we wouldn't have gotten married, or probably even have gone out for long, if we did. I'm not much of a 'dater.' But still, your presence often got me through difficult days, and your effortless Ariadne-like beauty inspired many poetic thoughts...

And some you might find not so poetical, and typically male, and probably pretty gross. My apologies. (What are you gonna do? Men. We're animals.)

Hope you're doing well, very best wishes.

Your friend from 1,000 years ago, in a situation under duress."

There you go. For the record. You know who you are. If you don't, well. Write me, and I'll send you this letter.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Rap -
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2008, 11:22:48 AM »
Mr. DD Fugitive,

well, that's right - it was a remarkable waste of our time. I mean, really, it was a program inappropriately applied to relatively normal, slightly-depressed and often somewhat to highly neglected and abused kids. And yet, it's our experience... so what will we do with it?  (Tell the stories, I hope.)

But today, for these kids like we were, a little counseling, and for better or for worse, a few pills, and you'd be mainstreamed down the normal highschool highway. We were really just a few years early for the mainstreaming of a psychological nanny-state, baby-stepping us through our development and providing many pharmaceuticals for our angst.

I'm not a big fan of the pharma-biz myself - but a little prozac and talk therapy would've been better for most Cedu kids than a headful of Rudy Bentz or Mel Wasserman, I'd bet.

I think that by telling our stories, clearly, in name, we help to paint a clearer picture of this period of history, and maybe will give some evidence to the fact that truly communist-style brainwashing doesn't just happen in China or under Lenin and Stalin.

you know?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2008, 04:22:39 PM »
The sex aspect now coming into memory like an angry ghost! I don't know if you were writing from an RMA experience, because actually having sex at Cedu CA meant you weren't coming back, at least during the late 80s/early 90s. They didn't play lightly with that - it was so much of their control mechanism - the purgation of our hormones.

I absolutely remember with painful clarity of feeling - that sex was considered the dirtiest, most self-debasing activity you could permit yourself to do - that it came out of "thinking"; that it was not healthy or normal - that the impulse to normal, age-appropriate sexual experience was disgraceful and really quite sinful, and that it had to be shared publicly in the raps, and purged.
 There were four cases of the sex agreement being broken that I remember when I went to Cedu. 2 of those cases I remember in partcular. 1 of the 4 was sent to Ascent never to return and  the other 3 were put on full-times. Times must have changed a bit during the periods we attended b/c as I recall staff foamed at the mouth drooling over the opportunity to make a public example of those who broke the sex agreement. I'm surprised to hear you say if you broke the sex agreement "you were not coming back." (What do you mean by that? Did they go to Ascent and/or another program?) The Cedu I remember really took advantage of such a situation to make a point to everyone else. Not only do I remember how brutally those people got it in raps, but everyone seemed to get reprimanded. I particularly remember *a staff* yelling till she was red in the face at every guy in a rap addressing us as though guys were 100% responsible for initiating sex every time. Just because two people broke the agreement ALL the guys got battered. She blew up on us saying .."Don't even think of touching my girls." As well she would project her issues with abortions onto us, which was very uncomfortable and of course there was no defensive measure you could take. I, like most, never broke the sex agreement there yet I recall having to sit there and be talked to as though I did.

*I don't know what my deal is but I feel like if I mention a staff's name they will come to haunt me or something.*

On that note Liam, Mann is NOT Rudy Bentz.

" For many years I asked members of T-groups (group therapy) to engage in a "top secret" task in which they were asked to write, anonymously, on a slip of paper the one thing they would be most disinclined to share with the group. The secrets seem to be startlingly similar, with a couple of major themes predominating. The most common secret is a deep conviction of basic inadequacy- a feeling that one is basically incompetent, that one bluffs one's way through life. Next in frequency is a deep sense of interpersonal alienation- that, despite appearances, one really does not, or cannot, care for or love another person. The third most frequent category is some variety of sexual secret." - 'The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy' by Irvin D. Yalom

Anyone remember getting asked, "What's the one thing you just can't tell anybody?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rugby Punk

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2008, 12:39:32 AM »
Quote from: "Awake"
The sex aspect now coming into memory like an angry ghost! I don't know if you were writing from an RMA experience, because actually having sex at Cedu CA meant you weren't coming back, at least during the late 80s/early 90s. They didn't play lightly with that - it was so much of their control mechanism - the purgation of our hormones.

I absolutely remember with painful clarity of feeling - that sex was considered the dirtiest, most self-debasing activity you could permit yourself to do - that it came out of "thinking"; that it was not healthy or normal - that the impulse to normal, age-appropriate sexual experience was disgraceful and really quite sinful, and that it had to be shared publicly in the raps, and purged.
 There were four cases of the sex agreement being broken that I remember when I went to Cedu. 2 of those cases I remember in partcular. 1 of the 4 was sent to Ascent never to return and  the other 3 were put on full-times. Times must have changed a bit during the periods we attended b/c as I recall staff foamed at the mouth drooling over the opportunity to make a public example of those who broke the sex agreement. I'm surprised to hear you say if you broke the sex agreement "you were not coming back." (What do you mean by that? Did they go to Ascent and/or another program?) The Cedu I remember really took advantage of such a situation to make a point to everyone else. Not only do I remember how brutally those people got it in raps, but everyone seemed to get reprimanded. I particularly remember *a staff* yelling till she was red in the face at every guy in a rap addressing us as though guys were 100% responsible for initiating sex every time. Just because two people broke the agreement ALL the guys got battered. She blew up on us saying .."Don't even think of touching my girls." As well she would project her issues with abortions onto us, which was very uncomfortable and of course there was no defensive measure you could take. I, like most, never broke the sex agreement there yet I recall having to sit there and be talked to as though I did.

*I don't know what my deal is but I feel like if I mention a staff's name they will come to haunt me or something.*

On that note Liam, Mann is NOT Rudy Bentz.

" For many years I asked members of T-groups (group therapy) to engage in a "top secret" task in which they were asked to write, anonymously, on a slip of paper the one thing they would be most disinclined to share with the group. The secrets seem to be startlingly similar, with a couple of major themes predominating. The most common secret is a deep conviction of basic inadequacy- a feeling that one is basically incompetent, that one bluffs one's way through life. Next in frequency is a deep sense of interpersonal alienation- that, despite appearances, one really does not, or cannot, care for or love another person. The third most frequent category is some variety of sexual secret." - 'The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy' by Irvin D. Yalom

Anyone remember getting asked, "What's the one thing you just can't tell anybody?"

I do know exactly which female staffer you're talking about with the abortion issues, Awake.

I wish some people had just kept their mouths shut about some really sick stuff noone needed to know.  Nobody's fault - the filters were all stripped away. It never put my friendships with them into doubt, but I never knew quite how to handle it.
In one of my first raps, a girl got reemed by someone in her dorm about excessive pubic hair shedding that clogged the shower drain. This poor girl was so humiliated and I felt so bad for her, but I didn't have the courage to stick up for her and tell the bitch off. Of course, I sort of picked up on the fact that taking her side against the indicter wasn't the way things were done around Cedu.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
he Fog of Cedu RS 89-91

Offline robert1288

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2008, 01:55:15 PM »
Isn' t that what all this is? just another rap session on the internet, people running their anger and what not...

Perhaps some would call this human conversation, but whatever
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2008, 08:54:20 AM »
Quote from: "Awake"

... Raps were over for today…….

Great job!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange

Offline Awake

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2008, 01:15:49 AM »
Quote from: "Rugby Punk"
Quote from: "Awake"
The sex aspect now coming into memory like an angry ghost! I don't know if you were writing from an RMA experience, because actually having sex at Cedu CA meant you weren't coming back, at least during the late 80s/early 90s. They didn't play lightly with that - it was so much of their control mechanism - the purgation of our hormones.

I absolutely remember with painful clarity of feeling - that sex was considered the dirtiest, most self-debasing activity you could permit yourself to do - that it came out of "thinking"; that it was not healthy or normal - that the impulse to normal, age-appropriate sexual experience was disgraceful and really quite sinful, and that it had to be shared publicly in the raps, and purged.
 There were four cases of the sex agreement being broken that I remember when I went to Cedu. 2 of those cases I remember in partcular. 1 of the 4 was sent to Ascent never to return and  the other 3 were put on full-times. Times must have changed a bit during the periods we attended b/c as I recall staff foamed at the mouth drooling over the opportunity to make a public example of those who broke the sex agreement. I'm surprised to hear you say if you broke the sex agreement "you were not coming back." (What do you mean by that? Did they go to Ascent and/or another program?) The Cedu I remember really took advantage of such a situation to make a point to everyone else. Not only do I remember how brutally those people got it in raps, but everyone seemed to get reprimanded. I particularly remember *a staff* yelling till she was red in the face at every guy in a rap addressing us as though guys were 100% responsible for initiating sex every time. Just because two people broke the agreement ALL the guys got battered. She blew up on us saying .."Don't even think of touching my girls." As well she would project her issues with abortions onto us, which was very uncomfortable and of course there was no defensive measure you could take. I, like most, never broke the sex agreement there yet I recall having to sit there and be talked to as though I did.

*I don't know what my deal is but I feel like if I mention a staff's name they will come to haunt me or something.*

On that note Liam, Mann is NOT Rudy Bentz.

" For many years I asked members of T-groups (group therapy) to engage in a "top secret" task in which they were asked to write, anonymously, on a slip of paper the one thing they would be most disinclined to share with the group. The secrets seem to be startlingly similar, with a couple of major themes predominating. The most common secret is a deep conviction of basic inadequacy- a feeling that one is basically incompetent, that one bluffs one's way through life. Next in frequency is a deep sense of interpersonal alienation- that, despite appearances, one really does not, or cannot, care for or love another person. The third most frequent category is some variety of sexual secret." - 'The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy' by Irvin D. Yalom

Anyone remember getting asked, "What's the one thing you just can't tell anybody?"

I do know exactly which female staffer you're talking about with the abortion issues, Awake.

I wish some people had just kept their mouths shut about some really sick stuff noone needed to know.  Nobody's fault - the filters were all stripped away. It never put my friendships with them into doubt, but I never knew quite how to handle it.
In one of my first raps, a girl got reemed by someone in her dorm about excessive pubic hair shedding that clogged the shower drain. This poor girl was so humiliated and I felt so bad for her, but I didn't have the courage to stick up for her and tell the bitch off. Of course, I sort of picked up on the fact that taking her side against the indicter wasn't the way things were done around Cedu.

Alright, I don't know why I still have fear for saying the names of the staff I was portraying. I actually feel a bit pathetic for still feeling scared of saying the names of those people that made me feel so afraid. Mann = Guy Bonano, Sandy = Bradi Elliot, and Jessie = Jamie ? (don't know last name). I let Pam Abell get away with a "rap pass" this time but she had her moments.

Also, I thought I'd say a few words about "honesty". This word was perhaps the most powerfully re-defined word at Cedu. It really meant, "disregard your boudaries". To be honest meant to give up all your deepest secrets, publicly betray yourself, and openly opinionate on others behaviors no matter how personal the topic. I don't hold it against anyone (except staff, b/c I think they did it to set an example) for not being able to know whether or not they crossed this line. However I was not prepared to handle all of that. And concerning my portrayal of "the rap" I STILL had to hold back on some of the atrocities that I remember there. The lack of ethical/therapeutic boundaries there is absolutely mindblowing to me.

Robert Jay Lifton was one of the early psychologists to study brainwashing and mind control. He called the method used thought reform. From an analysis of two French priests who had been subjected to brainwashing, he identified the following processes used on them:
Assault on identity
Aspects of self-identity are systematically attacked. For example the priests were told that they were not real Fathers. This has a serious destabilizing effect as people lose a sense of who they are. Losing the self also leads to weakening of beliefs and values, which are then easier to change.
Constant arguments that cast the person as guilty of any kind of wrong-doing leads them to eventually feel shame about most things and even feel that they deserve punishment. This is another piece of the jigsaw puzzle of breakdown.
When the person is forced to denounce friends and family, it both destroys their sense of identity and reinforces feelings of guilt. This helps to separates them from their past, building the ground for a new personality to be built.
Breaking point
The constant assault on identity, guilt and self-betrayal eventually leads to them breaking down, much as the manner of the 'nervous breakdown' that people experience for other reasons. They may cry inconsolably, have convulsive fits and fall into deep depression. Psychologically, they may effectively be losing a sense of who they are and hence fearing total annihilation of the self.
Just at the point when the person is fearing annihilation of the self, they are offered a small kindness, a brief respite from the assault on their identity, a cigarette or a drink. In those moments of light amongst the darkness, they may well feel a deep sense of gratitude, even though it is their torturer who is offering the 'kindness'. This is another form of Hurt and Rescue, albeit extreme.
The compulsion to confess
Having being pulled back from the edge of breakdown, they are then faced with the contrast of the hurt of potential further identity assault against the rescue of leniency. They may also feel the obligation of exchange in a need to repay the kindness of leniency. There also may be exposed to them the opportunity to assuage themselves of their guilt through confession.
The channeling of guilt
The overwhelming sense of guilty and shame that the person is feeling will be so confused by the multiple accusations and assaults on their identity, that the person will lose the sense of what, specifically, they are guilty of, and just feel the heavy burden of being wrong.
This confusion allows the captors to redirect the guilt towards what ever they please, which will typically be having lived a life of wrong and bad action due to living under an ideology which itself is wrong and bad.
Reeducation: logical dishonoring
The notion that the root cause of their guilt is an externally imposed ideology is a straw at which the confused and exhausted person grasps. If they were taught wrongly, then it is their teachers and the ideology that is more at fault. Thus to assuage their guilt, further confession about all acts under the ideology are brought out. By mentally throwing away these acts (in the act of confession) they also are now completing the act of rejecting the whole ideology.
Progress and harmony
The rejection of the old ideology leaves a vacuum into which the new ideology can be introduced. As the antithesis of the old ideology, it forms a perfect attraction point as the person flees the old in search of a contrasting replacement.
This progress is accelerated as the new ideology is portrayed as harmonious and ideally suited to the person's needs. Collegiality and calm replaces pain and punishment. The captors thus contrast in visible and visceral ways how wonderful the new ideology is as compared to the sins and the pain of the old ideology.
Final confession and rebirth
Faced with the stark contrast of the pain of the past with the rosy glow of the future that the new ideology presents, the person sheds any the final allegiance to the old ideology, confessing any remaining deep secrets, and takes on the full mantle of the new ideology.
This often feels, and has been described by many, as a form of rebirth. It may be accompanied by rites of passage as the person is accepted and cemented into the new order. The rituals will typically include strong statements made by the person about accepting the new ideology fully and completely, swearing allegiance to its leaders. Saluting flags, kissing other artefacts and other symbolic acts, all solemnly performed, all anchor them firmly in the new ground.
See also
Robert Jay Lifton, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1963.

Conversion techniques
•   Breaking sessions: that pressure a person until they crack.
•   Changing values: to change what is right and wrong.
•   Confession: to leave behind the undesirable past.
•   Entrancement: open the mind and limit rational reflection.
•   Engagement: that draws a person in.
•   Exhaustion: so they are less able to resist persuasion.
•   Guilt: about the past that they can leave behind.
•   Higher purpose: associate desirability with a higher purpose.
•   Identity destruction: to make space for the new identity.
•   Information control: that blocks out dissuading thoughts.
•   Incremental conversion: shifting the person one step at a time.
•   Isolation: separating people from dissuasive messages.
•   Love Bomb: to hook in the lonely and vulnerable.
•   Persistence: never giving up, wearing you down.
•   Special language: that offers the allure of power and new meaning.
•   Thought-stopping: block out distracting or dissuading thoughts. ... &Itemid=35

If anyone thinks that these methods were not used against students at Cedu please comment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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Re: The Rap
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2008, 01:22:15 AM »
Well said.

Espicially your comments on "honesty"
To this day I still can't stand to listen to anyone who tries to soapbox about 'values'. Not even for a second.

The ironic part is - people who actually have respectable values - well, they don't talk about values, instead they organically abide by them and don't engage in nauseating, 'LGAT style; self promotion.

You can't buy values. Not in 15 Oprah segment, not during a weekend seminar -Not in a self help book.

Hell, I'd have probably been a diehard Oprah or Dr. Phil fan had I not detoured into the realm of cedu as a kid.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 10:08:07 AM by dishdutyfugitive »