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--- Quote from: "Ursus" ---
--- Quote from: "Antigen" ---Hm, dunno why but evidently a  bunch of question marks in a row cause the rest of the page to go bold.
--- End quote ---

Here's another page that has the latter part all bold, starting about here (no multiple question marks in a row in this section): ... 528#p71517
--- End quote ---
And yet another such page... Bolding starts about 2/3 down, in the middle of of one of your posts: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2340&start=45#p14720


--- Quote from: "Ursus" ---
--- Quote from: "Ursus" ---
--- Quote from: "Antigen" ---Hm, dunno why but evidently a  bunch of question marks in a row cause the rest of the page to go bold.
--- End quote ---

Here's another page that has the latter part all bold, starting about here (no multiple question marks in a row in this section): ... 528#p71517
--- End quote ---
And yet another such page... Bolding starts about 2/3 down, in the middle of of one of your posts: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2340&start=45#p14720
--- End quote ---
Another topic with errant bolding on this page, starting with this post:

Do you really want to switched back?But whats the reason to be that?Isn't everything ok?

i have no idea about this topicz...... :notworthy:


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