Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Peninsula Village

PV google earth map info


This is not at all complete but it still has alot of interesting info.
Make sure you have Google Earth installed, then click the link and choose open (or save if you'd like).

Feel free to add or make corrections to it.

Act, I'm going to PM you a file (I hope) to check out - I don't think you could get much out of Blount Co. because they really didn't know much.  According to the spreadsheet I got from, Jones Bend Park is Federal/State land, which makes it even more interesting.

It's either federal or state. Can't be both.

If it IS federal then YOU my friend need to get on the horn with the Department of the Interior because they've recently issued a few internal investigative edicts resulting from the GAO hearings.


--- Quote from: "Federal land WUT" ---It's either federal or state. Can't be both.

If it IS federal then YOU my friend need to get on the horn with the Department of the Interior because they've recently issued a few internal investigative edicts resulting from the GAO hearings.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, the spreadsheet didn't specify which it was, but it's definitely not county land.  I sent the new regulations from the DoI to adt.da, might as well post the link: ... 8-141.html

This might explain why PV went from arrogantly boasting about how different they were in the Spring Village Vision to cringing and claiming to be kinder and gentler in the new Summer Village Vision.

Does it have to be Federal land?  The new regulations use the description "public land". 

Here's the link to the Tennessee Recreation Resources Databank.  Maybe someone else can shed a little light. ... ZVRA&hl=en

Either way, it looks like if some individuals wanted to hold a peaceful protest at PV right in front of STU, there might be nothing the program could do.  Legally.  We'd probably end up sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the lake.

I'm going to check around in the Comptroller's archives for audits of Blount Co.

HOLD THAT PROTEST.  DO IT. Program staff are  only dangerous against people half their size when they outnumber them five to one.


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