Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Peninsula Village

PV & Jones Bend Blount County Park

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--- Quote from: "act.da" ---HOWEVER there are 22 acres on the peninsula that are publicly owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority, and that land backs right up to the girls cabins! If you want to access it you'll need a boat, or walk along the shoreline easement from Wrights Ferry Road.

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Ready the armada, it's a naval operation.  Hmm...that's another good idea for peaceful protest.  Lake Loudon surrounds the Village and definitely is open to the public.  We could rent some boats and have huge sheet/banners trailing with words of encouragement to the kids inside and with bullhorns.  As DYS wisely pointed out, the best message to send kids in PV is "don't lose hope", because as long as you have hope PV can't "break you down".  Once PV strips a kid of all hope, they can destroy the sense of identity and individuality and create automatons.  Factory girls and boys.  Billion dollar babies.   My wife and I saw PV attempt it with our daughter but she never buckled.  Resistance cost her six months of isolation, mental and physical abuse.  How does "treatment" consisting of isolation, constant comments by staff about the patient's worthlessness, and abuse on many levels help a kid suffering from low self-esteem and depression?

Che Gookin:

Armada you say? ^This... lol

I like the seaborne protest idea.. go for it.. by the time they scramble the local sherrif's department dingy you'll be long gone. Even then just make sure that everyone has one of those ugly assed orange floation vests on.. no beer in the boat.. and someone search Zen for high powered rifles and bear traps before he even gets out of the car you'll all be ok.


--- Quote from: "Che Gookin" ---http://

Armada you say? ^This... lol

I like the seaborne protest idea.. go for it.. by the time they scramble the local sherrif's department dingy you'll be long gone. Even then just make sure that everyone has one of those ugly assed orange floation vests on.. no beer in the boat.. and someone search Zen for high powered rifles and bear traps before he even gets out of the car you'll all be ok.
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I think we can get a boat faster than the official Blount Co. sheriff's department marine patrol, which is a john boat with rotted oars and a McCain sticker on the back.  Guns are not an option with me and out of respect to Ursus I will not use bear traps...bungee pits are another matter.

This link looks quite helpful. Especially the one off of Alcoa or the one at Sequoya Hills. http://

Check this link: http://
Boat rental http://

I think it has good boat launch info towards bottom of page. Alcoa or Sequoyha Hills?

--- Quote ---Quick reply to this message
There are a couple of options. Closest to you would be Volunteer Landing. They have a boat launch there on the Marina side.
City of Knoxville - Volunteer Landing Parkhttp://
Sequoyah Park would probably be less crowded. They have two "blueways" (boat launches)
City of Knoxville - Sequoyah Hills Parkhttp://
There's Marine Park, right off Alcoa Highwayhttp:// on a quiet stretch of the Tennessee. It's about a mile over the bridge on the right.
I've spent a lot of time scouting parks and shelters looking for places to hold plant swaps. I've seem them all at this point.

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Good luck.


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