Author Topic: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?  (Read 11580 times)

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #60 on: August 08, 2008, 08:56:36 PM »
Quote from: "YOU ASSHOLE"

Where in the FUCK does the guy ever admit he posted ANYONE'S info?

O.K.  my point isthere is an original post. He says so here:

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Post evidence I did what you say - you can't, you never even saw the post.  Only the Who and I saw it, and look at the mess your troll pal cooked up with the shit he created.

Put up the link to the original post, with what I said.
But he just lied, saying there was no post at all

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "dfs"
Quote from: "CCMguy1989"
Quote from: "KELA"
Quote from: "Guest"
LOL.  So Zen's daughter, who is half CCM's age, see the crap CCm and her buddies post about her and takes it with a grain of salt and a little humor.  CCM rages six months later about something that never existed, she can't prove existed. or find on the forum.

Grow up, CCM, Gookin and the who.

This whole scene is retarded. Psy, you really should just ask Zen to link to what he wrote and put this to bed.

LOL.  You're weak, dude.  How can Zen link to what doesn't exist?  And hey:  Your mama don't work here? Find your own links,  you lazy bastard.  You posted Zen's info, so you know how to search.  Find this mythical post or SHUT YOUR FUCKING HOLE!!!

Again, Zen's kid has to see the shit YOU posted?   You're bitching about something you can't even FIND???  Moron!!!!

Um, this has been covered-- the post exists--zen doesn't deny that. He just won't link to it. Why?

Um - freak - I DO deny it.  It does not exist.  How can I link to it?  Psy verified there was no post.  You're a fucking idiot troll who's posting my family's info and demanding shit you know is non-existent.

Shut up.

He won't link to this post because he put up all of ccm's info, and he doesn’t want anyone to find out, which psy could if he got a link to the original post.

This sux because administrators here aren’t responding to what happened because CCM’s the bad-survivor whipping boy around here. It sux 'cause someone who does that shouldn't be a fornits official and 'cause they will do it again. It bothers me because fornits seems to be switching back to a server where mods can get all sorts of info from posts and

I don't get why psy just won't ask him to link to the thread, since he obviously knows where it is.
I don't get why he's being allowed to moderate when it's obvious, by his lies, that he got and posted her info, from her p.m.s or god knows.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #61 on: August 08, 2008, 10:02:04 PM »
Quote from: "Siobhan"
Just for the record, I don't own a gun. Or poison...
I just like to cook.
What started all of this? Can somebody fill me in? I know people on here are posting rude things about me, but I don't understand why.

Because your Step-Daddy thought it was ok to out me since he didn't agree with me. Instead of having the typical Fornits kind of disagreement, where insults are just hurled at one another, he decided to make it much more personable by posting my information.

BTW, it changed a lot here. It did for me especially. I don't feel safe posting certain stuff here anymore. 

As far as me ever posting your information.....once again, I have never done that about anyone here. The people who keep saying that I did, just say it to say it. Kinda pathetic. Like 2 wrongs make it a right anyway?!!! Not in my eyes. Not ever. For example, no matter how much Zen has pissed me off, I never even address him by his first name. I'm not even going to start. There is a reason we have user names.

Anyway, that's about it. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2008, 09:10:32 AM »
Quote from: "Siobhan"
Whoever decided to post 6425 Owens Lane had a bad idea.
That is not where Zen lives.
That needs to be taken down before the person that lives there finds out it is up there.
Not a good idea at all.

Youre saying that's address of the person described here?--

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I've heard the Baldwin tape, and while I consider it beyond horrible, I've heard worse directed at my "new" family.  My wife's ex-husband crossed lines that made Baldwin look like Mr. Rogers.  We had to "rescue" my step-daughter from her biological father's house a few years ago during a visitation after she discovered his not-too-well concealed stash of drugs.  Despite my wife claiming she must have gotten her pick-up time wrong to prevent the lunatic blowing-up , bio-dad pressed the issue until the real reason came out.  Then he unleashed a torrent of ear-piercing cursing, at one point screaming into his (then) 14 year-old daughter's face that she was  "a lying bitch" and ordering her to get all her "fucking shit" out of his house. He walked out with a handful of her belongings and hurled them into our van, then noticed me sitting in the passenger seat.  He glared, but cooled his tone a bit and continued throwing his daughter's things out.

When my step-daughter got in the car, she was a wreck, sobbing, hurt and angry.  I'll never forget the look she gave me when she got in the van, it was a teary, pleading, confused look.  The first thing she said, straight from the heart:


What could anyone say?  What adult reacts with anger to a kid who's only "crime" was being utterly scared and confused by the discovery of her father's drugs and paraphernalia?

Later , when I told my wife I had never seen such an unbalanced, irrational outburst, she said "that was nothing, really.  He's been far, far worse, ripping doors off, cornering the kids and screaming for ages,"  Once, he thought his son had ignored him at a soccer game because he didn't wave to him.  That set off a three hour cursing rage, demanding an explanation other than "I didn't see you,"  Bio-dad said that was "BULLSHIT!  BULLSHIT!" 

My step daughter heard the Baldwin tape, and said it wasn't that bad, she'd heard "a whole lot worse".  It's heartbreaking.

At least Baldwin's going to answer for it.  My step-daughter refused to see her bio-dad for two years, and when he saw an opportunity to snatch custody through a shady, deceitful court order, he threw her in Peninsula Village.  An evaluation done before she was sent to PV made the father-daughter situation clear:   the only options available at the time were the father's desire to place her in Peninsula Village, or send her to live with him.  The psychiatrist said living with the father was "NOT an option, due to the strained relationship".  It's sad to think a professional considered Peninsula Village a safer environment than the father's home.  In a private discussion with my wife and I, the psychiatrist asked if we were positive we would win custody back during our court date, which was a week away.  We were positive due process would work, since the whole seizure of custody stank of fraud, and that seemed to put the psychiatrist's mind at ease.  What a shock that day in court, when the same Judge who granted temporary custody refused to admit he had made a mistake.  We "fixed" the custody problem eventually, but 7 months in PV was a terrible vengeance for a father to exact from his own child.

Why can't parents realize their words can sometimes do more damage than fists?

Peeps, ur trolling skills r weak
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2008, 11:15:50 AM »
If Zen posted CCM's info, where the fuck is it?  CCM has posted Zen's info all over the place.  CCM keeps saying she's been "outed", but where is this info?  I don't see it, and obviously CCM and the who have been cobbling together Zen's posts, but they don't have their main one.

CCM, you're a fucking lying bitch.  Who, you're a cunt, and don't think your absence while this troll is smearing zen's family all over the forum has gone unnoticed.

Fuck them, Zen.  Don't let them run you off or intimidate you.  This is low, scumbucket behavior, and they look like shit for doing it.

Again, CCM, you're a godawful bitch for supporting whoever is doing it.  I hope somebody DOES post your info on the board for real.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2008, 01:36:59 PM »
Quote from: "WTKEY"
If Zen posted CCM's info, where the fuck is it?  CCM has posted Zen's info all over the place.  CCM keeps saying she's been "outed", but where is this info?  I don't see it, and obviously CCM and the who have been cobbling together Zen's posts, but they don't have their main one.

CCM, you're a fucking lying bitch.  Who, you're a cunt, and don't think your absence while this troll is smearing zen's family all over the forum has gone unnoticed.

Fuck them, Zen.  Don't let them run you off or intimidate you.  This is low, scumbucket behavior, and they look like shit for doing it.

Again, CCM, you're a godawful bitch for supporting whoever is doing it.  I hope somebody DOES post your info on the board for real.

I'm not in support of anyone posting personal information of people here. I don't think you'll ever find Psy, or Ginger accusing me of posting information on Zen, or his family. They may have a long list of things they disagree with me on, and they may not like me, but I was never out to win a popularity contest here on Fornits. They have access to Fornits to see where these postings are coming from. Even if people are using proxies, there is a time line, and people have different writing styles. It's pretty obvious it's not me.

In your words, I am a lying fucking bitch who is just god awful! You hope someone posts my information for real?!! That's not very nice. What will that accomplish? I haven't done anything to anyone. What will you do? Write me letters? Show up at my house? Please tell me you have better things to do. If not, give me a call...maybe we can brainstorm on things you could be doing to actually make a difference in this world.

I think it's wrong for people to describe Zen's daughter as having the face of a burn victim, and a body of a gorilla. But, at the same time Zen asking me if CCM in my user name stands for Crack Craving Miranda? How mature is that? Give me a break! While it is totally wrong for people to attack people on a physical level, it's even worse to make fun of me, and my crack habit. Crack is very addictive!
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 01:56:02 PM by CCM girl 1989 »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #65 on: August 09, 2008, 01:53:01 PM »
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"

In your words, I am a lying fucking bitch who is just god awful! You hope someone posts my information for real?!! That's not very nice. What will that accomplish? I haven't done anything to anyone.

Nah, she's a saint.  I hate to blow yer martyr charade.

Quote from: "CCM bitch"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Wow, that's a shocker coming home to all this! Once again, no sleep will be lost.

Fuck you all very much for your comments!


CCM girl 1989

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Cassandra"
Thank you, CCM! I was debating whether or not to go for broke and do some prostitution while I still have the gear for it. I was worried what my friends and kids might think. But you've reminded me that it doesn't matter. I'll let ya know how it goes, k?

You know it's so tempting Ginger to just get in the ring with you (to throw insults back and forth). But, I'm not going to. You are doing a good thing here with Fornits, and I appreciate it as well as the thousands that take the time to stop by. But, sometimes the things you say make no sense. Try to be a little more open minded, and don't try to push your views on everyone here. You're coming across as the big bad bully. Not everyone thinks like you do, and nor should they. You trying to control peoples minds by not letting them state their opinions without the wrath of Ginger makes you just as bad as "THEM". Which to me makes no sense since you despise all these people we discuss here on Fornits.

Is it possible you've turned into one of them, and don't even know it?

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
We hear way too much from you TSW, shhhhhhhhhh. BFD!?!!! You're such a shit starter.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Put a cork in it! Once again, you have no clue what you're talking about. Do, us all a favor......... and handcuff your hands behind your back if you can't control yourself. Please, pretty please! I'm begging you!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
You're soooooooo whitty TSW, so quick, so cool, god you're a fucking idiot. No, really! You are pathetic. Get outta the house, get off the computer, go have some social interaction. Even a dogs hairy ass is better then nothing!?!! Huh? Remember one thing, and one thing only from tonights exchange. You're nothing, nada! N-A-D-A!!!!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Nihilanthic"
Why are you insulting gookie instead of talking about why you feel we should not say programs are bad, CCM?

Niles, I've given you plenty of attention before. I'm over you, moving on to bigger losers like TSW.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Niles, are you finally coming down my friend? Up all night doing drugs? You, and your speed freak buddies are not to be trusted. You've taken this site, and blown it into tiny little pieces. Nobody should even think about posting here from programs. No staff, no parents, nobody.

It's painfully obvious the only people who are wanted here are the cry babies, and the VICTIMS, go cry me a river! See how boring this all will get. Nothing to argue over when you are invading the system, and changing, deleting posts.

You fucked up my little bitch.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
lols.. CCM girl is off her meds also.

Get a life fucker!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
You were in one what?!!! Back off little girl? Hahaha I'm 33 years old. You're a real dumbass ya know, and as far as you being a parent? Big deal, there are 12 year olds out there having babies.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Niles, my darling little pumpkie.........YOU WERE NEVER IN A PROGRAM! You don't know shit about them. What part of that can you not get through that thick skull of yours?!! How can I make it any more clearer????

You were never there, you are not a parent of a child who went there. I am not sure how the hell you got involved in this whole thing, but you have no clue what you are talking about my friend!

Go join the KKK, or the Geek Squad? I don't care as long as you just take your anger somewhere else you little freak.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
We all have had different experiences while in programs. I have every right to say how it went down in the places I attended. I do feel badly for some people who were sexually abused. But, I am just saying that nobody was ever raped at any of the places I attended.

Sounds like Rachael had some interesting experiences though?

A child (someone under the age of majority) cannot consent to a sexual experience, under the law.

You have no idea what happened to other people.  I have 2 good friends who were raped by staff while there were 2 other staff and  5 other kids in the same house.  Nobody knew anything.  Including myself.  I was there and I had no idea.  However, after it was revealed and with the benefit of hindsight I found both of them to be completely credible and myself to have been completely clueless.   As you are now.

You are one callous, cruel little bitch.

Oh really? What house, or what program were you in? Name it, and name the staff who did it. If, and when you do that, maybe I'll give you the time of day. Until then you are just another anon posting a bunch of crap.

Drama queen.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"

I would agree with you that more then likely your story did bore me, and that's why I don't remember it. I didn't need you to repeat your story again, I just asked what your age was, that's all.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Niles, I just want you to know what a heartless jerk I think you are. I totally voted for us all to get together for a party on your stupid poll. I will only come though if we use you as a pinyata! I just want to take a bat, and swing at you my friend.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"

I will be in your neck of the woods come Thursday! Should I come pay you a visit? You have to admit there are some of you who act totally nuts on here, and that's just stating the obvious. Sorry if you took it personally. When I come to visit you what should I look for on your forehead? What will Deb have you tattooed with?

CCM girl

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Out of curiosity..... Are you a mormon??????

Not that it's any of your business, but no I am not! Hey, since you live in Boca, does that make you a jew?!! LOL!!!!!

Next time I am in Delray, I'll make sure and look you up. If Deborah has it her way you'll have JEW tattooed across your forehead in no time at all. But, how on earth will I set you apart from all the other jews out there?

Anyway, I personally could care less what religion anybody on this board, or on this earth here is. What matters most to me is what kind of person you are in your heart.

Unfortunately, a lot of you on here have proven to be total assholes who most of the time like to pretend you're smarter then everyone else.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Narvin Lichfield"
Obviously you are not my son and quite obviously the rumor mongers that try to create a "so called life" here electronically had nothing more to say when the facts and the truth of the Dundee Ranch Fiasco didn’t quite turn out to be what they thought or believed. No one has posted here for months and of course no one has posted the fact that I, Narvin Lichfield was innocent and acquitted of any charges like I had been saying from the start...even though this was made publicly evident more than 4 months ago in the press this is the first posting of it to my knowledge and it is sad I had to be the one to do it. You would think the people here so ready to "bravely" slander others trying to look like the latest savior of the children would have the courage to admit when they have rushed to judgment and destroyed another’s persons name. Obviously no such honor among thieves exists for the persons who post here over the last 5 years in my opinion are just that “thieves” as defined by the bard they …steals trash; ’tis something, nothing. ‘Twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. Iago, Othello The Moore Of Venice, Act III Scene iii. is my sincere hope that others do not treat you all with the same level of hypocrisy and poison I’ve experienced here at your hands and keyboards.. that you will never have this forced upon you over false allegations made by such needy people as Amberly Knight whose story changes every time it is told (just go check her testimony in the court documents in Colorado when she was advocating the virtues of the program against what she said in the Utah sue sheff case both were under oath) or by a now convicted pedophile in the form of Bruce Harris (Bruce was convicted of having sex with an under age boy for 3 years in central America) and as a result of a defunct pseudo-child caring organization like what we saw in Casa Alilanza that he was the director of that closed weeks after his arrest.. Karma has a way of coming around so be careful and try to treat the next guy with a little more kindness you might need it yourself some day.


I cannot speak for everyone here, but I for one did not set out to slander your name. I am guilty of watching the news, and reading articles on your school, and then discussing it openly. Your beef my friend, is with the media, and your former employees.

Nobody here knows you personally (I don't think??? If so then speak up). I think if you tried putting yourself in someone elses shoes besides your own, someone that did suffer abuse whether it be mentally, physically, or sexually from schools or placements similiar to yours then you could understand the anger and disgust pointed in your direction. You'd be able to empathize with them.

I'm not sure if posting this newspaper article will do much to change peoples opinion of you here on Fornits, or not? But, it's pretty much a guarantee that by saying what you said in your post, and the way you said it, people here are not going to like you even more.

I'm not even really sure why you decided to post? I am assuming that you did to basically rub everyones nose in the fact that you were found "Not Guilty". Not sure that was a good idea? Basically, in doing so you've disturbed the hive.

My advice, if you're truelly innocent........and your school, and staff are innocent........just let it go. The more you bring things up, the more you give people here something to talk about.

CCM girl 1989

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Oh yeah Ganja, Psy is just so level headed. What a charming young man he is. So polite, so articulate! LOL. I just would of hated to see him without Prozac. He seems to be very angry even on meds?!! Maybe he needs to switch them? Sometimes they do need to do that because the effectivness wears off?!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
I just want to take this time to thank baby Jesus for providing Psy with Prozac. That's all, thank you again baby Jesus!!!!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Dad Trying,

Get out while you can, LOL!!! Some of the posters here are able to give helpful advice, and that's great. But, some of them come on here to just argue till the cows come home. They love it!

Take a lot of what they have to say with a grain of salt. I try to not let them get under my skin. That's what they enjoy most. Sick, I know! But, hey that's just who they are! They can't help it, they still have a bunch of issues they have not dealt with.

Just feel sorry for them. I know I do.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
The only one who is making sense is The Who. Period. End of story. Throw in the towel guys, you're losing.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "TS Waygookin"
I'll be starting a thread on Magnolia Criminal Center down in my own forum later. I've a few people who have expressed interest at taking a closer look at the place. Sad that an intelligent young man like Kevin could have tied his name and reputation to a place that is looking much like a standard industry duckfarm.

quack quack honk honk same old shit new face on it.

That's nice, who cares.  :roll:

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
ccm, no one needs you dishing out suggestions of any type of your brand of abuse, OK?  YOU AIN'T in a program now, as an upper level bitch, who gets to dispense abuse on anybody.  And anyone can say what they wish, and no one has to "put a cork in it."

Nobody HAS to put a cork in it?!! I just wish YOU would because I NEVER was some "upper level bitch"!!!! I was just quoted today by a former staff member as a total hellion when asked about me LOL!!!! You have no clue of who I was or who I am today. Remember this.......I'll dish out whatever I want, whenever I want, and how I want. So, back off bitch.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
You were in one what?!!! Back off little girl? Hahaha I'm 33 years old. You're a real dumbass ya know, and as far as you being a parent? Big deal, there are 12 year olds out there having babies.

In a behavior modification facility.  33?  Well, I got at least 10 years on ya.

Yes, there are 12 year olds out there having babies.  Your solution is to lock them up?

Dumbass. :roll:

Have your opinions I will have mine. So what if you're 10 years older then me? By calling me a little girl I only assumed someone such as yourself who has the brain the size of a pea thought CCM girl 1989 meant that was the year I was born! BTW, if your 12 and getting knocked maybe you need to use a condom. Not only will it prevent that, but it could prevent you contacting an STD or HIV for god sakes.

You're not going to change my mind. It's not my job to go out there and find good treatment facilities. They do exist. You are a complete moron if you don't think they do. What, you want me on my own dime, to go out there and start investigation and locating these places for parents? And of course not make any money doing it!!!!! This whole subject is turning into a joke.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Listen here, if anyone can prove to me that Jeff Berryman is no better then WWASPS........then I would love to hear it. Show me proof!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Let's play 'who said it'! Take a guess before you click on the link and see!
« Reply #66 on: August 09, 2008, 01:54:33 PM »
When Whootie needs back-up, up pops PMS girl.  It would make sense...PMS girll is a vile, pitiless beast, but if she's confronted for gross bitchery, she whines about being a program survivor.  I've never known the goblin girl to do anything more than spew negativity and take cheap shots. ... 26#p297026
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Quote from: "sigh"
When Whootie needs back-up, up pops PMS girl.  It would make sense...PMS girll is a vile, pitiless beast, but if she's confronted for gross bitchery, she whines about being a program survivor.  I've never known the goblin girl to do anything more than spew negativity and take cheap shots. ... 26#p297026

Got any more?  CCM wins hands down.  Tell me, from the laundry list of "vile, pitiless" comments CCM made, why the above description of her is incorrect?  Does she not have a history of spewing negativity and taking cheap shots?

Zen's mean spirited, but it's not unprovoked.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Liar, liar pants on fire!
« Reply #68 on: August 09, 2008, 02:02:22 PM »
Quote from: "ZenAgent"

DON'T ask for what you DON'T WANT....I've got as many boundaries as you, who.  Obviously.[…]

Share your "information".

Now I'll honor my end and delete the above.

Here ZenAgent explain his motivation behind outing CCM and her husband. He says TheWho asked for the info. Stay classy, ZenAgent!

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I edited CCM's name out of the post without anyone asking me to do it.

Here is ZenAgent admitting to editing out CCM's name, in a post he now claims never existed.

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Okay, first I'd like to apologize to CCM - I didn't use anything more than your first name and home state, (you used to sign your posts with your first name).  I did add your husband's first name, too. 

Here is ZenAgent apologizing for the post he now claims never existed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Liar, liar pants on fire!
« Reply #69 on: August 09, 2008, 02:07:07 PM »
Quote from: "Zen=Liar"

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I edited CCM's name out of the post without anyone asking me to do it.

Follow the link.  That line "I edited....isn't in the post linked.  They're making shit up, hoping no one double checks them.

Looks like we go the real liars.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2008, 02:17:56 PM »
Quote from: ZenAgent on March 04, 2008, 08:07:13 PM
Okay, first I'd like to apologize to CCM - I didn't use anything more than your first name and home state, (you used to sign your posts with your first name).  I did add your husband's first name, too.

If zen can explain what he was apologizing to ccm for ,that will clear things up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2008, 02:37:51 PM »
who gives a shit what zen meant? This is all orchestrated by PV  as an excuse to post Zen and family's personal information over and over, and attack with cruel remarks in an attempt to silence them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #72 on: August 09, 2008, 03:07:37 PM »
Quote from: "guest"
Quote from: ZenAgent on March 04, 2008, 08:07:13 PM
Okay, first I'd like to apologize to CCM - I didn't use anything more than your first name and home state, (you used to sign your posts with your first name).  I did add your husband's first name, too.

If zen can explain what he was apologizing to ccm for ,that will clear things up.

It sounds like he's saying he knew their info but only posted first names?  and could have posted the rest, but wouldn't do it?  And he was sorry for posting even that?

At least he tried to resolve it, unlike you pigs.  maybe all he did was google "CCMgirl1989".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #73 on: August 09, 2008, 04:06:57 PM »
All this talk about who stated what is a waste of time.

It is exactly why only the identity of only one of we Danes from Secret prisons for teens is known to foreigners. He never leaves Denmark as we do. So if someone wants to come for coffee it can only be on an address in Denmark. We will not tell anyone about who we are.

If someone is up to a conspiracy, then blame a terapist with insight in the paranoia a stay in a program can result in for planting such info just to tear this message board apart. (And he or she succeeded in some way).

If none are up to such a conspiracy theory, then end this thread and the other thread like this one.

Start working on outing the programs instead. They are just thriving while we fight.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: is it a good idea to have zen as moderator?
« Reply #74 on: August 09, 2008, 08:19:55 PM »
Quote from: "NoNoNo"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"

In your words, I am a lying fucking bitch who is just god awful! You hope someone posts my information for real?!! That's not very nice. What will that accomplish? I haven't done anything to anyone.

Nah, she's a saint.  I hate to blow yer martyr charade.

Quote from: "CCM bitch"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Wow, that's a shocker coming home to all this! Once again, no sleep will be lost.

Fuck you all very much for your comments!


CCM girl 1989

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Cassandra"
Thank you, CCM! I was debating whether or not to go for broke and do some prostitution while I still have the gear for it. I was worried what my friends and kids might think. But you've reminded me that it doesn't matter. I'll let ya know how it goes, k?

You know it's so tempting Ginger to just get in the ring with you (to throw insults back and forth). But, I'm not going to. You are doing a good thing here with Fornits, and I appreciate it as well as the thousands that take the time to stop by. But, sometimes the things you say make no sense. Try to be a little more open minded, and don't try to push your views on everyone here. You're coming across as the big bad bully. Not everyone thinks like you do, and nor should they. You trying to control peoples minds by not letting them state their opinions without the wrath of Ginger makes you just as bad as "THEM". Which to me makes no sense since you despise all these people we discuss here on Fornits.

Is it possible you've turned into one of them, and don't even know it?

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
We hear way too much from you TSW, shhhhhhhhhh. BFD!?!!! You're such a shit starter.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Put a cork in it! Once again, you have no clue what you're talking about. Do, us all a favor......... and handcuff your hands behind your back if you can't control yourself. Please, pretty please! I'm begging you!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
You're soooooooo whitty TSW, so quick, so cool, god you're a fucking idiot. No, really! You are pathetic. Get outta the house, get off the computer, go have some social interaction. Even a dogs hairy ass is better then nothing!?!! Huh? Remember one thing, and one thing only from tonights exchange. You're nothing, nada! N-A-D-A!!!!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Nihilanthic"
Why are you insulting gookie instead of talking about why you feel we should not say programs are bad, CCM?

Niles, I've given you plenty of attention before. I'm over you, moving on to bigger losers like TSW.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Niles, are you finally coming down my friend? Up all night doing drugs? You, and your speed freak buddies are not to be trusted. You've taken this site, and blown it into tiny little pieces. Nobody should even think about posting here from programs. No staff, no parents, nobody.

It's painfully obvious the only people who are wanted here are the cry babies, and the VICTIMS, go cry me a river! See how boring this all will get. Nothing to argue over when you are invading the system, and changing, deleting posts.

You fucked up my little bitch.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
lols.. CCM girl is off her meds also.

Get a life fucker!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
You were in one what?!!! Back off little girl? Hahaha I'm 33 years old. You're a real dumbass ya know, and as far as you being a parent? Big deal, there are 12 year olds out there having babies.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Niles, my darling little pumpkie.........YOU WERE NEVER IN A PROGRAM! You don't know shit about them. What part of that can you not get through that thick skull of yours?!! How can I make it any more clearer????

You were never there, you are not a parent of a child who went there. I am not sure how the hell you got involved in this whole thing, but you have no clue what you are talking about my friend!

Go join the KKK, or the Geek Squad? I don't care as long as you just take your anger somewhere else you little freak.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
We all have had different experiences while in programs. I have every right to say how it went down in the places I attended. I do feel badly for some people who were sexually abused. But, I am just saying that nobody was ever raped at any of the places I attended.

Sounds like Rachael had some interesting experiences though?

A child (someone under the age of majority) cannot consent to a sexual experience, under the law.

You have no idea what happened to other people.  I have 2 good friends who were raped by staff while there were 2 other staff and  5 other kids in the same house.  Nobody knew anything.  Including myself.  I was there and I had no idea.  However, after it was revealed and with the benefit of hindsight I found both of them to be completely credible and myself to have been completely clueless.   As you are now.

You are one callous, cruel little bitch.

Oh really? What house, or what program were you in? Name it, and name the staff who did it. If, and when you do that, maybe I'll give you the time of day. Until then you are just another anon posting a bunch of crap.

Drama queen.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"

I would agree with you that more then likely your story did bore me, and that's why I don't remember it. I didn't need you to repeat your story again, I just asked what your age was, that's all.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Niles, I just want you to know what a heartless jerk I think you are. I totally voted for us all to get together for a party on your stupid poll. I will only come though if we use you as a pinyata! I just want to take a bat, and swing at you my friend.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"

I will be in your neck of the woods come Thursday! Should I come pay you a visit? You have to admit there are some of you who act totally nuts on here, and that's just stating the obvious. Sorry if you took it personally. When I come to visit you what should I look for on your forehead? What will Deb have you tattooed with?

CCM girl

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Out of curiosity..... Are you a mormon??????

Not that it's any of your business, but no I am not! Hey, since you live in Boca, does that make you a jew?!! LOL!!!!!

Next time I am in Delray, I'll make sure and look you up. If Deborah has it her way you'll have JEW tattooed across your forehead in no time at all. But, how on earth will I set you apart from all the other jews out there?

Anyway, I personally could care less what religion anybody on this board, or on this earth here is. What matters most to me is what kind of person you are in your heart.

Unfortunately, a lot of you on here have proven to be total assholes who most of the time like to pretend you're smarter then everyone else.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Narvin Lichfield"
Obviously you are not my son and quite obviously the rumor mongers that try to create a "so called life" here electronically had nothing more to say when the facts and the truth of the Dundee Ranch Fiasco didn’t quite turn out to be what they thought or believed. No one has posted here for months and of course no one has posted the fact that I, Narvin Lichfield was innocent and acquitted of any charges like I had been saying from the start...even though this was made publicly evident more than 4 months ago in the press this is the first posting of it to my knowledge and it is sad I had to be the one to do it. You would think the people here so ready to "bravely" slander others trying to look like the latest savior of the children would have the courage to admit when they have rushed to judgment and destroyed another’s persons name. Obviously no such honor among thieves exists for the persons who post here over the last 5 years in my opinion are just that “thieves” as defined by the bard they …steals trash; ’tis something, nothing. ‘Twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. Iago, Othello The Moore Of Venice, Act III Scene iii. is my sincere hope that others do not treat you all with the same level of hypocrisy and poison I’ve experienced here at your hands and keyboards.. that you will never have this forced upon you over false allegations made by such needy people as Amberly Knight whose story changes every time it is told (just go check her testimony in the court documents in Colorado when she was advocating the virtues of the program against what she said in the Utah sue sheff case both were under oath) or by a now convicted pedophile in the form of Bruce Harris (Bruce was convicted of having sex with an under age boy for 3 years in central America) and as a result of a defunct pseudo-child caring organization like what we saw in Casa Alilanza that he was the director of that closed weeks after his arrest.. Karma has a way of coming around so be careful and try to treat the next guy with a little more kindness you might need it yourself some day.


I cannot speak for everyone here, but I for one did not set out to slander your name. I am guilty of watching the news, and reading articles on your school, and then discussing it openly. Your beef my friend, is with the media, and your former employees.

Nobody here knows you personally (I don't think??? If so then speak up). I think if you tried putting yourself in someone elses shoes besides your own, someone that did suffer abuse whether it be mentally, physically, or sexually from schools or placements similiar to yours then you could understand the anger and disgust pointed in your direction. You'd be able to empathize with them.

I'm not sure if posting this newspaper article will do much to change peoples opinion of you here on Fornits, or not? But, it's pretty much a guarantee that by saying what you said in your post, and the way you said it, people here are not going to like you even more.

I'm not even really sure why you decided to post? I am assuming that you did to basically rub everyones nose in the fact that you were found "Not Guilty". Not sure that was a good idea? Basically, in doing so you've disturbed the hive.

My advice, if you're truelly innocent........and your school, and staff are innocent........just let it go. The more you bring things up, the more you give people here something to talk about.

CCM girl 1989

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Oh yeah Ganja, Psy is just so level headed. What a charming young man he is. So polite, so articulate! LOL. I just would of hated to see him without Prozac. He seems to be very angry even on meds?!! Maybe he needs to switch them? Sometimes they do need to do that because the effectivness wears off?!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
I just want to take this time to thank baby Jesus for providing Psy with Prozac. That's all, thank you again baby Jesus!!!!!

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Dad Trying,

Get out while you can, LOL!!! Some of the posters here are able to give helpful advice, and that's great. But, some of them come on here to just argue till the cows come home. They love it!

Take a lot of what they have to say with a grain of salt. I try to not let them get under my skin. That's what they enjoy most. Sick, I know! But, hey that's just who they are! They can't help it, they still have a bunch of issues they have not dealt with.

Just feel sorry for them. I know I do.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
The only one who is making sense is The Who. Period. End of story. Throw in the towel guys, you're losing.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "TS Waygookin"
I'll be starting a thread on Magnolia Criminal Center down in my own forum later. I've a few people who have expressed interest at taking a closer look at the place. Sad that an intelligent young man like Kevin could have tied his name and reputation to a place that is looking much like a standard industry duckfarm.

quack quack honk honk same old shit new face on it.

That's nice, who cares.  :roll:

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
ccm, no one needs you dishing out suggestions of any type of your brand of abuse, OK?  YOU AIN'T in a program now, as an upper level bitch, who gets to dispense abuse on anybody.  And anyone can say what they wish, and no one has to "put a cork in it."

Nobody HAS to put a cork in it?!! I just wish YOU would because I NEVER was some "upper level bitch"!!!! I was just quoted today by a former staff member as a total hellion when asked about me LOL!!!! You have no clue of who I was or who I am today. Remember this.......I'll dish out whatever I want, whenever I want, and how I want. So, back off bitch.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
You were in one what?!!! Back off little girl? Hahaha I'm 33 years old. You're a real dumbass ya know, and as far as you being a parent? Big deal, there are 12 year olds out there having babies.

In a behavior modification facility.  33?  Well, I got at least 10 years on ya.

Yes, there are 12 year olds out there having babies.  Your solution is to lock them up?

Dumbass. :roll:

Have your opinions I will have mine. So what if you're 10 years older then me? By calling me a little girl I only assumed someone such as yourself who has the brain the size of a pea thought CCM girl 1989 meant that was the year I was born! BTW, if your 12 and getting knocked maybe you need to use a condom. Not only will it prevent that, but it could prevent you contacting an STD or HIV for god sakes.

You're not going to change my mind. It's not my job to go out there and find good treatment facilities. They do exist. You are a complete moron if you don't think they do. What, you want me on my own dime, to go out there and start investigation and locating these places for parents? And of course not make any money doing it!!!!! This whole subject is turning into a joke.

Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Listen here, if anyone can prove to me that Jeff Berryman is no better then WWASPS........then I would love to hear it. Show me proof!

Zen (or sound alike), as one who comes and goes, the last time I "went" was when ccm was getting abused by you, stoododog, Niles and a bunch of Anons. It was such a grotesque thing to witness, I left.

Among other things: you posted her photo, made fun of her looks, made fun of her family, accessed her personal messages and taunted her about that, eventually you posted her personal info. You didn’t deny what you did back then; you said posting her info was “her fault” for making it traceable. You did this all with a malicious sanctimonious glee. Your excuse for all this was that she wasn’t anti-program enough. But your excuse is not ethically sound.

I don’t think all those quotes are accurate but where they are they are in the context of being abused for no good reason or just being a fallible human being. It would be interesting to assemble your quotes. I doubt you’d stand up as well as ccm. Go to the source, and these quotes are after provocations. And in any event, it’s not your place to “punish” a survivor for failing to please you enough by posting her info, or judge her "lesser" than human and thusly "good" to torment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »